Articles tagged global solidarity
Posted 11 years ago on July 3, 2013, 12:48 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
global solidarity

Global March to Dignity - Transnational Solidarity Weekend
Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt…. once more the fire of the global revolution is sweeping out the entire planet. We are taking streets, squares, parks in millions and revolting against the police brutality, torture, environmental destruction, corruption, the looting of the commons by the 1%.
Once more we are throwing away the unbearable weight of naked injustice that we have been forced to carry on our shoulders for thousands of years.
Once more, sons and daughters of ancient civilisations are showing how to walk towards the light without fear and anxiety. A new civilisation is emerging out of joy, fun, fight, pain and blood.
With this call we invite all the comrades to go out this weekend, 6-7 July 2013, with out borders and reclaim the streets, squares, parks and all that belongs the humanity. Let us rise doesn’t matter wherever we are; in Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, in the cities, towns, and villages of the World. Let us rise up together, not only for standing in solidarity with each other, but also to feel the fact that we are fighting our own struggle with the others all over the world.
We might have differences, in our appearance, thinking, cultures, choices, etc. but we are deeply connected and we decided to march towards Dignity as a whole and no matter what it takes to get there.
Let us stand up and walk together!
Posted 11 years ago on April 3, 2013, 8:17 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
global solidarity,
world social forum

As the Social Movements Assembly of the World Social Forum of Tunisia, 2013, we are gathered here to affirm the fundamental contribution of peoples of Maghreb-Mashrek (from North Africa to the Middle East), in the construction of human civilization. We affirm that decolonization for oppressed peoples remains for us, the social movements of the world, a challenge of the greatest importance.
Through the WSF process, the Social Movements Assembly is the place where we come together through our diversity, in order to forge common struggles and a collective agenda to fight against capitalism, patriarchy, racism and all forms of discrimination and oppression. We have built a common history of work which led to some progress, particularly in Latin America, where we have been able to intervene in neoliberal alliances and to create several alternatives for just development that truly honors nature.
Together, the peoples of all the continents are fighting to oppose the domination of capital, hidden behind illusory promises of economic progress and the illusion of political stability.
Now, we are at a crossroads where retrograde and conservative forces want to stop the processes initiated two years ago with the uprisings in the Maghreb-Mashreq region that helped to bring down dictatorships and to challenge the neoliberal system imposed on the peoples. These uprisings have spread to all continents of theworld inspiring indignation and occupation of public places.
People all over the world are suffering the effects of the aggravation of a profound crisis of capitalism, in which its agents (banks, transnational corporations, media conglomerates, international institutions, and governmentscomplicit with neoliberalism) aim at increasing their profits by applying interventionist and neocolonial policies.
War, military occupations, free-trade neoliberal treaties and “austerity measures” are expressed in economic packages that privatize the common good, and public services, cut wages and rights, increase unemployment, overload women´s care work and destroys nature.
Such policies strike the richer countries of the North harder and are increasing migration, forced displacement, evictions, debt, and social inequalities such as in Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and the Spanish State.
They re-enforce conservatism and the control over women´s bodies and lives. In addition, they seek to impose”green economy” as a solution to the environmental and food crisis, which not only exacerbates the problem, but leads to commodification, privatization and financialization of life and nature.
We denounce the intensification of repression to people´s rebellions, the assassination of the leadership of social movements, the criminalization of our struggles and our proposals.
We assert that people must not continue to pay for this systemic crisis and that there is no solution inside the capitalist system! Here, in Tunes, we reaffirm our committment to come together to forge a common strategy to guide our struggles against capitalism. This is why we, social movements, struggle: Read More...
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2012, 11:55 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
global solidarity

Montreal protest, May 22, 2012
VIA22 Call
Student movements, #globalNOISE, Occupy, the Indignados, Take the Square, Democracia Real Ya, Social Forums, Take the Square, Democracia Real Ya, Social Forums, #Yosoy132, Y’en a marre, social movements and long time human rights activists and environmentalists, First Nations, rural and urban populations, organisations of civil society around the world: let us share our knowledge and resources! Let us connect and unite local and global action. May our indignation be our greatest source of creativity…
Who Are We?
VIA22 – a new international, open and horizontal, collective initiated in Montreal, Quebec – is launching monthly processes of local and global actions of convergence every 22nd of each month. These actions will take on the form constructed by local organisers, but, globally, all will manifest a common desire for convergence and unity.
People in Mexico, Spain, Mozambique, Senegal, Belarus, Croatia, England, Austria, Belgium Japan, Greece, El Salvador, Chile and in the US have already expressed an interest in being a part of the movement. Join us in spreading the call as much as possible (translations are welcomed)!
October 22nd 2012 #22O ? Jump in!
On October 22nd, VIA22 will be launched! You want to jump in? Here is how :
VIA22 in your area?
If you wish to create a VIA22 collective in your area or network with people around you, please use the Forum.!forum
What are the main objectives of VIA22’s monthly process?
To insist on the necessity of communication and coordination between the local and global.
To put in question globally the destructive order of things imposed by the hegemony of global political-economic system and its impact on education, health, access to water, security, freedom of expression and association, etc..
To examine and promote concretes alternatives to a system that deepens inequalities at every level.
To connect and unite social movements and civil society for the development of global consciousness that respects human dignity and our planet’s ecosystem.
To insist on the necessity that our popular demonstrations become spaces to share knowledge and to build concrete alternatives.
To relay initiatives taken by the Indignados, Occupy, #Yosoy132, the Y’en a marre collective, Social Forums all around the world and all other initiatives that affirm the necessity of the multiplication of horizontal, open and inclusive spaces.
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2012, 3:48 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
global solidarity,

via People's Assemblies Network:
The Global Solidarity Day for the Syrian People, 20th October, 2012
Appeal to all free people of the world: Let’s work together to stop daily massacres, arrests and displacements in Syria. Let’s work together to bring down the murderous Assad regime in Syria.
This is an appeal to all Syrian communities and to all free people around the world to organise processions and sit-ins in front of United Nations offices in all around the world . . .
. . . On this day, our aim is to mobilise international public opinion to support the Syrian people, who have been exposed to killing, arrest and displacement for ninteen months while the world has watched
On this day we want to express the Syrian people’s suffering and their disappointment with the silence of the Arab world and the international community and their failure to stop the daily massacres committed by the barbaric Assad Syrian regime.
On this day, let us all, each and every one in his or her position, work together with the representatives of international public opinion to put pressure on governments and the international community, to take an effective and constructive stand to stop and to bring down the killing machine that is Assad regime in Syria.
May God have mercy on our martyrs’ souls;
May we soon see our detainees freed;
May our wounded people be healed; and May victory be awarded to our revolution;
the revolution of freedom and dignity.
Long live Syria; free and dignified.
link to FB page
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 8, 2012, 10:04 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
global solidarity,
This short film chronicles recent events in Spain where hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets to demand the resignation of the government and an end to police brutality. Many of the protests ended in clashes with the police. Since the stand off began on September 25th, the images of police brutality have travelled the world over, shocking and inspiring people across Europe and leading to an international day of action on September 29th. This film tells the story of why so many people took to the streets and follows these events as they unfolded.
Go to for the full series of mini-documenaries about reactions to the economic crisis around the world.
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