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Articles tagged s16

DecoloNYC: The New POC Activism, 2 PM Sunday, September 16

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 14, 2012, 4:53 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: s16, decolonyc, poc, nyc


The wave of protests that swept the globe in 2010-2011 marked the opening of a new chapter in the history of global struggle and resistance. In New York, the occupation of Zuccotti Park and mass street protests of Fall 2011 were only the most visible manifestations of this new upsurge in political activity. Concurrently with actions and campaigns around economic issues, one of the most exciting recent developments has been the proliferation of new projects, groups, and alliances dedicated to building power among people of color. Since the summer of 2011, New York has witnessed the birth of numerous collectives and initiatives, including Occupy the Hood, Take Back the Bronx, Native Resistance Network, Mothers Resist Racist Policing, Stop Stop + Frisk, Families Against Stop & Frisk, Campaign to End the New Jim Crow, Occupy Sunset Park, and DecoloNYC. Meanwhile, longstanding racial justice organizations and groups are also experiencing a burst of energy, and many are pursuing new lines of action: for example, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project recently established a Movement Building Team; Anarchist People of Color (APOC) convened their first national gathering since 2003; and La Unión, CAAAV, La Casita Comunal de Sunset Park, and the Arab American Association of New York have partnered up to plan a block party in Sunset Park that will bring together Latino, Asian, and Arab communities around music and shared issues.

In recognition of the recent amplification of racial justice work in New York, DecoloNYC invites all people of color activists and allies working toward racial justice to join us at Judson Memorial Church this Sunday, September 16th from 2 to 5 p.m. for an afternoon of conversation, celebration, information-sharing, networking, and community-building. (Enter at the side door on Thompson St. closest to Washington Square South.) The event will include open socializing, conversation around questions related to POC organizing, and space for groups to introduce themselves and their work, announce upcoming actions and projects, and let others know how they can plug in. Light refreshments will be served, and childcare will be available. The space is wheelchair-accessible.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! In the meantime, here are a few actions and events coming up in the next week--a small sample of the important work being done all over the city.


7:00 p.m. - FORUM TO BUILD A MOVEMENT AGAINST MASS INCARCERATION On the day following the 41st anniversary of the Attica uprising, come to Riverside Church to join prison activists in fighting mass incarceration and demanding the closing of Attica as a symbolic commitment to the larger goal. Speakers include Michelle Alexander, Angela Davis, Jazz Hayden, Marc Lamont Hill, Cornel West, Pam Africa, and Soffiyah Elijah.


12:00-8:00 p.m. - GATHERING THE GRASSROOTS: THE FRONTLINE OF ASIAN AMERICAN MOBILIZATION The Museum of Chinese in America presents a day-long public event celebrating the work of New York Asian American and Pacific Islander grassroots organizations. The event seeks to capture a snapshot of current issues and responses from Asian American and Pacific Islander working class communities. The program will feature keynotes by Dennis Chin, Helen Gym, and Vijay Prashad, panels meant to spark dialogue between organizations and engagement with the public, and performances by Asian American artists.

4:00 p.m. - STOP KILLER COPS: UNITE OUR BLOCKS On Saturday, the Bronx community will take to the streets in response to the police killing of Reynaldo Cuevas, and to fight back against police harassment, brutality, and murder.


6:00 p.m. - A NEW QUEER AGENDA: LAUNCH EVENT A New Queer Agenda (a special double issue of The Scholar and Feminist Online) proposes a new set of issues for a revitalized queer movement with a global democratic vision, reaching across lines of race, ethnicity, gender and gender expression, class, religion, and nationality. This event is free and open to the public. Venue is wheelchair accessible. Co-sponsored by the NYU Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality and the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis; the Barnard Center for Research on Women; and Queers for Economic Justice.


8:30 a.m. - RALLY & PACK THE COURTROOM FOR MAXINE KING Maxine King is a social worker, community organizer, long-term activist, founder of Families Against Stop & Frisk, and advocate challenging Stop & Frisk and mass incarceration. In December 2011, Maxine saw her neighbor’s son and his friends being stopped and frisked by the police in front of her home. When she stood up to defend the youth, saying that what the officers were doing was illegal, she was thrown to the ground, assaulted, and arrested for defending young members of her community. On Thursday, join Families Against Stop & Frisk in supporting Maxine and continuing the fight against Stop & Frisk.


1:00-8:00 p.m. - BEYOND THE BLOCK: RAINBOW PARK From the organizers: “Can a hype block party double as an opportunity to spread information about stop & frisk, immigrant rights, health care, transnational identity, and housing? We say yes. … Beyond The Block creates a space where we can dance to an incredible musical selection while sharing useful information for our communities that are impacted by issues such as undocumented workers’ rights, topics that affect youth, and police surveillance.”


September 16: Occupy Guitarmy OWS Anniversary Concert Featuring Tom Morello, Jello Biafra, and Many More

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 13, 2012, 1:39 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: s17, guitarmy, s16

guitarmy s16

After leaving the Spectra Pipeline Blast Zone, the Occupy Guitarmy will lead a musical march through the village to Foley Square. At Foley Square there will be a giant celebration for and by Occupy Wall Street, including an educational and community-oriented Occupy Town Square and a concert, which will feature Tom Morello, Jello Biafra, Das Racist, Rebel Diaz, Michelle Shocked, and many others.

Occupy Guitarmy will open the concert will a massive sing-along version of “Wall Street, Your Kingdom Must Come Down” leading into “Frack You.” We will end the concert with a massive singalong and guest verses of “Which Side Are You On?”

Bring your instruments, noisemakers, and voices.

12-1pm March leaves from Specra to Foley Square

1pm-6pm Occupy Town Square at Foley Square (Center Street and Worth Street)