Upcoming free events at Miami University on October 20 in Oxford, Ohio and Antioch College on October 23 in Yellow Springs, Ohio
Posted 9 years ago on Oct. 8, 2014, 12:08 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
You are invited to attend:
A lecture by Micah White, PhD
October 20, 2014 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio
The paradigms of contemporary protest are undergoing a period of crisis. The global forces that impact our collective future stand outside the reach of traditional forms of protest that were developed to sway liberal democracies. The influence of money on democracy exacerbates the crisis by rendering it increasingly difficult for the people to influence their elected representatives toward an inclusive and peaceful society. And yet, there is reason for optimism: the end of protest is a new beginning. On the horizon are increasingly complex and sophisticated social memes that will emerge in a bid to breakthrough the political stasis and reorganize the existing social order.
More details: http://miamioh.edu/cas/academics/programs/its/about/kirk-lecture/index.html
A lecture by Micah White PhD
October 23 at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio
The greatest achievement of Occupy Wall Street is what it teaches us about the nature of social change and the future of peaceful global revolution. We learned, for example, that the dominant theory of revolutionary change is too heavily influenced by materialist analysis. Social change materialism cannot fully account for postmodern spiritual insurrections like May 1968 and ultramodern uprisings like Occupy Wall Street. Nor can it explain pre-modern paradigm shifts like the epiphany of St. Paul and the conversion of Constantine that ushered in the Christianization of Western Civilization. Ultimately Micah White calls for another approach to social activism: an inquiry into the political power of metanoia (epiphany).
More details: http://www.antiochcollege.org/news/college_events/beginning-protest-public-lecture-featuring-micah-white
Micah White, PhD is the former editor of Adbusters, the American creator of the Occupy Wall Street meme and the inventor of the innovative debt-activism tactic known as Rolling Jubilee.
So, ''the end of protest'' ?! REally ?!! Try telling that to Ferguson, MO ; Occupy Central, Hong Kong ; 'Flood Wall Street' ; Gaza, Palestine ; etc. Etc. ETC !!! Meanwhile, in the 'pre-meme' real world ...
''How Many People Must Be Maimed or Killed Before We End the Militarization of Our Police Forces?'' by Kara Dansky: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article39896.htm &
also see : ''Exposed: The Carlyle Group Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy.'' (Video) : http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3995.htm !!
minima maxima sunt ...
This be the Occupy exorcism. I admire and applaud the sacred heresy of Micah White. It is good to constantly re-examine our paradigms and "ideas."
If this be the leadership-less revolution, the grassroots resistance, then lets be about that "down here", underneath the different takes about "what's going on" in the articles above us. WE are Occupy. WE are the Resistance. WE are the movement. WE are everywhere. WE are not going to go away. WE will not give up. So we "exorcise" Occupy and what is left. WE are. It all comes back to US, people.
where can we see, hear or read this?