Occupy The Highway: The 99% March to Washington
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 5:30 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
On November 23rd, the Congressional Deficit Reduction Super-Committee will meet to decide on whether or not to keep Obama's extension to the Bush tax-cuts - which only benefit the richest 1% of Americans in any kind of significant way. Luckily, a group of OWS'ers are embarking on a two-week march from Liberty Plaza to the Whitehouse to let the committee know what the 99% think about these cuts. Join the march to make sure these tax cuts for the richest 1% of Americans are allowed to die!
More information:
The 20 mile a day/2 week march from Liberty Square to DC is set to leave this Wednesday, November 9 at noon. On Wednesday we'll be leaving Liberty Square and marching to the New York Waterway/Hudson River Ferry and onward to Elizabeth, NJ. This is our first stop. Everyone is welcome to join this two week march. If you'd like to participate, but can't commit for two weeks you're welcome to join us for the day or help send us off!
The march is being organized by a few of us here at OWS. We will be in DC by Nov
23 for the Congressional Super Committee meeting. This committee has the power
to keep the Bush tax cuts (that only benefit the top 1%) or let them expire. We want
to be there to fight for the 99%! We will also be connecting with Occupy Philly and
Occupy Baltimore along the route, and, of course, Occupy DC!
A major draw for this march is to encourage more people in rural communities to
get involved as well as bring spreading the word along the highway. We are
hoping people will join the march along the way; whether for an hour, a day, or the
full two weeks, we feel its imperative for OWS to be involved in the historical
significance of long distance marches to support, promote, and encourage
economic and social equality. We will be walking from 9am to to 5pm (banker
hours) and will hold nightly GA's and/or discussions at 7pm in each town where we
camp. We will be spending two days off at Occupy Philly and Occupy Baltimore. We
are hoping a few people from these occupations will join us in the march to the
White House and Occupy DC!
Our route is as follows:
- 11/9/11: Liberty Square to Elizabeth, NJ
- 11/10/11: Elizabeth, NJ to New Brunswick, NJ
- 11/11/11: New Brunswick, NJ to Trenton, NJ
- 11/12/11: Trenton, NJ to Andalusia, PA
- 11/13/11: Andalusia, PA to Occupy Philly
- 11/15/11: Occupy Philly to Wilmington, DE
- 11/16/11: Wilmington, DE to Newark, DE
- 11/17/11: Newark, DE to Rising Sun, MD
- 11/18/11: Rising Sun, MD to Bel Air, MD
- 11/19/11: Bel Air, MD to Occupy Baltimore
- 11/21/11: Occupy Baltimore to Laurel, MD
- 11/22/11: Laurel, MD to Occupy DC
- 11/23/11: Occupy DC to The White House for Super Committee meeting
For more specific directions and further information please visit: nycmarch2dc.wordpress.com or email: owsmarch2dc@yahoo.com. For the complete route planned out on google maps, click here.
OWS has such creative people with strong and excellent ideas! I am so proud of you and glad to be an American! The genius is so often considered crazy by the crowd. That which was once good is no match for the change which takes us to a brighter future. Progress always takes that path. OWS is progress. It is the future.
ORDINARILY there is no comparison between the crimes of the great who are always ambitious, and the crimes of the people who always want, and can want only liberty and equality. These two sentiments, Liberty and Equality, do not lead direct to calumny, rapine, assassination, poisoning, the devastation of one's neighbours' lands, etc.; but ambitious might and the mania for power plunge into all these crimes whatever be the time, whatever be the place. ~Voltaire
Voltaire faced the same dynamics in his day as we do today and the analysis is still spot on target. The "ambitious might" and "maina for power" are not limited to figures like Hitler but seem to find their way into the lives of those in the 1% of every age. Lord Acton's " power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" says the same thing. We need a bottom up system that has a horizontal not vertical democracy. We also need STRONG checks against being co-opted by those who would revert to some top down, vertical system of elites. All this will require that the people honor individual talent and effort and insure they are rewarded and yet not rewarded to the degree that power and wealth is accumulated to the degree that it allows others to be dominated and enslaved. That is no easy balance but it is the dream of not only justice but also liberty for all. A students should get As and rewards but those rewards should not allow them to bully those who can do not do as well. Everyone should be cared for in a nation where our good is crowned with brotherhood. A strong safety net for all with an equal repudiation of laziness but also rewards for those who put in the work for more than the minimum. I think that is common sense of the common people who have not only a desire for being rewarded for their individual efforts but also a heart of compassion for their neighbors. Liberty, equality and fraternity is really what the 99% want from the Tea Party on the right to OWS on the left. Liberty alone will not do. Social equality alone will not do. A bottom up democracy that embraces liberty and justice and honors the individual , the community and the environment is just a better form of government for the people. The VALUES must be the leader not a politician, king, CEO, pope, imam or elite political party. " What would liberty, equality and justice do?" Should be the question for us all not " What is best for me?" Justice needs to be blind to personal interest of any party and concerned only with seeing what is right for any one and also all people. The rule of human value trumps the rule of law. Any law that crushes the people will never have their consent. Power mania of top down elite individuals could care less about the pain or human rights of the people they dominate.
"Ambitious might" and "mania for power" is also present among the Occupiers. Sniff out vanity, ego, a desire for fame, etc.... and check these people. We cannot allow for the rise of any kind of charismatic glory-seeking leader because they could potentially undermine everything we are doing.
like the comment on ego and vanity...searching for fame! Perfect example of that would be Kanya West or whatever his name is showing up at the protest the other day just to be noticed!! that is irritating.
Excellent and thoughtful post. THANKS
Great statement!
Couldn't agree more
Very good statement. Just wish and hope that all this genius doesn't go by the wayside. I wish that people would really understand the power they have to change things for the good of all. People need to stop buying from those who don't take care of their workers.When enough people stop supporting a corrupt business it will listen or go out of business.When enough people march on Washington D.C. and stop paying taxes the people in power will listen.Power to the people. We the people must be heard and dealt with for change has to happen before corruption cannot be stopped.
If you are still talking about Bush Tax Cuts you are tinkering with the edges of a totally corrupt, bankrupt system and you are acting as tools for the left half of the 1% political system. Wake up. END THE FED!
We don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water. Ending the Fed or changing any laws in Washington will not solve the problem if the people in the government remain corrupt. They can always find ways to get around the law. If the Fed can do great harm, then it can also do great good. The people who run the FED need to be held accountable 24/7/365, just like everyone else in OUR government.
Smart writing
This is awesome, this is what we should be doing, making the connection between the greed of corporations and the corruption of government that go hand in hand. Im joining this in Baltimore!
Hear hear! God bless you guys! I am so inspired by you! I am in support and am grateful!
Still, there's a reason that George Washington took the Continental Army into winter quarters. The man had been out to the woods with armies.
He knew what he was doing.
Hi Vets, thanks for your service. Forgive my ignorance, but I dont understand the comment. Could you explain for me? Thanks.
Walking in the cold, wet, sleet of New Jersey is not an easy task.
Good weather comes, you can cover a little extra ground.
Bad weather, you are not going anywhere.
Also, people learn to walk distance. Sitting around Zuccotti Park is the opposite of good training. Doing 20 miles a day is not something that you just throw your Uggs on for....
I like Hi-Tecs. Good wool socks.
My HiTecs took a month plus to break in. I used them for short walks at sunsets and didn't push anything.
Oh, thanks! I know, yikes, I hope their trek goes well. Yes, I've been reading the benefits of wool. i will look into hi-techs for winter :)
Hi-Tec walking shoes and boots are inexpensive in the hiking world.
But I've gotten as much as 10 years from their boots, wearing them as my winter gear every day. With wool socks, good for the Sierras or waiting for a bus at Marquette Street in Minneapolis.
I recommend them to everybody.
Sometimes what seems crazy really is crazy though. OWS is cool and all, but there's far more crazy than genius.
I wouldnt be so proud to be an American when all your government does is help corrporations steal money from us and then use it to put us into a never ending debt problem!!
Occupying the highway is just plain stupid. I hope you all face blizzard conditions. More than that I hope you stay the hell out of the way of people who are trying to get to work or take their kids to school.
You are part of the problem. I just hope the kids you want to get to school or the job you want to get to is there after the corporatists finish having their way with you. You are getting screwed and don't even know it. take your head out of rush limbaugh's can and get a clue!
Back in the 1980's I flew to DC to meet up with the Great Peace March starting from La. Calif. All walks of life participated in this march across the US and were greeted with much love and support along the way. It was a movement that grew bigger and bigger along the way. There were caravans of teachers, nurses, doctors and others to provide the care along the way that dropped out of their professional lives to give support. I remember (63years young now) seeing them all off, wishing I had joined them. I did get to meet them as they peacefully arrived singing a beautiful song in unity. What an amazing sight to see and hear. Did this action change the world? Reagan started to begin to talk about disarming the Nukes and treaties. He looked out of his window and the march was the biggest one to hit DC while he was in office. People magazine had a 7-spread pages of this movement and the largest coverage subject since its first inception.. Phil Donahue begin to use Satellite to show the American People what Russia People looked like on our TV in our living rooms. Wow-they looked like us-and worried about life like us. Then the wall came tumbling down. You never know the outcome and what can become a great catalyst when People begin to Ask for Change. I will be there to greet you all-living in GA now, a supporting of the OWSAtlanta using my wheel-chair. POWER TO THE PEOPLE AND PEACE OUT!
YO! Check your dates in this post, esp the FIRST SENTENCE: Should be "On November 23" NOT "On November 3"
luv u
Should be "On November 23" NOT "On November 3"
You're doing it! Down 95! Yes!! Occupy Congress!! See ya soon!
occupy conservative cartel in DC
Down I-95? As in Interstate 95? You know people (and bicycles and mules as far as that goes) can not use the Interstate?
oh duh! I just wasn't aware of that...being I drive 95 everyday on the beltway!
tramp, tramp, tramp go the useful idiots.
whine, whine, whine go the trolls.
If you want to listen to whining , listen the the ows "useful idiots".
And the Tea Party is full of intelligent people... with their ignorant members and batshit crazy political candidates and legislators???
To all the trolls crying that OWS is protesting the wrong people, in the wrong place, there you go. Now they'll be at both Washington and Wall Street and that is quite appropriate..
Good luck to you OWS travelers! Be safe!
I think you need to look up the definition of troll. Just because you don't like what someone has to say, especially if it is a valid and logical argument, that does not make someone a troll.
That was 6 days ago man...Most people who claim that OWS is in the wrong place, don't have a valid argument in that regard, and have generally have been found out by many people on this forum to be TROLLS.
So what if it was 6 days or 6 years? How does time invalidate a comment?
Your latest comment proves you still don't know the definition of troll. Simply calling someone a troll because you don't like what they say or without also including a valid reason why they are a troll, actually makes you the troll.
Here is a thorough explanation of troll:
I know the definition of a troll and what is your point anyway? Your point is about trolling and has nothing to do with OWS...
Ummm. by definition you are trolling..
I prefer to be called a Hobbit. Bilbo Baggin's me' name, and turning trolls to stone is me' game. J/K.. I've been called a troll many times on here, while I'm really just trying to understand peoples position on topics. Very sensitive hobbits around here.
Your comment is a perfectly good example of trolling.
It is off topic and extraneous. It is meant to be inflammatory, although yours is a bit subtle. Plus it is designed to disrupt the topic of discussion.
appropriate indeed!!!!
Depression of 2008
When Obama came in Wall Street had scuttled the economy.
America was losing 779,000 jobs a month and that was just the on-the-books jobs -- the DOL # for January 2009.
Wall Street caused this Depression, not Washington.
Wall Street and the mortgage brokers stole $7-trillion. Totaling lobbying and direct bribery and contributions, the politicians still got peanuts.
and now the European version of Wall Street is up to no good. Look at it. It kicked the cost of Italian debt up past 7%, forcing Italy into debt slavery, and now there'll be more whining and noise from Europe because of that.
Italy, like Greece, was hit with devastating inflation beginning in 2001. Real estate prices exploded. Wages went up 40% faster than in the northern EU countries.
A $50,000 job in Germany pays $70,000 in Italy or Greece.
Now the flow of retiree and investment money to Italy and Greece has ended. So these prices would have to come down ASAP to balance everything out. But that's not how contracts work. Not mortgages, not leases, not employment generally. Not pensions.
The Depressions of 1929 and 2008 were both produced by irrational inflation -- a.k.a. "loose money" -- combined with bad fiscal policies.
"Up to no good" is silly. Italy is way overpriced. They cannot generate income with their price level at the current high. The best solution is to go back to the lira.
A national currency would prevent this sort of madness. Flushing $2-trillion down from Germany to the PIIGS would have changed the currency exchange rates.
Prices would have inflated, but no where near what we saw.
Try not to personalize these processes. There is no cabal of bankers scheming to put a country into "debt slavery." The bankers are taking a 50% markdown on their loans to Greece -- losing half the money they invested in the country.
Everyone is losing. The euro was a very bad idea from the start. Similar to George Bush starting up two wars and getting two massive tax cuts for his "Base" 1%ers at the same time.
America's Depression of 2008 is Bush's legacy. EU's travails are caused by the euro -- imagine America with 50 states and no central government to manage overall economic policy.
are you really that ignorant?
It's about fucking time.
I agree
It's about fucking time. Jesus! What's been the holdup? As long as OWS receives praise from politicians, OWS is not being effective. The politicians are the elite 1% who write and enforce financial laws. Move Zuchinni Park to the steps of the White House. Then you may begin to see change, rather than praise.
They will never make the whole march by foot. They are too lazy.
Yeah, just like they were too lazy to organize a world wide movement, or go to school and get their degrees. rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiight.....lazy......
Or get a job and not ask for a handout.
yeah have you seen the goddamned unemployment rate in this country? No ones been asking for a fucking handout this entire time! you keep accusing us of doing that but thats simply not true.
Don't worry "screwtheman", Steven Colbert is using his Super PAC to donate 3000 Segways.
OWS is a group of idiots dedicated to being retarded.
You seem pretty dedicated yourself..
Dedicated to telling people like you the stupidity of OWS. FU
Name the time and place and for 50 dollars you'll get the best blowjob you ever had in your life..So good ..you won't even notice the filet knife I had in the small of may back.
While you're at it can you also tell them to all resign, thanks
OWS movement is making them powerless as Wikipedia did for the encycolepedia editors.
This could have been a really bad jobs joke.
About time we took this to the seat of corruption. You can't sell off your entire country without your leaders helping you do it and winking at you all the time. Obama has 80 million dollars in donations ready for his next campaign. How many more bailouts did he have to promise to get that much?
If you follow direct power, then Washington and its lobbying money corrupt everything.
If you FOLLOW THE MONEY, then the Manhattan prosecutor's office and its protection of financial royalty from felony fraud charges underlies the national cesspool.
They stole $7-trillion. They are thieves.
That's $2-TT of mortgage scams. $5-TT in pension frauds -- based on bribery-generated "AAA" fakery, all of it generated in Manhattan. The whole country is valued at a grand $55-TT.
Accounting matters.
it is more, $14 trillion don't forget the US attorney Eric Holder refusal to prosecute and his protection of the fraudsters. yes they are thief. its not an economic or political problem its a criminal problem
i like this logic...i had not seen it presented this way before. what does "AAA" mean? thank you......have a wonderful day :)
And Republicans don't receive donations? Who's funding Herman Cain (the Koch Bros., in case you didn't know).
Very True....thank you for knowing what is going on in the world today!
=) Thanks!
You have a list of all of his campaign contribution? Do you have a list of 0bama donors ? The unions ( headed trumpka, stern gerard the NEA) are money laundering operations for 0bama. That's why they want dues deducted from paychecks and not a vountary thing.
if they all resign does corzine get his job back
A great idea. This could be the turning point in OWS movement. I hope many people will join the march.
Hasaan Nafaa, political science professor at Cairo University said, "If you had said some years ago that my students would be responsible for democratic change in Egypt, I would have laughed. These young people have done more in a few weeks than their parents did in thirty years." I would have said the same thing about this generation in America. I never have been so happy to be wrong, and you have my undying respect and support.
This is a fantastic idea!
If you can post a list of mailing addresses, I would be happy to post calls on my Facebook page to have people send hiking supplies via Fedex, UPS etc. to the various encampments along the route: trail food, water, blister kits, extra socks. People could also send a flag from their state or a name ribbon to ask the marchers to festoon their backpacks or hiking sticks with them.
GO AMERICA!!! Stand up for what you believe in. It's important that we have a voice and it is heard.
Wow man. This is taking an immense amount of courage! I'm so proud of you!
Courage to take a long walk? Hmm. Perhaps you need to reset your baseline.
It's a two week walk across country on a highway to protest against the President.
Open your eyes.
I'll watch it from the big flat screen TV's at TGIF's!
ugkkk,of literally the thousands of eating establishments that you could have picked, you pick....tg....if's.... Worst....restaurant.....ever!
He's blind. He can't open his eyes (except to his own self-propelling opinions).
How does it compare, say, to walking 100 yards down an IED-infested roadway in Iraq? Just wondering . . ..
You mean like all those Iraq War Vets that support OWS?
The only vets I know that support this movement, are the IAVA fools.
ahh theres that "support our troops no matter what" attitude that I have come to see from the right wing in america.
You really remind me of Archie Bunker.
This is the taxpayer's road. This is our highway. This is our revolution. Keep up the good work.
We are the nine-nine.
Can this march please consider a swing by Congress and/or The Supreme Court while you're in the neighborhood?
There is this little issue of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision a while back that had the effect of diminishing our representative republic form of democracy. Sadly, alot of Americans are unaware of this Court decision and the harmful effects it has on our democracy and our lives. I know this is shocking and appalling, but it is true.
Seems that, in all of their power and infinite wisdom, the main stream media does not choose to talk about this little Supreme Court case very much.
If this protest does not work to inform and educate the broader public of this Court decision - who will?
Thank you, Beautiful Marchers.
How can we organize buses to get to Washington DC on November 23rd?
YES! Marchers, GIVE THEM HELL!!! Tell them why the hell they have so many recesses and so much vacation during a year?? If they don't want to work hard, stay home, quit the job! Let other competent people do the job! And, they can go to HELL straight for the bad jobs they have done to harm our fellow citizens!
I love you guys! So gusty, creative and inspirational! My donation is to come.
Should be a fully march though, not just about the tax issue. If this march takes along thousands of thousands people it will be a huge impact on everyone who see's it.
We did a similar walk in Sweden but then to notice that Prostate Cancer needed more founding then the so utterly low founding they had. There were thousands of people walking from the lowest point of Sweden to the highest point, think it's about 1000 miles. It gathered so many people on the way and I bet this march will be the milestone of OCW.
I wish I could be there with you, in my heart I am.
A new time has begun. Thanks for all the hard work you are putting in there!
Please Read Important!!!! Verify the Nov 3rd date in the first paragraph of this article. The date listed in the timeline is for Nov 23rd. Please check prior to the media hailstorm over this typo
I am disappointed in the single issue being marched to Washington
there are many concerns
corrupt politics
health care
US involvement with War
I think single issue is the way to go. If you throw everything at them at once they will ignore you. The advise mom gave at the dinner table is valid...cut your food into small pieces and chew it one piece at a time or you will choke.
We must walk before 'We' can run. One issue at a time is great. There is no doubt 'We' have many issues to be addressed. 'We' have been sileny for generations and entrusted our elected servants which seems to have been a serious mistake.
I love this idea of the Long March. I wrote some comments recently urging a mobilization on Washington to protest the threatened, sweeping cutbacks in vital social programs that the Republicans are demanding as their price for allowing the government to raise the deficit and continue functioning (Noam Chomsky described this upcoming attack on working people as a "knife pointed straight at the heart of the country"). So I'd be grateful if that demand could be worked into the message of the march.
But if not, a demand like "No Cutbacks!" can be raised in other actions--possibly a national protest by all the 900+ Occupies would be equally effective. Is there a specific date when that projected showdown is scheduled to take place?
This action is so incredibly creative, colorful, vibrant, and visually dramatic--made for TV (a good thing--and what a great idea to do OWS television spots). The action is, literally, a form of street (highway) theater that resonates on an almost unconscious level. It's a classic image, not only from past political movements but also the history of a number of world religions. It's a pilgrimage that will undoubtedly reach and inspire millions of people, because it's way too theatrical for the media to ignore.
I'm planning to bring another small donation (I lost a job due to age discrimination) down to Liberty Plaza as soon as I can, and in the meantime, congratulations on another incredible action.
The hell do you want, them to spend more money that they dont have on welfare? Make other people pay for it? Greece here we come.
Thanks for replying, but I don't quite understand--do you mean that if the government leaves our social programs, like Medicare and Social Security, intact, that THAT will sink the economy?
Whose money is it you're taking about spending? Who pays those taxes? And what about the billions that the public paid to bail out the banks and the bankers who caused the crash. THAT's welfare--welfare for the wealthy.
To put it in perspective, while millions of people are losing their homes, we had a presidential candidate in the last election who had so many homes he couldn't remember the exact number when asked by a reporter. John Cain said he thought it was eight. But he wasn't sure--it might have been nine.
I mean that if there is no money you cant get any unless you take it from the citizens that do. Please research the housing crisis and find out why it happened. Research why those banks crashed and needed the bailout. Im not for giving it to them but you should find out more about this subject instead of spouting liberal talking points.
Well, I agree, there's a lot I need to learn, because a lot of the crimes that led to the financial crash and housing crisis aren't clear to me other than in their broad outlines. I don't think I'm spouting. But I do agree that you have to have as much information as possible if you want to make a positive change. But the essential point is that the billions in bailout money went to a financial elite who didn't need it; and now instead of attempting to rectify the untold damage that tiny group has wreaked on millions of people--over 40 million in poverty!--these 1% through their bought representatives in Congress now want to drive us into deeper poverty. That's why we're not seeing any super wealthy at our occupations and marches. And a big part of their propaganda and brainwashing is to put the blame for the financial ruin they have inflicted on the victims themselves.
It's a good educational opportunity for the marchers
I agree. The #OWS leadership (whoever they may be) is showing its support for Obama because Obama also wants to end the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy. It's interesting that #OWS selected this particular issue when there are so many more important issues like restoring Glass-Steagall and the Congressional Reform Act. The march to DC amounts to a campaign rally for Obama. Most independent-minded voters do not want to be shills for Obama and will not participate in a #OWS rally for him in what is becoming more and more an activist wing of the Democratic Party. Obama is part of the problem. Wake the fuck up.
taxes are levied by the House of representatives
And Obama is lobbying congress to end the Bush tax cuts. A single issue march is a transparent attempt for #OWS to support Obama and betrays its partisan intentions, which is a turn off to people who would otherwise empathize with the #OWS movement.
the greatest lobby I ever saw was
bush committing to two wars without funds
and than calling for emergency bail outs for the wars.
What choice did the congress have ?
So what's your point other than Bush was an asshole?
we'll bail out weapons companies with our hands on our heart
we'll bail out banks and grumble
Yeah right? Why all of a sudden is the movement addressing a single issue?? I agree with the march in principle. But who is deciding when and where "we are all of our demands" sometimes, and other times decides to "focus" on a single issue? And who decided to focus on this particular issue?? v some of the others.
the ones there taking initiative I think
Don't forget your mic check! Occupy Congress. Yay!
I highly recommend marching with the book Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession in hand! Congress does not want you to read this book nor do many executives. Possibly even read it aloud on the steps of Capitol!!
Never heard of this book. is leftie or rightie?
i would LOVE to participate if i wasn't in school, sounds like the experience of a lifetime! Be safe and good luck guys!
are you going to let school stop you? how republican of you.
raines, Some of us did not have mommy and daddy paying for our education and giving us an allowance that allows us to waste time participating in stupid things. Goodvibes......I understand that you feel strongly about participating, but put your education first. Once you get one you will realize that education does help, along with hard work and dedication. Good luck to you, it is a hard world for all of us.
dio, i respectfully disagree with your inaccurate and demoralizing comment about mommy and daddy, it is snide and disrespectful and there is no room for that in this movement. your also inferring that the social awareness and change we are attempting to facilitate is a "stupid thing". goodvibes i am also a student, a high school one, and i would never give up my opportunity at education for anything, but a few days to hike from say ny to trenton i can do : ) we'll be learning more there anyway
If their was no school than we the people would all live in cardboard boxes on the side of the road....especially with the money greedy people in our government and coorporations today. We the people wouldnt have a say in anything....we would be illiterate!
You got me. Thanks for being respectful, and I will try and do the same. "Stupid things" was a bad choice of words, but when mommy and daddy pay for everything it makes it easy to waste your time. Just wanted to let 'Goodvibes' know that life is full of choices. Stick with the education while you can, the march will accomplish nothing. I understand you all think that it will and I aplaud your determination. I agree that the march will be educational though.
You have to have a little more hope and optimism than that! I admit I really dont know what is going to happen with this march but neither do you and neither does anyone else...but we wont know if we dont try! Who knows? Maybe we will all be surprised and the rich will grow some sence of decency instead of apathy! (the part about the rich is doubtful...here's hoping!!!)
Dio1313, your hopeless, just accept whatever is handed down to you and suck on it - is your motto. Anything in history that has been changed has been changed by action. For those that like you just smile and accept the status-quo things just stay the same. Being a sheep is fine if that is the way you want to live your life but not all of us are sheep.
goodness you dont have to be so mean! Saying mean things just causes more problems!!
cat7757 I am definitely dealing with an infant mentality here. Hopefully you will grow up and be a participating member of society one of these days. I doubt it though, you will most likely spend your life standing in the streets making a fool of yourself and eventually die with nothing, accomplishing nothing.
dio, are you being paid to be a fox news mouthpeice? Or are you just an idiot? Get a clue guy. I'm in the Occupy movement. I grew up poor. I went through college. Got a decent job after many years of hard work. I'm now unemployed because my company moved 300 of the 340 jobs to India. How does that fit into your scenario of everyone should just get a job and shut up? Do you not understand why people are in the streets? Are you dense? THERE ARE NO JOBS! I have put out 60 applications! I got 2 interviews. Made it to the 3rd round in my last and lost it. Dio, you have no idea what is going on in this country! The occupy movement is not a-bunch of fat lazy slobs like you think. I'm a professional who desperately WANTS to work. No one has given me s&*t and I'm not asking them to. I just want a damned job. So Dio, Go F your incorrect generalities.
That is a really powerful narrative and it's a shame that anyone is being critical of your statements or your protest @ nimbus22. What do you think about the Starbucks jobs initiative and the idea of private enterprise taking it upon themselves to fund job opportunities around the country - I think it's kind of a 21st Century New Deal? But I'm not pretending to be that familiar with it...
the top 100 corporations created millions of jobs over seas. they only destroyed jobs domestically. These same corporations took bailout money from the public they had layed-off. If you want to be specific and give you the names and numbers I can do that too. That's what I think/ Oh! And I forgot to mention that many of them have seen record profits in the last 2 years.
Spend more time looking for work and less time crying and standing in the street.
THERE ARE NO JOBS! what part of that dont you understand?!
Like I said, spend more time looking and quit wasting your time occupying. You definitely are not going to find a job standing in the park holding a sign.
I lost my job last February and worked like a dog to find a job. By April I had a new job because I made it my job to find a job. I sure as fuck didn't stand in lower Manhattan with a card board sign complaining about banks. OWS are a collection of whiners, complainers and spoiled brats.
Dio1313, you seem to have all of the answers. That is good for you - be happy with what you have.
Thank you.
If you march down that highway you will have graduated from sheep to cattle.
Gileos - my point exactly - Thanks,
I listened to a couple ranchers discussing how they preferred sheep over cows because sheep were smarter. I am not a rancher so can't say for sure. Marching down the highway seems pretty stupid though and I fully believe that it will accomplish nothing other than being a pain in the ass to the people who are just trying to go about their daily lives.
Yeah, I wonder how that "richest" 1% got there? I mean, let's face it, they didn't all have trust funds. Nowadays, it's all about hard work, ingenuity, creativity. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Carl Icahn - none of them grew up wealthy. You can't march and protest your way into everything. Even if the 1% pay more in taxes - and they already pay almost all the taxes in the country - the 99% better get back to class and work, because protesting inequality isn't going to get you too far, unless you have Utopian delusions about socialism. Tax reform or not.
I used to believe in all that hard work stuff too. I used to work 14 hour days with a full-time and part time job, but I got sick of never seeing my daughter, not having any time for myself, and just relaxing. Now I just trade momentum for my account, my uncle, and a few others. I sit in front of a computer, watch the monitor a few hours in the morning and the afternoon and make more money in about 15 hours or less a week than I used to do in 14 hours per day. I made 7% on my triple DOW long overnight for me and my friends on Wednesday! Hard work is truly for suckers! True, my dad worked long hours to give a middle-class life for us, but I hardly ever saw him, and that sucked, and when had that heart attack at 54, that really sucked. But hard work now-a-days? Seriously? I'm done at 4PM EVERYDAY. Some weeks, I'm good by Monday morning! I really can't help but laugh at this Hard Work pity party crap
Sadly, that's not a large scale solution. All of the stock values in all of the companies on all of the exchange indexes around the world would plummet if it weren't for the people who were actually, physically producing something at those companies that you are betting the slight stock/debt or option value in will go up or down on. You're speculating on a market as if it's an abstraction that doesn't actually represent real goods, but if everyone just "stops believing in that hard work stuff" eventually a very bracing reality check will come crashing through the door.
ummmm.....Your info is all kinds of wrong about taxes. I suggecst you do some actual research instead of watching FOX(fake) NEWS.
The richest people in the world are paying little to no taxes because of evasions that are completely overlooked, If FOX news were to report the truth, they would be taking down the biggest powers in the united states including government officials such as Obama
Not true! You only listed people who know or knew how to use their money wisely. Steve Jobs was a wise investor that did what he needed to do to make money not steal it. Bill Gates donates billions of dollars every year to school systems in America. The rich are paying less tax money than you are right now because of the Bush Tax cuts that Obama extended! Protesting gives people hope...and being uninformed about current events and then discusing them is called ignorance!
As you can most likely tell, I agree. If you have time to "occupy" then you most likely have time to try and improve your personal situation. I work hard, but I do not have what it takes to be a CEO of a top 200 company and neither does 99% of OWS. CEO's get paid to do what most of us can't do or are not willing to do.
99% arent cut out for cronyism
I like it that you are able to use bigboy words though.
Maybe you did not understand what I said. I am not talking about people being handed a golden spoon, I am talking about how most are not qualified, or cut out to be CEO's.
the problem with you is that you think that the system rewards hard work. Those of us over 30 tend to know differently. Wait till you are in the work force 10-15 years and then we'll see if you still think there is a direct correlation between hard work and rewards. I worked my ass off and my job still got sent to India. Good Luck!
I am 42 years old pal, been working full time since 17 and seved in the military twice. Quit your crying
so your response is that it doesn't matter if my hard work goes unrewarded and it is my fault I was laid off? Should I work for 1.00$/hr with no benfeits? Is that what I'm supposed to do? I'm very confused. So college cost me 60,000$, and I should work for 1.00$/hour and stop complaining? Or is your suggestion that I dont get an education and not be able to have a job? I don't understand your logic Dio. What would you have me do? Its my fault I was working for 33,000$/yr and barely paying my bills? What am I supposed to do? Tell me. Tell me how I get a job and remain stable. You have all the answers Dio. You tell me what I'm supposed to do.
And the military? Dont wave that in my face. I was on course to enter the Navy. The doctors at the enlistment post punctured my right eardrum when he tried to clean my ear. He then covered it up and said I came in there like that. It hurt like hell. I couldn't join. So don't wave military anything in front of me like it makes u superior. I would join the armed forces if they hadn't screwed me. But I bet that is my fault to eh?
I don't recall waving anything in your face. I appreciate that you tried to serve.
Quit wasting your time occupying, because that is not going to help you or anyone else. Sorry for your troubles, I really am, but the only way out is to keep looking and trying. Standing in a park holding a sign, or marching down the highway is not going to help you.
yes it will. Anyone who has ever petitioned the government for a redress of grievances and won did so by peacefully assembling as a protest. These groups in include women and blacks. History has shown that this is the way to create social change. It has been proven time and again.
Enjoy yourself
If you're smart you can get a scholarship...
Get involved in the community though. I'm considered smart, but I didn't get any scholarships because I hadn't any community service (which consequentially made filling out applications extremely difficult).
hard work and dedication , you'll be part of the "system"?
if hard work and dedication counted for anything than why are all the America's jobs being shipped over sea's? or do you believe Americans aren't hard workers? Cause that is the only conclusion I can make from people's claims. That is unpatriotic and you can get the hell out of the States for all I care! American workers are hard working just like everyone else.
Some are , some are not.
No thanks
If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
If you are a part of the problem, you cannot be a part of the solution
That was my point.
Wasn't it George Bush who said that? I'm not sure . . .
How long did it take you to come up with that?
I am lightning fast.
Nice :-) Take care FreeMarkets
How original.
Truth hurts sometimes huh?
it does'nt hurt me.
I see you took the time to edit your response, if only others would take the time to think before they opened their mouths or wrote a post this movement might go somewhere. Take care raines, no hard feelings.
If I could get there I would do this walk. It sounds like a great way to get to know people and build community.
it looks like a preemptive move to go to Washington too early with only one demand
there should still be a march in spring
The movement is vast and varied, many issues are included by default. This will not be the only action, it is but a part. Think of it more of a way to spread the love and teach people along the way. Not everyone will go, not everyone will stay to occupy, but we will all take part in what ever way we are able.
May 1st. is Worker's Day or May Day celebrated all over the world that supports workers. This would be an excellent date to march for American Workers Rights and Worker Rights all over the planet! It is a National Day in many countries around the world! Millions of workers marching on Washington to protest all the factories and jobs outsourced overseas, and millions of American jobs lost to greed and corruption!
it's not jobs we need . it's resources
Liberty Square should be occupied 24/7, in shifts day and night, the Mayor of New York, or the Mayor of Oakland or the Mayor of Atlanta or any other Mayor in America is going to keep the American people from protesting in the streets of their country! We are only going to become stronger and bigger, the more they try to shut down this movement, the stronger it becomes! The march to Washington is the beginning for dozens, if not dozens and dozens of marches to begin from all fifty state capital cities to Washington from now until the 2012 elections and beyond. Marches from all towns and cities from each of the fifty states should begin to march to their state capitals to show solidarity with this march to Washington D.C. These marches should be start with marches from all corners of each state and end in their state capitals to demand changes in state goverments. To end greed and corruption with the politicians in office in their home states. Then in March and April of 2012, these marches should begin to start to head to Washington D.C. when on May01 ( World Workers Day ) also known as MayDay will bring millions of marchers to Washington to demand change and an end to greed and corruption in Washington, Wall Street, the Banks and Corporations. We will bring change to our state capitals and to Washington, we can start a National Voter Drive to sign up millions of new voters so that the corrupt politicians everywhere, especially Washington, will hear our voices in the 2012 November elections!
The shame of the OWS movement is they have failed to take the next logical step, which is Occupy the White House.. They have repeatedly said the mivement is not ready. That is a lie. The OWS General Assembly and the DNC have repeatly met in secret to keep the movement from Occupying the White House from fear of offending the current President. Shame!! The President has stated publicly he supports the movement, but behind the scenes is trying to block the movement with continued distraction. The fact is the President has given specific instructions to the Capitol Police that if the White House is Occupied, that they are to stand down, and not steal Tents and Generators. Yet OWS in it's corrupt secret meetings are trying to continue to persuade the ranks they are doing the right thing for now...WRONG.. It is time to demand full support for the "Occupy the White House" Movement. It is time to remind the President that the White House is the peoples house!! He serves at our pleasure. OWH Now!!! Promote the full Occupation of the White House" now!! Don't be fooled by OWS/DNC infiltrators. OWH Now!!! Today!! Take back the peoples house and demand real change...
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. July 4, 1776.
Here's some pictures of the marchers as they passed through Kingston and Princeton NJ, and then crossed the Delaware River at historic Trenton
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sethcallen/sets/72157627982980021/ in the set "Occupy"
Thanks for the link to the pictures! It is really happening!! Thanks again!
Wish I could be there. You represent all of us, please stick to the facts and don't give up. We are behind you 100%.
Keep on coming and head down to the South! We need your energy here! Upstate SC is where its at! :)
Don't know when it will happen but I hope that ows can bring millions to washington D.C. and fell all free spaces with people power.This nation has got to address the corruption and greed that has taken over the lives of those who control the lives of the 99%.
OWS, I applaud your march. What a great idea!!
PEOPLE: LETS MEET THEM IN DC ON NOV 23! Show our support! People all over the country can show there support by creating a large demonstration in DC when OWS arrives.
This is great news! I just hope that in addition to repealing the Bush tax cuts, the movement also focuses on the bloated Pentagon budget -- which accounts for 43% of the world's military spending. The military-industrial complex has lobbied the super committee hard to keep this inflated military spending intact (which results in billions in profits for the 1%, not to mention death and destruction around the world), so we need to be there to send another message: money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation.
I Love It:) WoooHooo
I walk with you in spirit, doing my own work in Haiti but at heart with you all. If I were in the US I would have left my former job (a good one at that) to be a bigger part of the change needed. I will continue to encourage others to join and support you ('themselves' whether they know it or not)!
I am very happy the ows movement is focusing it's attention on DC. Our Representatives should heed the power and momentum of the 99%, the people they forgot about. A march of this distance should grab the attention of the local and national media; personally, I'm hopeful the message that gets heard loudest is the power the people can have when they are unified. By now we should be calling our Congresspeople in Washington and insisting they start listening and responding to our needs, or, they will not be getting our support in 2012.
OWS individuals who are doing the occupying and marching make me proud to be an American. Even though I am not on the streets, I am whole heartedly with my brothers and sisters who are. Good luck on the march, I'll be watching and with you in spirit.
Where in Trenton are you guys going to be?! I live five minutes away and would like to make food/water donations unless you need other things as well. Also please be safe there was a major layoff for police officers and have been many shootings and dealths. There are a few towns close by that are safer I live in Ewing and it is a ten minute drive from the capital building.
Where in Trenton are you guys going to be?! I live five minutes away and would like to make food/water donations unless you need other things as well. Also please be safe there was a major layoff for police officers and have been many shootings and dealths. There are a few towns close by that are safer I live in Ewing and it is a ten minute drive from the capital building.
This is a great idea.
Can you all do me a solid and don't occupy 95S during your trek to DC? I'm hoping to visit family in PA. Have you thought about occupying a raft? The trip by boat would be awesome. Maybe you can get someone to stand at the front of the boat defiantly like washington when he crossed the deleware river.
OWS needs to show up in Washington with a million+ people to show that we are a force that is growing and is not going away. We only have strength in great #s so the bigger the better! Make it a day they will never forget. The day OWS took WASHINGTON!!!
Way to go OWS! Give 'em hell! Wish I could be there with you.
Love it!! I wish I could join you all on this venture. I will be there in heart and spirit. Thank you OWS!
all the places voting today should write "we the people" in on the ballots. maybe then they will listen.
You have my support! Ending the Bush Tax Cuts would be a very important victory for us 99 %ers! Wish I could join the walk but I will be supporting you all the way and be doing what ever I can here in Portland, Oregon!
Yes, it will be a great victory to end the Bush tax cuts. 50% of the 99% will get a tax increase and the other 50% will not because they don't pay any taxes now. Are you in the tax payers group or the non tax payers group? Yes a great victory awaits us.
Davids- Not sure if you will read this rebuttal but if you do…. have you checked out Austin Goolsbee's break down of Bush's tax cuts on youtube? If not, you should. Youtube: White House White Board: CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee Explains the Tax Cut Fight. It is a very informative 2 minute video. In it he explains, with visuals and all, how Bush's tax cuts only benefit people making $200,000 and up. The more you make the more you benefit with Bush's tax cuts. He also states that under Obama’s plan, everyone earning under $200,000 or less would see no tax increase. Your argument would mean that 50% of the 99% is making over $200,000 per year. If that were the case we would still have a great number of people living in the middle class income bracket and therefore, would not be having this discussion or see such large numbers of protesters if any at all. I would like to know where you got your figures. Meanwhile, you should also read Warren Buffett’s op-ed he posted in the New York Times titled Stop Coddling the Super-Rich, another interesting piece of information. Elizabeth Warren also has some very intelligent things to say about the wealthy paying their share and how the middle class is becoming almost nonexistent. Oh and to answer your question, yes, I am in the tax payers group and no, I do not make anywhere near $200,000 or more. However, Goolsbee, Warren and most definitely Buffett fall into the $200,000 plus income bracket and look at where they stand on the Bush tax cuts. Keeping these tax cuts reminds me of a quote I read….What luck for the rulers that men don’t think. –Adolf Hitler
The problem is not going to be solved by getting more taxes from anyone, rather what is needed is reducing gov't spending. Then direct spending to where it is needed, not paying off friends and having wars where no one wins or nothing is changed. We as a society have our priorities wrong, we can't help all the world when our own people are in need. We should take of our own first. As for taxes, give us more of our income and less to the gov't, we will use the extra income for better purposes than the gov't will.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. July 4, 1776.
Or, how 'bout this? Did you see this on your local news channel last Sunday? I bet not.
Very informative clip! Thanks for the link rufust1! You are right, it most definitely would/will not be covered by the local news! I for one will be following this issue very closely.
Here's another story that came out today - 11/21/11 - Beating the Drums for War with Iran - http://www.democracynow.org/2011/11/21/seymour_hersh_propaganda_used_ahead_of
The GOP is the grand OLD party... very very old. The Tea Party and the GOP don't realize that a new generation has risen up and is preparing to build a better world because the old generation of the Mitch McConnels are new technically, chronologically and ideologically obsolete.
The GOP no longer speaks for us. The GOP panders to the richest -- and oldest -- 1%!
March on DC!!!!
If you are still talking about Bush Tax Cuts you are tinkering with the edges of a totally corrupt, bankrupt system and you are acting as tools for the left half of the 1% political system. Wake up. END THE FED!
Actually, the dems are wealthier.
And Obama doesn't? His goal is to raise $1 billion for his reelection. Where will he get that money? How many fundraisers has he done already? Chicago politicians, all Dems, are not corrupt? Really? You lose credibility as soon as you make it about party.
OWS is nonpartisan, but I do think many critics of ows are Republicans or TParty members. I didn't notice the T Party supporting the rallies by the unions and working people in States where they are trying to bust the unions. I do not get the sense the GOP or T Party is supporting this "working peoples" movement!
I totally agree. They are such hypocrites.
OWS is nonpartisan. I dont like Obama either. But given the choice of 2 evils I would still take Obama. But I would prefer a new and non-evil choice.
Such BS mind wash mantra here tonight. First of all nobody got anywhere including the 1%, without the help of others and or at the cost and exploitation of others.People exposing about education and if they are an example of it ? Most entrepreneurs like the mentioned seldom finished college. My parents were successful entrepreneurs one with an AA degree and my father a certificate and they could buy my in laws who had Phi beta Cappa's from Cornell 4 -8 times over. My parent's did not advocate college and 33 years ago he told me that the (they) "working looking for a way to sink the middle class". The point is many so called successful people were morally and ethically deficit causing much suffering for their own selfish UN-just enrichment. Historically just to name of few; Rockefeller calling for the slaughter of miners and families in Colorado, Carnegie's slaughter of Steele workers in Pennsylvania, The infamous Triangle Shirt factory of New York and that is just the tip of the Ice Berg. All these Opportunist Robber Barrens and the politician's they pay off should be tried for treason against we the people of the United States.
Very well said.
Thanks and it took 40 + years of being the working poor until I through my shackles of,f having paid 150k +/- in rent not owning nothing just working and working. Plus I had a better job at Apple Inc. till they sent it over seas. And in 1992, I really saw through the glass ceiling what has now been factually confirmed the 2% monopoly - use deceive and discard. So in the mid 90's I moved purchased cheap land and built a solar off grid water catch house, free of mortgage loan-sharks and built an efficient 10' x's better home than my friends who have million dollar homes in the bay area. As a 3rd generation builder it is bs most houses built like crap and inefficiency in order to line the fuel heating industries pockets. People GOTTA wake up. They are slaves enriching the 2% with every dollar and every hour of labor they get 1% value and the 2% gets 99%. It is a stacked decked government subsidized 2% welfare.
well said.
thanks and may the force be with we the 99% movement.
Love this idea! And I so hope this protest succeeds. NO TAX BREAKS FOR THE 1%!
The march to D.C. is a fabulous idea, I wish I could join you guys! Keep us all posted on your travels. Stay safe and remember we are on the right side of history!
Frankly I doubt many can march a full 20 miles a day. I could be wrong. My 'ole bones' wont take it. I envy your spunk. I may not be their in person but shall in heart. Thanks to those that participate.
I walked with 12 people from Green Bay to Minneapolis to give out 20,000 copies of the Constitutuon and we covered an average of 15 miles per day. 20 miles is very ambitious.
Yes!!! This has made my night! So, happy to hear about this March to Congress. I was going to put up a thread about this issue, but now am so glad that I don't have to.
Thank you guys!!! Looking forward to this.
I think this is fantastic.
I highly recommend marching with the book Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession in hand! Congress does not want you to read this book nor do many executives.
Yes walk down the Jersey Turnpike, occupy it. soon.
Hey I know, lets start another war! Well use the same tricks that worked so well last time in Iraq - This time Iran! - http://www.democracynow.org/2011/11/21/seymour_hersh_propaganda_used_ahead_of
Grover Norquist is the leader of Repubs and TeaBaggers in Washington that has forced all Republicans in the House and Senate to sign a pledge not to raise taxes, period! This right-wing extremist fanatic has become the new face of the right-wing Fascist movement to reign in on Voter rights and make America a slave state to corporations and make greed and corruption their top priorities! This pledge not to raise taxes was started by this moron back in the eighties and nineties when he was a crony for Reagan and Bush1! He has made it his mission in life to force all the House and Senate members in Congress not to raise taxes to the rich and corporations! Occup America needs to march in Washington to the headquarters of " Americans for Tax Reform", a sleazy organization that promotes right-wing extremist rhetoric agenda, and make it known that he and the Tea Party and Republicans under his control will deter the American people from changing the makeup of Congress in the 2012 elections!
When the time is right and numbers are sufficient and the G.A.'s have voted in support of it, LET'S TAKE THE SPECIFIC FORCEFUL NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION DESCRIBED HERE AT THIS LINK: http://www.occupywallst.org/forum/when-the-moment-is-right-and-support-is-large-enou/
Yes, it would require enormous amounts of planning and people. We're talking major. But I believe this is the dramatic action we need to take in order to begin the process of taking this country back, putting up SERIOUS guardrails for Wall Street and getting the money out of politics.
If you think the action described at the link above is too radical, I'd be soncerely interested to know what you believe is the way forward.
i hear you have changed the route....i am hoping i am on the march route ....i invite all the marchers to my home for comfort, food and rest....or i will meet you where you are....i hope the route is updated so i do not miss you :) you are supported and loved by so many !!!
Anyway to check where they are. Im in my home town Rising Sun and want to see if they will be on schedule. Any response will be apreciated. Thanks.
Occupy the Highway! Much love, wishes and solidarity from Occupy Delaware. You are all welcome back to our Occupation any time, and take care of Julio! Working on your needs for tonight in Newark, expect socks!
thank you for removing my post
Look at these CEO DSalaries
CEO aand board member salaries for NON-PROFIT Banner Health in Arizona --- WOW
Peter Fine, an American dream comes true. Peter, a former New York taxi cab driver, has made it big in the health care industry. Now making
$1,300.00 an HOUR managing his NON-PROFIT health care corporation, Peter can easily buy a new car for CASH after working only 12 hours. An
American dream comes true! How do your wages compare?
Ronald Bunnell, another American dream come true. Bunnell was an auditor for the accounting and consulting firm of Peat Marwick and Mitchell
for two years and now makes $880.00 an HOUR in the NON-PROFIT health care industry. After working only an hour he can pay his monthly grocery
bill. Ronald's wages are probably closer to yours.
Susan Edwards, may hold the record for a woman working in NON-PROFIT health care endeavors, making over $1,600.00 per hour. She can pay the
average house payment by working only 42 minutes, not much more than a coffee break. Susan is advancing her career, currently with NON-PROFIT
ProHealth Care a Wisconsin. How are you doing on your house payments?
All data is based on compensation figures that are public information. Internal Revenue Service, tax year 2009, DLN# 93493316013240, Employer ID
45-0233470. 40 hrs/wk 50 wks/yr 2 weeks paid vacation. Current wages may be up to 20% greater. Travel expenses and other benefits are not
Web Archive, Twitter and Face Book short URL's:
Once again an example of the failure of OWS to do anything to truly progress the movement to the source in DC. These foolish assemblies in NYC have done nothing but taint you position and rapidly lose support. Nov 6th, you had the opportunity to promote "Occupy the White House" but chose to secretly support "stop the pipeline while working with the DNC and (I've since discovered) the National Democractic Socilist Party. This is why you are falling apart at the General Assembly level, and continue to attract the Black Bloc Anarchists.. Stop this foolishness in NYC now, and Amass at the White House to Occupy the White House..Occupy the peoples house and Congress. OWH. That is what the majority of the Occupy movement is calling for, and now seems to be landing on "deaf ears" as this Nov. 17th operation will prove. This is your end..Your self-destruction. GO TO WASHINGTON..The Capitol Police will not steal your tents and Generators. OWH..Take your demands to the source. The President supports you and wants you there now. OWH Now!!!
There should be a parallel occupation in each city of the top television station. Occupy Wall Street / Occupy Corporate Media. Corporate control of information means the 1% control reality for most of the 99%. This barrier MUST be broken or there is no hope for success in this movement.
Gee thats kewl I actually posted that the movement should converge on DC nice to see someone else have the same thoughts.
60 Minutes confirming why we should get money out of politics and stop the revolving door
Corporate bodies can kiss their behinds goodbye now. The experts in the movement should get busy formulating what they can be replaced by . We need justice and equality engineers to creatively think about possible solutions themselves instead of letting some politicians to cheat them again with some pleasant lullaby that would put them to sleep again . OWS must take control of itself and the communities with fairness and ingenuity to revive the true American Spirit .
I am one of the lucky 99% who has a part-time job. I can't be there with you but will be there in spirit - give 'em hel!
Take a look around Trenton; gangs, nearly bankrupt, huge property taxes. $22,000 per student spent in public schools, second to Newark with failing results. Another Democrat run shit hole. Be careful; those gangs will kill you for a nice pair of kicks.
Sorry, but I'm reposting this call for assitance:
I'm trying to find out where I can meet up with the march in Philly. I'm leaving Louisiana on Sat. and had planned on going straight to OWS. Would like to detour and join the march to D.C. before I head to N.Y. Please send any relevant info to
I've emailed owsmarch but they may not be in a position to sort a ton of emails and I need to know by tonight latest. Thanks.
I'm trying to find out where I can meet up with the march in Philly. I'm leaving Louisiana on Sat. and had planned on going straight to OWS. Would like to detour and join the march to D.C. before I head to N.Y. Please send any relevant info to
I've emailed owsmarch but they may not be in a position to sort a ton of emails and I need to know by tomorrow night latest. Thanks.
Here are a few more photos:
Be careful in DC people, because Abraham Lincoln warned that "the present, chaotic tyranny of unregulated international banking creates a great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, belching forth the lava of political corruption." Abraham Lincoln
Well, they are on their way! Yea! Long Live OWS!
The only photo/video coverage I have found so far:
Video, photos: Occupy Wall Street protesters march through Jersey City on way to Washington, D.C. http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2011/11/video_photos_occupy_wall_stree.html
Bump this up!
What happened? There were a lot more that left from NY, now there's only 19??
Why were these marchers not outfitted properly? I saw photos of a barefoot guy.. another few with thier belongings strapped on thier backs with rope. Why were they not properly sent off with decent backpacks and footwear geared for hiking and the elements? If they even make it to DC they are gonna be a mess. And this is who you sent to represent the movement. Unreal
This is Awesome!!!!... I wish i could take part in this march .. I am so proud you guys ..Know that I am with you mind, heart and soul... .. Much Love Occupy Movement.. May God be with you!!! Stay Strong!!!!!!
William Black's 3 OWS Demands in the Short Term
by the way, welcome to New Brunswick whenever you guys get here :)
Europe is bankrupt. What should OWS say or do about that fact?
any news from this?
we have indoor sleeping accomodations for many in new brunswick tomorrow. please advise.
we have indoor sleeping accomodations for many in new brunswick tomorrow. please advise.
Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. -Steve Jobs
Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. -Steve Jobs
All for the march and protest, but I think you guys failed to talk over a logistical snafoo with your DC counterparts-- a large number of DC residents (transplants from other cities) clear out of the city the day before Thanksgiving, meaning the 11/23 protest is probably going to be sparsely attended, and poorly covered by media, blogosphere, etc. I get the symbolism of protesting the same day that the stupidcommittee meets, but I think it would have a greater impact if done the day before when people are still here... Not too late to change the dates a bit...
Don't know whne it will happen but I hope that ows can bring millions to washington D.C. and fell all free spaces with people power.This nation has got to address the corruption and greed that has taken over the lives of those who control the lives of the 99%.
If you want to dispel the stereotype that you're naive and ignorant re: the industry you criticize, you can start with this.
I might say that I do support this movement and hopes it will grow larger and larger.It is time for some real change and like Obama said and didnot do.Change you can hope for.Our Country needs help form the Political System and Big-Money Corrupting the Great Government we have.And we all need to take more time when we vote and really think if that person will represent us or some big Bank.I have some good ideas but I won't live to see them happen.As I stated in another comment made. CANDIDATES ELECTION 1.All Candidates for all elections will run having the same money.No more this guy threw in 50 million and this one had 50,000 bucks.We vote for People on what they say and do not on their wallets.US TV will run debates live,etc and all Candidates get the same time in Airplay provided by us and our taxes.NO more of the rich man/poor man stuff. 2.Now we as a people both Conservative and Liberal all use your brains and listen/read about all these Candidates and think hard before you vote. 3.As we in the USA are all created Equally and live Equally in a land of Freedom then we all will run Equally for Office without the BS of Money Inequality WASHINGTON POLITICS 1.End Money Lobbying 2.End large money Donations to Politicians/Parties/Political type Groups.We must put a stop to this and make a $1000 limit and no more.The marriage of big-money and Politics must end.It is creating an inequality as human beings. 3.Washington needs to concentrate on our issues not how much money they can raise for their own purposes.They are there for the people and by the people.
This is why I support OCCUPY.I do not touch on other sensitive issues.I say let them sort out later down the line.USA is for everyone not just one group.Get money out of our voting lives and things will get a lot better in time.Do not rush to get it all because you will only divide our Nation.It is time for people to use their brains and realize Money does not mix with Politics !
PLEASE SIGN Petition: Government for the people: Money out of politics http://signon.org/sign/government-for-the-people-1.fb1?source=c.fb.ty&r_by=1500847 We need to get government back into the hands of the people. Campaign finance reform is the #1 US issue! Limit campaign contributions so that US citizens may contribute no more than the equivalent of $100 to any state or federal candidate during any election cycle.
Friends, if we feel proud of our OWS and inspired by this great idea and brave action, let's show support to all the participants who actually will walk this jorney to deliver the messages for ALL OF US 99%. Let's show support and our love by donating $$$ or the supplies they need to complete this mission. Pull our money together, we will make a big difference. Also we need to look after our own local OWS. Since I cannot join the march, I thank you so much for doing this for me, I will do my part locally.
You will be sure to inspire lots of honks, cheers and occupiers along the way! Stay dry, stay warm, stay safe. Occupy!
can u imagine how much food would come back if all you protesters start creating gardens,. all over the place?
is stead of marching why not go build a garden to feed people somewhere?
Good. Similar to the march of the indignants in a way. Keep going from the white house, go across the whole country! Best wishes and support on the walk.
I've been following OWS for awhile and am heartened by the groundswell work towards a better world and with it, a change in consciousness. There is much good here I hope will prove to be an impetus in moving our nation in a new, more positive direction. Coming from someone who is a bit of a historian, there is some advice I would ike to offer: 1). I would like to see OWS work towards concrete goals and objectives, including working within the system. 2). Realize achievement of goals to bring about a better world can take a long time..it is a marathon really..this is where the early baby boomers ran into trouble in the 60's and early 70's 3). Alawys hold a place in the mind about bringing about that better world in 5 years...10 years...20 years, etc., etc. so this way of being becomes a part of who we are....this way we avoid cynicism and another 80's neocon/reactive period, elect another Reagan, etc. 4). Always stay focused on nonviolent direct action by not only avoiding physical violence, but also developing a tranquil state of mind. At a collective level, hundreds of focused minds working as one just being as one can move mountains.
My best wishes to all!
Will see you on the walk
Is there a list of suggested supplies for the marchers to bring? Also, will food be provided or will we be required to pack enough to last 2 weeks?
The FED.RESERVE needs to go ,it is an illegal institution in our country, they paid off our officials to come into our country and get their hands on our money at what ever rate they decide to set . And all the reserve chairman's work for them not us. We the people being of the sovereign nation of the U.S.A. have every right and should be printing our own money instead of buying it from the fed at ridiculous rates and going farther in debt, i say kick them out!!! I have recently found out about the Bushes plan to build a super highway from the Gulf of Mexico in Mexico to Canada 35w five lanes it was quietly pushed through not a peep from news or politicians and we the taxpayers are paying for it . they are trying to divide this country right down the middle we will be easier to control that way,also they are wanting to get rid of our borders we will no longer be AMERICA we will be North America ,they want to get rid of the port unions, and driver unions and have Mexican drivers instead, also they will be taking land from farmers, people , small businesses etc. under the eminent domain .it is being sponsored by NAFTA AND NASCO NORTH AMERICA SUPERCORRIDOR COALITION that is code for the richest elites use us as servants or we are disposed of they don't care one way or the other, GAME OVER CHECKMATE.(ps they also pushed for a bio national ID card they will be able to track you any place any time. Florida is using it they put it in five different bills till they finally got it they say its for immigration but we all know it would take illegal people minutes to clone these cards so their is another reason control of us.)
Thanks for the heads up. Now I know when to get my pooper scooper out.
Political Wrinkles
If they are occupying the highway, I will be too. However I have classes and work like many so therefore I will be occupying the highway by standing in solidarity by writing on my car for others in our country to see. I would like to see more in support of multiple ways of conveying our message.
Auhad Husan(or howver youspell it) may be the dumbest person in the movement. This post would be hysterical, except I think he's serious. "letes base an economy on hugs and kisses.. You should have gotten those from your Mommie LOl Please everyone..FOCUS...We started the "Occupy the White House" on nov 6th, but were interfered with a mis-guided Obama - backed DNC funded protest about something called "Keystone". I think Auhad Husan was there with a hundred or so of his "Hugs and kisses" brigade holding hands...OWH was about letting the President and Congress know that he is a guest in Our House..The White House is the peoples house. This Movement OWh must move forward, but "secret " OWS General Assembly meetings with Obama supporters in the DNC have all but hyjacked the "Occupy the White House" movement. DOn't let this happen anymore. I was there in Washington in Liberty Park and at the fence and overheard people laughing about this.. Don't be fooled..We must confront the GA OWS and get them back on track with the OWh final step Now!! Peace to All!!
Auhad Husan(or howver youspell it) may be the dumbest person in the movement. This post would be hysterical, except I think he's serious. "letes base an economy on hugs and kisses.. You should have gotten those from your Mommie LOl Please everyone..FOCUS...We started the "Occupy the White House" on nov 6th, but were interfered with a mis-guided Obama - backed DNC funded protest about something called "Keystone". I think Auhad Husan was there with a hundred or so of his "Hugs and kisses" brigade holding hands...OWH was about letting the President and Congress know that he is a guest in Our House..The White House is the peoples house. This Movement OWh must move forward, but "secret " OWS General Assembly meetings with Obama supporters in the DNC have all but hyjacked the "Occupy the White House" movement. DOn't let this happen anymore. I was there in Washington in Liberty Park and at the fence and overheard people laughing about this.. Don't be fooled..We must confront the GA OWS and get them back on track with the OWh final step Now!! Peace to All!!
oh, boy!
All of you are too lazy to complete this walk. Have fun failing.
I hope the media doesn't ruin you all. Some people be brave enough to get up on high ground and film the amount of people there are. If you don't the media will make it look as if you are only numbered in the hundreds!
they are numbered in the 20s
State tax, Federal tax, Social security tax, Medicare tax, Medicaid tax, Sales tax, Property tax, Income tax...ect. Taxing anybody more can not possibly be the solution. The government must be confined to only the duities granted by our constitution. Unfortunatly that will come with some sacrifice but we will be more free.
Such as promoting the general welfare.
You sound like a TEA party person. Taxed Enough Already is what TEA stands for.
If you are still talking about Bush Tax Cuts you are tinkering with the edges of a totally corrupt, bankrupt system and you are acting as tools for the left half of the 1% political system. Wake up. END THE FED!
Im not an any party person...I agree with some of there points...and I've marched on bank of america with occupy...If this whole thing is going to have a chance we have to understand that the the media and money men will try to seperate us, as they are already doing and have already done. When you say tax the rich your telling them its ok to tax people more and I fear next time the government needs money it will be our turn. I support the march and I know the message will be much broader than just tax the rich. Im just of the oppinon that the government pretty much sucks at everthing it trys to do so I would try to limit its involvment in our lives as much as possible.
The TEA party is for smaller govt. Less intrusion into the lives of Americans
Occupy conservative hooligan's office in every town and chase them out. Locate the Wall Street financial bandit castle in your area and move all nursing home people to this place.These castles were built from old people stolen pension, medical fraud and embezzled life time savings.
occupy bridges too
Will congress be in session this Thanksgiving?
Need your help. pl. click the link and sign the petition to send the message to politicians and fix our economic problems. Need millions of signatures to get politicians attention and make this work. Here is the link:
Set-off - The Lender may set off any amounts due under this Agreement against any sums owing the Lender to the Borrower. This small sentence turns a loan into a credit agreement....The word MAY is misleading and should be changed to MUST because the money you were told that you BORROWED never existed in the first place....Borrowing money from a bank is a fraud as you cannot borrow something that does not exist until you give it to the bank who then gives it back to you who then takes it back to pay your debt....I cannot find any loan agreement that states this clearly....This needs to be tested in court especially by a home loan owner.... It could bring down the house of cards.... People must be made aware that LOAN and CREDIT don't mean the same thing, whereas a bank will start a LOAN agreement and end it with giving you CREDIT... A loan is also set for the purchase of a stated item whereas credit should be able to be spent on anything...Most agreements state this but also add a clause saying that it is not their duty to check....Why can't I get this point off my chest???? It is a point everyone in debt should be asking themselves....Mis-selling is a crime......
You are over thinking the lending business. Of course the money exists. When you buy a house, the person you buy it from gets their money from your loan. How could that happen if the money did not exist? When you buy a car, the dealership gets the money from your lender. I don't get your point. The term "loan" does not imply, in all cases, that your use of the funds is controlled. The bank "extends credit" to you when they make you a loan. If you've ever had a mortgage, it is very clear that the lender is giving you a loan. If you are getting a refinance and taking cash out, the bank does not control how you spend the money (except to pay off your current loan). Credit cards are a different animal, you are right but so what?
Please read it again and try and understand how money comes into existence....Then you'll get my point..
Ol' granpa, he no walk so good anymore; hafta just cheer from the sidelines & wish you young 'uns good luck and you should watch out for foot blisters!
60 minutes just did an interesting interview with lobbyist and now ex-con jack abramoff it is worth watching
the system is corrupted at the roots
nice. could use this same type of feeder action during elections to say a few things about the privatization of our elections by corporate financing, with a stop at k street, just to say hi to all those lobbyists and thank them for everything they do for our democracy, each and every day.
Cheers and good night ows, thank you all, love from the rest of us. We are the 99% And We ARE TOO BIG TO FAIL!
This is like putting the cat in charge of the mice. Try realism http://realismamerica.blogspot.com/
Wonderful plan! I will walk with you as far as I can. While in Trenton, NJ shout out to "Save the Delaware Commission" the anti-fracking group. On November 21, a plan to allow 20,000 fracked gas wells will be put before the Delaware River Basin Commission. I am sure that shouts of support for "Save the Delaware" as you pass through would be welcomed. To learn more about the issue: http://savethedelaware.wordpress.com/josh-fox-video/
So wish I could go!
A close look needs to be taken of the Corporate Excise (Income) Tax Act of 1909 (36 Stat. 11, 112). Prior to this no one paid any 'income tax' in America all the way back to the days of the '[un]Civil War. The industrial era is what brought around the 'Corporate Income Tax'. It was a Tax targeting Industrailists for their 'dependancy' on LABOR for their GAINS.
Wish I was there!
I love a good hike.
You guys should march right down the middle of I-95, bringing all traffic to a halt!
That is a terrible idea and would only further harm the fragile name of this movement.
Yes and be sure to have the kids along.
You really thought that one out didn't you? Dumbass
Maybe the trucks will plow right through, making immense piles of road kill, allowing the turkey vultures to feast for days on end.
Protest the real problem-BIG OIL !! has anybody noticed the media has not even mentioned the 2nd and 3rd quarter 2011 profits. 175% in the 3rd over the 2nd !! Who or what is so powerful it can squelch the media ? We can not except this !! $4.50 gallon in 2008 started it all, it got down to $2 and recovery was on the way NOW at nearly $4 again and no recovery .. SEE THE CONNECTION !!
The biggest profiteer on gasoline is the federal government. Notice they don't lower the tax rate as the price goes up. Rather, they take windfall profits.
Big Oil, by the way , makes only average profits. Not sure why they get picked out to be demonized.
I love profits, especially oil profits.
I really support you guys for doing this. Bravo!
Isn't it up to Obama, does this committee have any say in this matter? P.S. I wish Obama ended the bush tax cuts, man that pissed me off.
Yea its so unfair that people get to keep more of their money isnt it.
Yea, it is spelled yeah. Go to school kid. Have the Bush Tax cuts helped us? In the past ten years has it created jobs? How many jobs were created under Bush? These are facts look them up and compare.
You tell me to go to school, then ask questions, then call the questions facts. You answered my simple question and that would have sufficed by itself. You sound like a lib to me, spouting off all the hyperbole when asked something so simple.
The questions are for you to answer. The questions are not facts, but the answers to these questions are facts, look them up.
if it were not for corzine I could afford a better tent. Corzine wall street bankster
Why should you have a tent? Ot's unfair to the many who cannot afford one, and destructive to the environment to manufacture it. You shoul look to nature to provide, using fallen tree limbs, leaves, and the hide of road kill deer to provide eco-friengly, green shelter.
oldfatrobby, I liked that comment a lot. Thanks
can't make it but please stop at corzine's house--biggest wall street crook of them all
I hope they do try to mob his house. Im sure he is ready.
WOW ! http://youtu.be/nPZLeRRI8dc
Very Inspiring. Thank you Occupy Wall Street. Fair-ness
Infantry of ( " TRUTH" ) Your movement is ( " HEART-FELT " )
Please Read Important!!!! Verify the Nov 3rd date in the first paragraph of this article. The date listed in the timeline is for Nov 23rd. Please check prior to the media hailstorm over this typo
While I agree with the statement "We want to be there to fight for the 99%". I do not agree with this statement: "let the committee know what the 99% think about these cuts."
The first statement may be true as it is subjective...the second is not as it is an objective statement of fact.
Just sayin.
you occupy Washington, that is, the control rooms of the rich._
("occupate washington, cioè le stanze di comando dei ricchi")_
While I agree with the statement "We want to be there to fight for the 99%". I do not agree with this statement: "let the committee know what the 99% think about these cuts."
The first statement may be true as it is subjective...the second is not as it is an objective statement of fact.
Just sayin.
We have you covered in Trenton here at Trenton Atelier. Someone from couch-surfing got to me yesterday.
220 Allen Street, Trenton NJ 08618
See you Friday!
1, Erik
Ever been to Rising Sun? You're gonna be surprised when you get there.
what is Rising Sun? Thanks.
It's a little (and I mean little) town in Maryland by PA. I'd love to go there just to see a bunch of protesters spending the night. That's gonna be classic. Anybody from around there will know what I'm talking about.
I'm not from around there, so I don't what you're talking about. could you explicate, pls?
Do you think the town will protest the protesters ? lol Now that would be priceless.
Its hard to tell what they'll do, but no doubt it will be something.
I'm glad you're including the injustice system, it's so true. Thx!
Right on! This is the core issue for me. Are you coordinating with http://www.wolf-pac.com/ as well?
What a great idea. MLK made the Civil Rights Movement all the more visible by marching -- course, things were slightly different then.....
NYC to OAKLAND !!!!!!
Start petitions drives all over America to abolish corporate personhood by a constitutional amendment and reinstate corporate charters, which is how they used to be, and go back to having them exist on temporary bases requiring renewal! Repeal 08-205 that had the Supreme Court ( all the right-wing conservative judges voted in favor of ) vote to grant personhood to corporations. This ruling let corporations and special-interests give unlimited amounts of money to political parties and individuals running for office. This is wrong and the Supreme Court was wrong in granting corporations, personhood. Let's start to call congressmen in Congress and the Senate to get sponsors to sponsor this amendment so it can be on the ballot in the November 2012 elections and let the American people vote on it! We can also pressure Congress to reinstate the Glass-Steagall law. This law protected consumers up to 1999 when the Gramm-Leach-Bliley law replaced the Glass-Steagall law and let bankers used bank customer's money and deposits for speculative activities that resulted in huge losses to the banks and their stockholders. Rooselvelt's Glass-Steagall Act was passed in 1933 and was meant that the banks that accepted deposits could not be involved in very risky activities, like issuance of securities,etc. The resulting barrier between normal bank activities and more speculative activities was as stated, removed with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley law in 1999. By reinstating the Glass-Steagall law, it would keep bankers and speculators from using bank customer money and deposits from being used for speculative activities by the bank so that the stockholders behind these speculative deals would be responsible for the losses and not taxpayers.Let's start those petitions so we can deliver them to the steps of the U.S. capitol to be put into the ballots in the November 2012 elections. Then march to the Supreme Court building and tell them that the Constitution of the United States is not for sale. That the PEOPLE do not agree with them and the 08-205 be repealed with a constitutional amendment that abolished personhood to corporations and they are not people or vote. We the American people are the ones who vote, and we will take back our goverment from the greedy and corrupt in Washington and Wall Street!
We need the top 52 Pigs that are destroying the world displayed on a deck of playing cards/wanted poster.
Title each playing card consistently "Top Pig/52" along with their name a caricature/ and or photo of the beast (maybe beast is a little harsh?). (perhaps add a famous one-liner of theirs or maybe print: REWARD _, FREEDOM, LIBERTY, ETC.)
Get these signs professional designed and printed based on a consensus/vote/ better yet a sponsor who will donate a minimum to cover the cost, march or protest with them in hand, and anything over gets added to the movement.
I think you get the idea. Have fun expanding on this most serious matter.
OWS needs to start a petition drive to put on the 2012 November ballot to vote on an amendment to strike down the "Citizens United" referendum that allowed the Supreme Court to rule that corporations are legally classified as "people". This ruling allows corporations to pour unlimited amounts of money into the coffers of extremist organizations, associations, ultra-right extremist candidates running for political office and strike down citizen rights and privileges guaranteed by the constitution! This ruling was bought and paid for by the greedy and corrupt politicians, banks, Wall Street and corporations. They want to get rid of our rights and replace them with totalitarian laws that work to get rid of unions, the bill of rights, and the freedom of American citizens. Lets start a petition drive to get this amendment on the 2012 November ballots, so that Americans get to vote and get rid of this ruling by a Supreme Court bought by special-interests and corporate America! Write, call the politicians in the House and the Senate that you support an amendment to strike down the ruling ( Citizens United) that makes corporations be classified as "people". We need to send a message not only to Congress but to the Supreme Court that put the rights of corporations over the interests of the voters and citizens of the United States. They turned their backs on the American people, and maybe one day put an amendment on the ballots to impeach those justices that voted against the rights of the American People! Let's begin this drive to get petitions signed and delivered to the steps of the U.S. capitol and then march to the Supreme Court building and make our displeasure known to those traitors that sold out to the American people! While we are at it, let's get the another bill restored to keep the banks from using client's money to invest in unregulated markets and use our money to gamble on speculation!
If you are still talking about Bush Tax Cuts you are tinkering with the edges of a totally corrupt, bankrupt system and you are acting as tools for the left half of the 1% political system. Wake up. END THE FED!
Attention all OWS please go to liveleak.com and watch video of violent protest in Oakland. By occupying you give opportunities for these idiots to blend in with you and act like asses. I am not sure what, if anything you can do about it, but these idiots definitely hurt your cause. Do what you can to keep these dumbasses away from you.
Check the Air & Space Museum riot, too.
That was 100% provocateurs.
Two guys on rightie payrolls at that.
That march is only for the young and the strong. Good luck.
20 miles a day lol Good luck with that morons, the boys marching to Bastogne hold the record eh!
Road kill.
To protest Bush tax cuts, ahahaha this has to be a joke. Things are goin as planned for Barry and his sheep.
How are all of you going to get time off from work in order to march?
♪♫•¨☀★♫♪ the Dirty Fucking Hippies, WERE RIGHT! ♪♫•¨☀★♫♪ newworldknowing2 Check this on you tube.
Socialism works only until you run out of other people’s money.” Margaret Thatcher. I am 43 years old. I have started over in life 4 times. Through several years of blood, sweat, and tears I was finally able to turn a one man business into a thriving entity employing several people. I was able to relax for only a short time though until the economy crashed. My gross profits dropped 85% in 18 months, my liability insurance went up 25%, my private policy health premium soared by nearly 50%, gas prices nearly doubled, in short... a big piece of me died as my world came tumbling down yet one more time in my life. I dropped my insurance, sold as much equipment as I could and still function, went back to working the company myself, and stopped paying for advertising; I instead went out and beat the streets. Today I am still doing those things except now I have a new love in my life and we do it together. I still don't have health insurance, and we are mentally and physically tired; but we can pay the bills and the nearly 1/3 in taxes of what the company does happen to make.
We are in the 53%
You can be too if you stop blaming everyone and everything for your problems. The Socialism you so desperately want won't work if we 53% stopped working and started crying like your doing. Just make up your mind that life is going to suck for a while as you may have to work for what seems like nothing while "your present" turns into the future "you make it". realismamerica dot blogspot
You do realize that EVERYONE pays taxes right? Federal income taxes aren't the only form of government revenue. Those that don't pay federal income taxes (the other 47%) either don't make enough to, or are multi-billion dollar corporations.
I just want to say that I think that you have some really good points about how things are going very wrong in our country, and how socialism my not be the answer. True, I don't believe that Socialism is the best route but I think the discussion needs to be taken up. I understand your point about not crying about your our situation, however, we have to ask how did these situations come about? Why did your private policy sky rocket? Why did your gross profits crash? Why did these things happen? And once we get an answer to these questions we might have a way to remedy them in the future. That is what this protest is all about, its not all about crying, and asking for a hand out. It is supposed to be an intellectual discussion about what has happened and how can we fix it to where it doesn't happen again.
Good for you, Mr. (Ms.?) bairo! But, your success is just what #ows is working/calling for. While you may consider yourself part of the "53%", you're also part of the 99% who DON'T control the economy. If you did, you wouldn't have had to start over so many times, and give up your insurance. When "the economy crashed" as you say, did you get a golden or even a plastic parachute? Not according to what you're telling us. #ows is rying to give all of the middle/lower classes a chance to "make it", not just the favored 1%. Granpa is proud that you're finally having a little success. Good for you, now join us to help others "make it", too.
Good response. Some people just don't get it.
psssst.... you know you could be considered part of "some people" or is Bairo not one of the 99%?
Wouldn't it be everyone that is not the 1%, so who are these "some people" that you are seperating from the other 99%?
i have a suggestion. bring a film crew along and encourage those who live along your journey and suffered the most at the hands of the 1%, edit the footage, present it to Bernie Sanders and request that he air it on the floor of Congress so lawmakers can witness the destruction their policies have created.
They are being forced to march?
Stop at Rising Sun Maryland. It's well known for its indigenous population of Klansmen. I hear they support OWS and will take care of all of you.
can we stop at corzine's for thanksgiving dinner on the way home. That crook is in the .001% by stealing my money.
I like to speak about facts when I approach a subject and it seems the writer of this story is factually incorrect. The Bush tax cuts that are to expire effect single payers making more then $200,000 and couples making more $250,000. The top 1% make around $335,000 so you need to change the motto from 99% to 97%.
Not at all true. They reduced taxes for everyone paying them. This is easy to validate. Obama and the Dems want to keep all the Bush tax rates EXCEPT for those making 200 - 250. No one wants the tax rates on the middle class to go back up to where they were pre-Bush.
That's not entirely true, Obama and the Democrats want to keep the tax cuts to the Middle Class and tax only those making $1,000,000,000 dollars a year. A tax on Millionaires, which now pay little or not taxes!
Note: Opening sentence currently reads "Nov THREE" instead of "November twenty-three". Great action. (Also, what does "End the Bush tax cuts" mean? Aren't they now the "Obama tax cuts"? Come on....
no, they are the Bush Tax Cuts. The democrats tried getting rid of them but the Rethugs held the democrats hostage by threatening to cut the unemployment benefits.
That's not entirely true. Obama wanted to modify the Bush cuts... and add to them greatly. But he never looked to abolish them entirely.
Obama wanted to keep the tax cuts to the Middle Class and raise them for anyone making over 250,000, but then compromised and instead supporting them only for people making a million dollars or more, now know as the millionaire's tax.
If you are still talking about Bush Tax Cuts you are tinkering with the edges of a totally corrupt, bankrupt system and you are acting as tools for the left half of the 1% political system. Wake up. END THE FED!
Fantastic Idea. As this march progresses I hope many do join up. I'm sure this going to happen. This will get media exposure and help keep the 99% in the spot light. The longer and harder we push the message of this movement the less they will be able to ignore us. They'll get it. Expect US !!!
We are the 99%
I Am The 50%
The Middle Class Getting Screwed By Both Sides
the message is tax the rich a little more?
Tax them a lot more, we need to create jobs, you need money to do that. Private sector is cutting jobs, because there is high unemployment and low consumer demand. Supply-side economics has failed!
simple enough
what of all these debt payment interest ?
The world economy is going to collapse if we focus strictly on the debt. Sooner or later countries will be subsidizing jobs if the private sector fails to step up (and with all the debt, the private sector faces the same problem as the public sector). My guess is that eventually they will have to monetize the debt, which of course will cause inflation.
Now if I were ruler for a day, I would eliminate the debt-money system of money creation through fractional-reserve lending and replace it with healthy growth of money supply through money creation and use the newly created money to fund government. As long as you don't create more than required by population and GDP growth, there shouldn't be inflation.
I'm not sure the fed can solve this with out the coordination of other nations
Im sure glad you arent running the place.
Do some research and find out why they arent hiring.
It's not because of over regulation and taxes, if that's where you are going. Companies already are sitting on trillions, letting them hoard more money isn't the answer. Letting millionaires and billionaires keep from paying a higher tax rate so they can purchase more financial assets isn't creating jobs. The private sector cannot create enough jobs for full employment, we knew this since the Great Depression. You notice when we started rolling back the New Deal, that's when our problems began.
You obviously do not know anyone who runs a buissness.
Is that all you got?
I do not have or have to have anything, it isnt a debate. Is asking me is that all I got all I got? See how that works? Nice try to get me on that merry go round. Go march your ass down that interstate and be sure to bring the kids along. Makes it easier to spot you.
What are you talking about this isn't a debate? You are responding to my posts speculating on the best policies we should adopt as a nation. You disagreed with my suggested policies, that is by definition a debate. My guess is that you really don't have any of your own ideas on policy but have been indoctrinated by FOX news and are simply mouthing the talking points that are wrong for the country and will be rejected.
I cannot take you seriously enough to have one with you. I am glad all the buissness owners you know of are doing well, but most I know of struggle to make a profit and/or hire because of healthcare, spoiled workers, and uncertainty. If you have something against fox then take it up with them, also it speaks volumes about yourself that that is the "best you got" to bring them up.
OK, fair enough. I have been part of management and labor in addition to running my own business (very small scale, basically freelancing and hiring a worker of two every now and then) so I like to think I have walked in both sides shoes. You have to ask why is this recession happening to us? Does it have to do with consumer spending? I think it does. All the great booms we've enjoyed have been built on consumer spending. Why are we in a recession now? Not because there a lack of business incentives, but because there is a lack of consumers. This is what demand-side economic theory is all about.
There must be consensus. <<< : )
I am sure that many will join, seems to be plenty of idiots out there. Not many will last though.
You have shown your ignorance by calling others you don't know idiots.
So what does that make you ?
Not an idiot, I will not be joining.
SO, then why are you here ???
You participating in something you really don't want to join or participate.
That seems a bit confusing to me. Are you a dualistic kind of person ?
You know, say one thing, do another. Do as I say, but not as I do.
Whatever it is, you have real heavy narrative rolling through your mind. You need to spread some of skepticism to your own beliefs and see how they hold up to the light of truth. Truth comes to you as you find answers that are firm and based upon undeniable evidence. Faith is the opposite of reason.
I am not participating. I am trying to understand what goes through your minds, and I like to offer advice in hopes that it will help :-)
Maybe to know what's going through yours, ey ?
I just really enjoy myself here :-)
Well then, carry on, your welcome here. Just one thing, people really aren't stupid (or idiots), what it is, they're just plain ignorant. This happens for many reasons that we really can't judge here because we can't climb into others minds quite yet. You see calling someone ignorant should not be an insult unless they differ on the ignorance part. But with the stupid part, no one likes it, and you'll just stir the pot. Not that for some, that's the objective.
For you, unless I may be wrong, you really are here to converse, have some fun, maybe learn a thing or two, and that's all great and fine. I hope you do get more than maybe you thought. You can, if your not too careful, become enlightened. But, you must really find it on your own to be yous. Trust that you can know the truth. There are proven ways to get at it.
Good Luck! & thanks for the posts !
Puzzlin, Thank you for one of the most intelligent responses I have received. Thank you. I am not against you. I do not believe you will accomplish anything but I am not against you. If you have read some of my other posts then you understand that I am not here just to call names. I try to point out things that are working against you. If you are going to succeed you must be willing to hear how outsiders see this. It is unfortunate that many of you that get caught on camera are completely stupid (all of you are not stupid, but there are many who are) when there are people like you who could convey your intentions articulately. I will not participate, but I hope to point out the bad so that you can learn and overcome (from an outsider’s perspective). I am not a hater. Good luck to you all.
Ok, fair enough. Actually, if everyone started agreeing with me all the time, I would find that odd, and highly unlikely. Debating is completely necessary and should always be encouraged. If your right, you should be able to PROVE yourself to be correct. We explore the evidence and facts, and we rationally decide on where the truth is. Unfortunately, many times, especially in politics the truth really can't be known precisely. Most times both sides have some truth in their corner. We have to judge carefully for ourselves. But we have to try to be better judges and do the work that helps foster truth. It's never easy.
Happy posting to you, my friend !!!
Puzzlin, I never claim to speak absolute truth, because I am first to admit that I am not completely up to speed on all issues. A good example for me to present is on the planed march. If you block traffic you will gain more opposition than followers. Nice talking with you Puzzlin.
I guess no one thought that you might get hit by a car while trying to do this? Or perhaps cause a wreak that could hurt others? Never mind cause traffic to jam up , not allowing others to go to a job they need to support their family.
There are bicycle tours that use the roadways and that go for miles and miles and miles. Would you tell them the same thing?
Amazing how they feel they can trample others rights on some social justice quest. I saw yhrough this crap from day one.
I know. Perhaps this will all slowly fade away and everything can get back to semi normal.
Please tell me that you are not going to cause traffic problems for all those who need to get to work in order to provide for their families. Have your protest, but please do not cause problems for the people who need to get to work or get their kids to school. Doing that will only work against your cause. Lets all act like adults here.
It is their right to protest, it is not their right to cause working class people problems. I don't care if they march until their shoes fall off, just stay out of the way.
Did you catch the Oakland Strike? They shut down the port. This movement thinks bringing the economy to a screeching halt is beneficial to their cause.
When in all reality, it only hurts the little guy who doesn't get paid while the circus is in town. People like me.
And me. Winter is comming, so hopefuly this crap slows down.
You are correct, sad part is that they still will not learn.
A march to the Manhattan prosecutor's office is more like it.
They are the ones who looked the other way. The ones who never prosecute the big Wall Street thieves for using the major sell-side brokerages to steal.
Everybody knew by 2009 that Wall Street bribed the rating agencies. Ten times the normal fees, unprecedented so-called "bonuses," automatic "AAA" fraud-ratings.
Misuse of the legal term "synthetic" in financial contracts. Those transactions were used in Manhattan during face-to-face presentations to steal the most of $5,000,000,000,000 from pension funds and investor accounts. Altogether almost 10% of the total value of the country. Stolen in Manhattan.
Wall Street royalty were not prosecuted because the local prosecutors were in on the scams. What else? And how much overseas money went to these people? What was the price for trader-community immunity?
The basic protections of the Common Law have been abrogated for ordinary Americans by the Manhattan prosecutor's office.
This corruption began in earnest with non-prosecution for the first Dot.com cycle ($35-billion, 1992-1995), then the second Dot.com cycle ($500-billion, 1998-2000), then this gigantic fraud ($5-trillion in Manhattan, 2003-2011.)
Federal laws, no. This is local jurisdiction fraud. Not compliance, not traded stocks, not banking laws, not "disclosure," not even generally wire fraud.
Simple stuff. Common Law fraud. On the grandest scale... ever in the history of the planet. There's also NY State's take on RICO because these frauds involved 2, 3, and 4 different companies' cooperation to pull it off.
One Hogan Place New York, NY 10013
Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., Daniel R. Alonso, Caitlin J. Halligan, Karen Friedman Agnifilo, Adam Kaufmann, Erin M. Duggan, Leroy Frazer, Jr., Hilary Hassler, Lillian “Lee” Llambelis, Jeannette Molina, Chauncey Parker, Frederick J. Watts
This is also the crew that delivered up a 16-day-and-$350-fine sentence for vehicular manslaughter, DUI, and leaving-the-scene in the Florence Cioffi homicide case. January 2008- July 2009. Piling up Water Street at 60 m.p.h. in an SUV and taking out Flo when she tried to hail a cab. Oh, of course, the drunk driver was Wall Street CEO George Anderson.
That perp's office overlooks Zuccotti Park. The prosecutor's office ??? Far enough removed so that no one, ever has inconvenienced their deals. They were as much a part of this $5-TT smash-and-grab as the bribe-taking rating agencies and the OC thieves -- prime causes for the Depression of 2008.
Making BUSH TAX CUTS the focus sets us up as tools of the Dem wing of the 1% political system. PLEASE DROP THAT. It is completely feeding into the left-right paradigm and addresses none of the real underlying issues of corporatism that need to be addressed. Walking to DC=Cool; doing it for BushTaxCuts=LAME!
Im Confused, is this to tell them that we want the 1% to pay taxes? cause I dont like the idea that we fight to tax anybody. the Rich are not evil, its the super rich that intentionally hurt the nation that we should be protesting against..not just rich. anyway instead of fighting for any tax increase on the rich lets go and say we dont want any taxes on any of the people! if you fight for taxes you still keep the same corrupt system in play
You call yourselves the 99%, but you really don't represent 99% of the rest of us. All recent polling shows less than 50% support for this cause. Some show it as little a ~30%. With that small a standing, nothing will change. However, it is about the same for the Tea Party. That means there may be as much as 50% in the middle that really don't care either way. As high as 40% in some polls view it as unfavorable. Therefore, nothing will change! You all might as well go home.
Rising Sun MD from the Urban Dictionary
Rising Sun is one of the most hick filled towns in Maryland located right in the middle of the biggest red neck county, Cecil County. When the people of Rising Sun aren't too busy farming, watching a little leauge baseball game, going to the drag strip, or fucking their sisters they're usually at the local KKK meeting. Rising Sun's claim to fame is that it is Marylands headquarters for the KKK and they are danm proud of it. The town is so racist that when the football coach of the high school heard they were going to play Aberdeen High School and Havre de Grace High School, which are too schools with a large majority of black students, the coach quit rather then even have to play them.
Aint no law against being rascist.
The bush tax cuts benefited me and I am not wealthy. I guess you would have to pay taxes to know that.
They benefited us all. And I am not a bushie, trust me. On that note, some of the extension stipulations Obama created in 2010 gave me more money in my paycheck.
The message is still befuddled. They only want "part" of the Bush Tax Cuts eliminated. The part for the 1%... it doesn't work that way.
Maybe you should rename that LetsGetMyOpinionsStraight.com
Please post some facts on your site.
I'd like to second that, and suggest that they be relevant facts as well.
Dont file
Nice, spreading sexual assaults from OWS NYC all the way down to D.C.....good job!
I think they already have sexual assaults in D.C. In fact, i just looked it up and apparently, sexual assault has been around for a long time. Like at least 20 years.
Don't thank me, just happy to share the knowledge, brother!
Don't forget to use EZPass.
Well that's disappointing. I was looking forward to reading some facts. But there aren't any. Just right wing opinions. Not a fact in sight. No souces cited, nothing.
Common sense does not need a source.
"Facts" and "common sense" are not the same thing, and your site seemed to have neither (here's a useful "fact" you've neglected to mention in your praise of the great glorious god Capitalism, let its name always be praised, let its enemies be damned: roughly 60% of US exports at the time you claim the free market was developing in said country consisted of cotton - produced by slaves). Also, if you're going to use the term "common sense," I suggest you look into its origins in the moral theories of the eighteenth century (esp. Shaftesbury and Hutcheson, but also Adam Smith), which stressed that it resulted from social interaction and ultimately had the good of the community over the greed of the individual at heart. One of the "facts" from your website was that "greed is good" (so I suppose I should also mention, while I'm at it, that it's conventional to distinguish evaluative statements (for example, "your website sucks") from factual statements (for example, "your website contains very few facts").
bp, tx for saying this, and you say it so well!
What a colossal waste of time. Enjoy breathing in the exhaust fumes.
The Bush tax cuts were across the board. They also substantially INCREASED government revenue because the economy boomed.
RipVanWrinkle, you must have just awoken from an eleven year sleep! Bush2 raided the Social Security Trust Fund to fund his massive tax cuts to the rich and corporations and fund his endless wars in the Middle East. He stole that money in order to keep his budget balanced while giving the illusion that everything was fine with his policies. The truth is, he stole that money from taxpayers and when he left office, the country was on the edge of default and a total financial collapse. Millions of jobs had been outsourced and 60,000 plus American factories had been sent to China and India. He created jobs, but not here in America, they were created in China and India. He gave tax breaks and incentives to ship all those jobs overseas, millions of Americans are unemployed because of his policies supported by Republicans! You are totally clueless and should go back to sleep for another ten years!!!!
was it at this time jpmorgan was given the contract to manage the independence card program and charged the gov't 5.4 billion a year to do so.....i believe it would have been part of the illusion you mentioned above and the cutting down big gov't to save the people money (i think that would be the middle people)....the program was cheaper was it was in the gov't.....the OWS people have "forced" people like me to finally wake up and read & listen and learn about something i thought was way over my head and too hard to understand. For years i have been hurt by the fact so many Americans are hunger, unable to attend school, get decent jobs, afford health and i wonder why politicians did not just vote the Good Way. Now i know...i still can not do a budget, but i sure understand the influence power, corruption, greed, lack of values, disregard for our humanity and the politicians (not all) own back pocket.....i am glad i am informed ...i can't physically occupy but i can support with my words to the people i come in contact with and encourage their support ..........................i love this has been revealed to the extent it has and is remaining in the Light for as long as it takes to get off the crooked line. love and peace to each of you....even those who disagree :)
If you are still talking about Bush Tax Cuts you are tinkering with the edges of a totally corrupt, bankrupt system and you are acting as tools for the left half of the 1% political system. Wake up. END THE FED!
Most people do not know that the year in which the most amount of money ever collected by the federal government was in 2007. Over $2.5 trillion. The first year tax receipts went over $2 T was in 2000. Far more tax revenue was collected during the Bush administration than Clinton's (13.0 versus15.2 trillion in constant dollars). Easily confirmed by research. The deficit in 2007 was "only" 160B, by the way.
sounds like you are going to put a bunch of jackasses on a highway. certainly illegal and a good way to ensure MFers get killed. keep up the good work!
We intend to
Yeah shhhh. lol
Shhh... They don't know that pedestrians aren't permitted on highways. lol
(Or for that matter that the "Bush" tax cuts benefitted every tax bracket.)
Yeah thanks dubya we wouldnt b as bankrupt today yer 2 term cronyfest
Not defending Bush but Obama has spent as much now as Bush did in all 8 years.
I watched a great documentary about nazi propaganda during ww2. It was so interesting how the nazis told half truths and out and out lies when it suited their ends. It is even more interesting how now the right wingers use this same tactic in their attacks on the left....
How is what the left does to the right different?
Every movement that seeks to enslave a country, every dictatorship or potential dictatorship, needs some minority group as a scapegoat which it can blame for the nation's troubles and use as a justification of its own demand for dictatorial powers. In Soviet Russia, the scapegoat was the bourgeoisie; in Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people; in America, it is the businessmen.
LMAO....you really think a bunch of kids with an idea about how they think they could make the world a better place is a "movement that seeks to enslave a country"....how mislead are you? It's cool though just wait until the petrodollar tanks and the businessmen have something to really worry about!
Not just OWS, the whole "give me what's yours because I don't want to work for it" movement.
People unwilling to be self-reliant, so they blame their troubles on others to avoid the fact that they have made bad choices in life and do not want to pay for it, then claim/pretend they are doing some great thing to "make the world a better place" but in the end it's all just another form of greed.
Greed: Intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food.
anytime you express intense desire for something that is greed, intense desire for the 1% to pay more is greed and what happens when you take away all the 1%s money? You will need someone else to pay the bill, the new 1%, you know, the old 99%.
Now wait. I, personally, think there is great need for change. The fact that certain Fortune 500 companies paid no taxes in 2010 (not only did some of them pay no taxes, but they also received tax benefits in the billions) is absolutely wrong. The loopholes created need to be sewn shut. The tax breaks businesses receive for shipping jobs overseas need to end.
Attacking a blanketed 1% is nonsense. Demanding social handouts is nonsense. Throwing paper airplanes with hate phrases scrawled on them at banks is nonsense.
But the idea that big business have been permitted to run amok, that laws have been written which allow the things I stated up there... well, that's not nonsense.
And should this movement ever pick up on this fact, should this movement stop being about hating a fortunate 1% of Americans and focus on corporate corruption being legalized by our government... well, I'd take my vacation to march on the hill with them.
Agreed, but what you speak of is a desire for justice and ethics and that I can support 100%
What do you call leveraged debt...is that greed? And not all of them are poor idiots who made bad choices. Some are well educated, make good money, but see through your bullshit.
Interesting you have to curse to try and make a point.
Also interesting how you don't believe in responsibility or do you not understand how leverage through debt works? There is risk involved, granted the banks made bad loans but people signed up for it, nobody twisted their arm and made them sign anything ( unless they work for a union ) but my point is while the term "leveraged debt" may seem unfamiliar to you, it is a fairly common practice in personal finances as well as business finances. The term refers to a scenario when a person or business chooses to make a large investment with the help of various financial resources, including borrowed capital. Leveraged debt is used to increase returns on an investment; however, there are serious risks involved.
Sooooo, yes, leveraged debt is GREED.
If they had money they would pay their bills and if they were educated they would know this and so would you.
(got this off a site to help explain didn't feel like typing it out)
The most common uses of leveraged debt include business, stock, and real estate investments.
In business, leveraged debt is a tool used to magnify returns on large scale operations. For example, if a company has only $1 million in equity, but they believe they can profit from funding a $10 million operation, they may use "borrowed capital" to fund the remaining $9 million. In this scenario, the company is trusting that their operation will be successful enough to make a considerable profit, even after repaying the $9 million in loans.
In personal finances, it is common for people to use leveraged debt when investing in the stock market. For example, if a person feels confident in their ability to do well in stocks, but they do not have the cash they need to purchase shares, they may take out a loan to for the initial investment. If a person borrows $1,000 and invests it with a return of $5,000, they have earned 500% profit.
Purchasing a home is another investment in which people frequently use leveraged debt. For example, if person wants to buy a $100,000 home, but only has $20,000 for a down payment, they make take out a loan for the remaining $80,000. Once they make the purchase, they can begin to rent out the home for, let's say, $600 a month. After renting out the house for a just two years, they have gained $14,400 in rent. Additionally, if the real estate market does well, their profit margin can increase even more.
Risks Involved
Leveraged debt can significantly increase your investment's returns; however, it can also increase your losses. When relying on borrowed capital, it is important to thoroughly research your investment, because if it fails you will still be held accountable for the debts you owe, which can often be quite substantial. In the event that you are unable to pay them, you may find yourself filing for bankruptcy.
Jonas541, This is not a direct quote because I do not have the book on hand to verify, but thought you might like it. "All propaganda needs to be directed to the least intelligent of those whom you wish to reach" Adolph Hitler.
It's 0bama owners tactic.
Wtf "owners"
He's been bought and paid for by George Soros.
Yeah and I watched the tax tables as well as my own taxes change (which are nowhere near being part of the 1%).
Sorry to ruin your misdirected propaganda rant with facts.
We are the 50%...
The middle class Americans getting screwed from both ends.
Mine went up this year already thanks to the "Making Work Pay tax credit" expiration.
When did the middle class become the 1% they keep talking about?
I still don't see any facts?
Read it for yourself.
If you don't like Wiki, then you can go directly to the footnoted sources.
Did you even read the stats, everyone in the lower two tax brackets got NO tax break between 2002 and 2003. Basically if you earned near or above $50,000 dollars a year you got a tax break. If you were under that, no dice. So while it is true that the tax cuts don't only benefit the top 1 %, the working poor are still up shit creek. And you proved my point about half-truths, thanks!
That's the problem with reading... you have to actually understand what you read.
The rates didn't change but the brackets were raised. Significantly so for married middle-class households which comprise the bulk. On an effective basis, that resulted in more of a reduction for more people than would have a simple 2% or 3% change. Furthermore, the AMT problem was corrected which also previously affected many middle-class taxpayers. In addition to the overall reductions to capital gains, exemptions were provided at the lower brackets for capital gains and qualified dividends. Personal exemptions also were raised with a proportionally greater impact at the lower end. Likewise the child tax credit.
He doesn't like to respond after you show him the truth, I just had to explain leveraged debt.
Hey, don't be a buzzkill man . . . to many words and stuff, and math. Bad karma dude.
You expect any less from "useful idiots"?