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We are the 99 percent

Articles tagged sex work

Sex Workers are the 99%! — July 19: International Day of Protest Against the Violent Abuse and Murder of Sex Workers

Posted 11 years ago on July 18, 2013, 9:20 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: sex work, day of action, nyc, international, sex worker rights

photos of murdered sex workers Jasmine and Dora

What: Rally to demand justice for murdered sex workers and an end to all policies criminalizing sex work
Social Media: #JusticeForJasmine #JusticeForDora #StigmaKills
NYC info: NYC Solidarity Protest for Slain Sex Workers
Global Facebook event
More info on cities across the world: jasmineanddora.wordpress.com
Allies welcome!

via http://jasmineanddora.wordpress.com/:

On July 19th, 2013, people are gathering in over 35 cities across the globe to protest against violence against sex workers.

Following the murders of Dora Özer and Petite Jasmine on the 9th and 11 of July 2013, sex workers, their friends, families, and allies are coming together to demand an end to stigma, criminalisation, violence and murders. In the week since the two tragedies occurred, the feelings of anger, grief, sadness and injustice – for the loss of Dora and Jasmine, but also for the senseless and systemic murders and violence against sex workers worldwide – have brought together people in more than 35 cities from four continents who agreed to organise demos, vigils, and protests in front of Turkish and Swedish embassies or other symbolic places. JOIN US on Friday the 19th at 3 pm local time and stand in solidarity with sex workers and their loved ones around the world! Justice for Dora! Justice for Jasmine! Justice for all sex workers who are victims of violence!

via http://jasmineanddora.wordpress.com/new-york/:

As the sex trade becomes an ever more important part of how neoliberal economies handle the poorest and most marginalized, violence against sex workers – particularly against transgender and immigrant women – has become a tragic epidemic. Please join us this Friday, where we will be rallying in solidarity with sex workers all over the world to commemorate two women, Dora Özer and Petite Jasmine, who brutally lost their lives last week in Turkey and Sweden.

banner reading "outlaw poverty not prostitutes"
Photo from San Francisco International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, 2010

For more information & background see below...