Articles tagged 99 pickets
Posted 11 years ago on June 26, 2013, 4:06 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
99 pickets,

After the tragic deaths of over 1,200 Bangladeshi garment workers in factory fires and building collapses, U.S. retailers must take responsibility for the conditions at the factories that produce their clothing. The groundbreaking "Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh", will take meaningful steps towards ensuring safe working conditions in garment factories. Unfortunately, most U.S. companies won't sign the agreement.
Gap, Banana Republic, North Face, Timberland, American Eagle, Target, Sears, Old Navy, Walmart: STOP THE BLOODSHED. Sign the Accord.
Join 99 Pickets, Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM), United Students Against Sweatshops, NYNJRJB Workers United, the YaYa Network, Student Labor Action Movement, UAW, New York CLC, and the Rude Mechanical Orchestra in a mass funeral march to shame and call out U.S. retailers that haven't signed the Accord.
WHEN: Saturday, June 29 at 1pm
WHERE: Petrosino Square, near Spring St. & Lafayette St. in Manhattan.
Dress for mourning
We'll let SoHo shoppers know about these corporations' murderous inaction. It's not as if the agreement is unworkable: H&M, Joe Fresh, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Zara, Primark and 40 other apparel and retail companies that have signed on to the Accord.
More about the Accord
The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, a new agreement between global union federations and 40 prominent apparel and retail companies, requires companies to participate in and fund a program of independent safety inspections, remediation, and worker safety trainings with the involvement of trade unions.
Visual map of the agreement:
The time for individual and ineffective “corporate social responsibility” programs is long over. The legally binding, multi-stakeholder Accord is the kind of framework that is much more likely to result in safer factories and better jobs for garment workers.
For more info, go to:
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 30, 2013, 3:22 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
occupy sandy,
people's recovery summit,
99 pickets,
From February 1st to the 3rd people from across the grassroots community--organizers, volunteers, activists and storm-impacted residents--will meet at The People’s Recovery Summit to address how we can rebuild a stronger, fairer and more sustainable New York City together.
How do we strengthen access to good public schools for our children? How do we rebuild sustainably and equitably? How can we best organize our relief networks before the next time we need them? How do we make our communities healthier places?
Join us this weekend to explore these questions and participate in workshops, listen to speeches, attend trainings, share meals, hear music and help draft a unified people’s recovery statement. Restore power to the people - a better future is in our hands!
--from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team
Occupy these Actions and Events
Wednesday, January 30th, 9:00am
MTA Board Meeting, MTA Metro North Railroad, 347 Madison Ave.
March 1, 2013 the fare on the NYC subway will be increased yet again and this is only one of the many planned increases. Come to the last board meeting before the fare increase goes into effect with signs and speeches ready. Come on out and be heard.
Wednesday, January 30th, 11:00am-2:00pm
Protest of NYPD's "Naked Body Scanners", 1 Police Plaza
The NYPD has announced that it will be putting naked body terahertz scanners on NYC streets and scanning people without their knowledge or consent. Join us at 1 Police Plaza as we peacefully express to the NYPD that we will not tolerate being treated like criminals. RSVP on Facebook.
Thursday, January 31st, 6:30pm
99 Pickets and ROC-NY Celebrating One Year of Struggle, The Capital Grille, 155 E. 42nd St.
For the past year, workers at The Capital Grille have been organizing to change conditions in their workplace, alleging racial discrimination and wage theft, in addition to experiencing other exploitative conditions. Join us on the anniversary of launching the Dignity at Darden campaign, as we show Darden that Capital Grille workers will not rest until justice is had.
Saturday, February 2nd, 10:00am-1:00pm
Sandy Walk, Ends at Staten Island Community Hub, 1128 Olympia Blvd., Midland Beach
Join Staten Island resident Bill Johnsen for a walk on the first Saturday of the month leaving from Brighton St & Billopp Avenue, Tottenville, ending at St. Margaret Mary’s Church, The Occupy Sandy community hub in Staten Island. The walk is in support of Uniting the Victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Sunday, February 3rd, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Occupy the Ferry, St. George Staten Island Ferry Terminal
Staten Island, New York 10301 82nd Street-Jackson Heights / Roosevelt Avenue 7 Train
As outreach to the 99% and in support The WORKERS at Golden Farm in Kensington Brooklyn we will be Occupying the Subways beginning at 1pm and meeting the Boycott/Picket of Golden Farm at 2pm and staying there until 4pm.
Friday, February 1, 2013, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Occupy Beyond Sandy
The Atrium 60 Wall St.
Despite all the GREAT work of Occupy Sandy, the problems of both Sandy Victims and the 99% remain and will only get worse with the plans of the 1% to gentrify in the aftermath of Sandy. With the many issues that still remain before and after Sandy, it’s time we examine our work and continue to organize for the 99% to fight Wall Street and build the Occupy Movement. Please join us. We are involved in several continuous actions all around the city and attempting to build a mass movement
February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
People's Recovery Summit
The Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew, 520 Clinton Ave.
The People's Recovery Summit is a three day event of workshops, trainings, horizontally facilitated discussions, and evening entertainment. Residents, activists, organizers, volunteers, and all concerned citizens will unite to build a more equitable and sustainable New York City post-Hurricane Sandy. Come participate for any and all parts of the weekend and help ignite a people-powered recovery! Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be served.
Tuesday, February 5, 7pm
Divesting from Fossil Fuels
Cooper Union, The Great Hall, 7 East 7th Street between 3rd & 4th Avenues.
America’s colleges and universities prepare the nation’s young people for their future. Yet those same institutions invest in the fossil fuel companies that are profiting enormously from the carbon that’s going to wreck the climate. Thousands of students are building a national movement demanding that university endowments divest from the fossil fuel industry.
Wednesday, February 6th, 9:45am
Flood the Court, 40 Centre St. (40 Foley Square)
The 2nd circuit court of appeals will be hearing oral arguments in the lawsuit against section 1021 of the NDAA. Your attendance will communicate that the public is invested in the outcome of this ruling and unwilling to sit idly by as due process rights are eroded. RSVP on Facebook.
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 14, 2012, 12:25 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
99 pickets,
via 99 Pickets:
Ready to Jam a Walmart Near You? Great! Here’s How.

Making the Signs
- The “Unstoppable” and “Fightback!” price cards are ready to print and copy onto 8 ½ X 11 card stock. Cut ‘em youself!
- The “Lower Wages Guarantee” sign can also be printed on 8.5 X 11 with little cutting (Those are the same size and look as signs right by the cash register… Just sayin’).
- The red banner-type signs (“Poverty Pay”, “Inhumane”, ”Solidarity” are formatted so you can print them on legal size paper and they’ll be just the right size for the displays in the store. After you print them on legal paper, cut them. Then copy them two at a time onto 11 X 17 card stock.

Put ‘em up!
- There are plenty of places for the price cards. Anywhere you see one of theirs, you can put one of these!
- The banner-type signs fit a few different kinds of displays. They should fit over the text of longer signs that are the same height. Just look like you’re supposed to be doing what you’re doing. Smoooooth!
- No need for tape, or clips!

Jam Your Own Jam!
- Have another message for Walmart shoppers? Make your own signs!
- Go scope out you local Walmart to come up with ideas.
- Act on Good Ideas! There are a lot of peaceful, creative, fun way to clear the eyes of those blinded by corporate-driven consumerism and send a strong message to the corporate crooks themselves. Choose yours!
- Make people laugh. Make people think. Cause consternation. Challenge the consumer to re-examine his/her environment and choices, but be creative not destructive!
Share With Others!
Send photos and videos (at your own risk and discretion) of signs you’ve posted to our Rebrand Walmart tumblr!
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 10, 2012, 5:26 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
99 pickets,
When: Tuesday, December 11 @ 4:30pm
Where: Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New York, New York 10065
RSVP on Facebook
Just weeks after the massive demonstration of the #WalmartStrikers Black Friday day of action, Walmart CEO Mike Duke is visiting NYC on Tuesday, Dec. 11 to give a speech for the Council on Foreign Relations entitled "The Responsibility to Lead" - talking about women's economic empowerment, food security & the global middle class.
That's ironic, since Walmart represents the epitome of corporate greed: from use of sweatshop labor, to the poverty wages it pays associates, to discrimination, to illegal retaliation against workers who organize. Mike Duke has no right to speak about the "global middle class", and IT'S TIME WE TAUGHT HIM THE MEANING OF RESPONSIBILITY.
Join ALIGN, 99 Pickets, Walmart Free NYC, Occupy Bergen County, Retail Action Project, MoneyOut/VotersIn, and allies for an afternoon of action -- picket lines, street theater, and more.
Text "@pickets" to 23559 for day-of text message alerts.
We will publicly hold Mike Duke accountable for:
- The deaths of 120 workers from a fire at Bangladeshi sweatshop producing clothing for Walmart in incredibly unsafe conditions.
- Paying Walmart workers poverty wages, forcing many to file for public assistance, and for retaliating against workers when they began to organize and speak out about working conditions.
- Mistreatment of workers across Walmart's supply chain, especially warehouse workers and immigrant workers at Walmart suppliers
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 1, 2012, 12:27 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
99 pickets,
occupy hot and crusty,
direct action

Press release from the Laundry Workers Center via 99pickets. Today is the second day of the action; yesterday, five people were arrested during the occupation, but the picket continues 24/7 outside! If you're in New York, join them now at 63rd & 2nd Ave. Celebrate Labor Day weekend by taking collective action for economic justice! Check Twitter hashtags for live updates: #OccupyHotnCrusty #99PKTS
Workers Allege Retaliatory Store Closure is an Employer Tactic to Break Recently Formed Union, the Hot and Crusty Workers Association
New York, NY, August 31 – Following news of an impending store closure, workers at the 63rd street location of Hot and Crusty bakery have called for a 24-hour picket and store occupation, alleging the company has deliberately withheld rent payments following a hard-fought and successful unionization drive in May 2012. The company, owned by private equity partner Mark Samson, gave the Hot and Crusty Workers Association 11 days notice of eviction from the property, informing employees that August 31st would be their last day.
The union, led by grassroots labor organization Laundry Workers Center and a contingent from Occupy Wall Street, students, faith and community members are occupying the workplace and holding an around-the-clock picket demanding the company discontinue its union-busting tactics, pay its rent immediately, and continue to negotiate a fair contract with its workers. The company has used several bait-and-switch tactics during negotiations, threatening workers’ immigration status to deter their commitment to continuing the fight.
The August 31 closure will mean the loss of 23 jobs – including those of employees with as many as twelve years of employment with the company. Workers allege owners, including Mark Samson, Evangelos Gavalas and Nick Glendis, have a demonstrated history of wage and hour violations, intimidation, retaliation and harassment of workers in several of their businesses, as well as a pattern of closing down shops and opening under different aliases to avoid legal and economic liability. Workers have filed charges at the National Labor Relations Board alleging that the company is closing the 63rd street shop to intimidate workers organizing at other Hot and Crusty locations.
The union, led by grassroots labor organization Laundry Workers Center and a contingent from Occupy Wall Street, students, faith and community members are occupying the workplace and holding an around-the-clock picket demanding the company discontinue its union-busting tactics, pay its rent immediately, and continue to negotiate a fair contract with its workers. The company has used several bait-and-switch tactics during negotiations, threatening workers’ immigration status to deter their commitment to continuing the fight.
Mahoma Lopez, a leader in the campaign who has worked at Hot and Crusty for over 7 years said “I want to send a message that we have to change the way immigrants are treated in this country. We have to show the bosses that we can’t be treated like animals any longer. We need to take radical action like people did in the civil rights movement, so that our voices can be heard. We are so happy to have the community here with us.”
Diego Ibanez, a member of Occupy Wall Street, emphasized the connection between Wall Street and workers, saying, “We’re sending a clear message to greedy bosses that we are watching and will not allow our people in he community to be oppressed any longer.”

Photo from the occupation inside yesterday

@illuminator99 supporting the occupation with a night-time light display

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