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Articles tagged occupy homes

Call or Text the 1% to Stop an Illegal Eviction

Posted 11 years ago on July 25, 2013, 9:45 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: Class War, Mortgage, Eviction, occupy homes, Chase Bank, Direct Action

From Occupy Our Homes in Minnesota:

75 community members forced 30 sheriffs to retreat from a Minnesota home as boards were removed. Two were arrested and one home defender was cut out of a barrel filled with concrete by sheriffs wielding a jackhammer and saw. We have held the home!

Please be on HIGH ALERT, another eviction attempt is likely to happen in the coming days.

Here's how you can help:

Call the following Chase employees to demand they halt the eviction!

Doug Braunstein
Chase Vice Chair
Mobile: 917.837.6775

James Crown
Chase Board Member
Home: 312.642.5512

Kevin Watters
CEO of Chase Mortgage Banking
Home: 914.771.6677

Thanks for your support--with your help we will continue fighting day and night to defend Sergio's family from an illegal eviction carried out by the public servants who are paid by the public to serve the public, not private, interest.



Tell the Bankers that the People are Too Big To Fail

Posted 11 years ago on May 15, 2013, 10:21 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: direct action, foreclosure defense, occupy homes

May 20th: Day of Action

Homeowners VS. Banking Execs

Showdown at the Department of Justice

Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail?

Millions of underwater homeowners have paid the price for Wall Street's crimes. From mortgage fraud to predatory lending, it's time to put bankers in jail.

Join Occupy Homes, dozens of underwater homeowners, and hundreds of allies from across the country as we take action and risk arrest at the Department of Justice.

Bring Justice to Justice Rally: May 20th @ 1pm Gather: Freedom Plaza, 14th Street and Pennsylvania Ave NW – March to Department of Justice @ 1:30pm

With Occupy Homes, Home Defenders League, Campaign for a Fair Settlement, and community and faith leaders

Five years after Wall Street crashed the economy, not one banker has been prosecuted for the reckless and fraudulent practices that cost millions of Americans their jobs, threw our cities and schools into crisis, and left families and communities ravaged by a foreclosure crisis and epidemic of underwater mortgages.

Record profits are back at the bailed-out banks. Meanwhile:

  • Homeowners and communities have lost billions to Wall Street’s foreclosure crisis;

  • Millions more families face foreclosure in the coming months;

  • Communities of color have been impacted the most.

This March, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, testifying before a U.S. Senate committee, admitted that big banks and their executives have escaped prosecution simply because they are too wealthy and powerful. "Too big to fail” banks are officially “too big to jail."

The time is now for Congress and the Obama administration to make Wall Street pay us back:

  • Prosecute Wall Street bankers for stealing our homes, savings and livelihoods;

  • End the foreclosure crisis;

  • Reset mortgages to their current value (“principal reduction”);

  • Restore and rebuild wealth stolen from communities of color hardest hit.

Since the crisis began, Americans from all walks of life have banded together to help each other. Working through community organizations, civil rights groups, the Occupy movement, and community and faith leaders, we have shared our stories, lobbied, petitioned, and even faced arrest for occupying our own homes and demanding justice.

During the Wall Street Accountability Week of Action in Washington, D.C., May 18-23, families on the front line of the foreclosure crisis will travel from around the country to Washington, D.C., to make their voices heard. The week will include community organizing, home-defense training, and non-violence and civil-disobedience training.

On Monday, May 20, at 1:00pm, home defenders, as well as faith and community leaders will rally to Bring Justice to Justice – demanding an end to the “too big to jail” policy, and relief for families and communities devastated by the financial crisis and foreclosure epidemic.