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We are the 99 percent

Anonymous Call to Action: #Nov5th 2013 — the Lion Sleeps No More

Posted 11 years ago on July 16, 2013, 10:15 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: solidarity, anonymous, call to action, austerity

Two years ago last weekend Adbusters published the original OWS blog post, and the first operational OWS campaign site was set up on reddit.com. Two years ago we began a campaign to announce that the people of the world were directly entering the global political narrative and that we have no intention of ever leaving. We are still here – battered & scarred we may be, but ‘Occupy!’ is still a vibrant global call for an exploited humanity. The time is ripe for revolution.

Greetings world. We are anonymous. We are the people.

Governments of the world: take this message as your last will and testament. The game is officially over. Social media has given birth to something new. Now it's time to set the record straight. This video is intended as that spark that gets delivered straight into the hearts and minds of the world. This video is an idea – a shared idea – so listen very carefully and make sure you are sitting down.

On the 5th of November 2013, Anonymous call for a day of global civil disobedience. This time we target all government facilities across the globe. Calling all free thinkers: the time for civil disobedience is now. This time it also seems unions from around the world are supporting this action. The lion sleeps no more. Ask yourself this: where will you be when we make history? November 5th, 2013. Worldwide. Now it's a vendetta. Now it's personal. Now it's time to occupy everywhere. It's time to throw everything we have at November 5th. It's time to relight the flame of protest until our demands are met. Now it's time for our brothers and sisters of the awakening to take to the streets. Austerity means war.

Here's to the dreamers, the one's that stand for human freedom, the Occupiers, the people that change things. It's about solidarity, but more than that, it's about the people, the people we meet, the people of the world standing together for a common goal. Concerned by numerous ecological and social problems, we stand united. As long as there are young and idealist people that share the views of ultimate human freedom, there will always be hope for the world.

We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. On November 5th, 2013: EXPECT US.

Anon masks



Read the Rules




[-] 4 points by KarenLevin (10) from New York, NY 11 years ago

ZenDog: What is wrong? Why are you so angry? The Occupy movement is one of respect; it's what drew me to it in the first place. Please try to understand that we are about helping The People - the one's who matter - like you.


[-] 0 points by MatthewHope (0) 11 years ago

Occupy is a socialist protest based on the Marxist tradition. This brings many good things on the table, but also brings bad Marxist habits like censorship and lack of transparency. These are bad aspects of Occupy we need to improve on. That's true.

I disagree with your call for bloodshed. I believe non-violence is what we need. In another comment here, you stated you wished to commit serial murder and that it would be fun. I think you need to clean your heart before you engage in participation with Occupy. Your rage is understood, but it needs to be channeled appropriately. Violence is not the way to a more prosperous future.

If you disagree with a few Occupy principles, then you should openly complain in an effort to change the protest. If you disagree with most Occupy principles, then you should find a protest or movement which you feel more at home with.

Occupy was always based on anarchic principles. That's not the problem. That's what made the protest grow so quickly in the beginning. The problem is the people who come to Occupy hoping it's another rally movement for the Democrats, and then complain that it's not. Occupy doesn't play into politics. Those people should simply form a movement which advocates what they want. If you went to a gay wedding and complained about homosexuality, you would be in the wrong place, it wouldn't be for the wedding to change.

Considering all your comments on this page, I would venture to say that you are a right wing shill sent here to attack Occupy. This is an assumption, an opinion, nothing more. Your call for serial murder is particularly frightening, and my hope is that it's due to you stopping your medication. If that's the case, I hope you can quickly return to using your prescription as was prescribed by your physician.


[-] 1 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

it is more aligned with concepts like anarcho-syndicalism than marxism.


[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

KL, ZD does no speak for anyone but himself. His replies seem to be to some other, unknown, demons.

Much has been made of "respect" or "netiquette" but we are are all adults here, although some don't realize politics is harsh, profane, rude, insulting, deceptive, and generally requires our big girl/boy pants!

That said: Let's WTFU, get fucking mad, get UNITED and kick some fucking divide and conquer 1% fucking ASS!!

And remember, DEMOCRACY is not a spectator sport!!

Unite and Win!







[-] 0 points by AntiPoverty (-3) 11 years ago

We actually agree here. Place your name and face behind it! Then it has weight, it has meaning, it has integrity.

Stop removing the vandalism on this forum. Let it been seen. It's part of Occupy's legacy and history. A record of the lengths people will go to in order to prevent change. Stop trying to control everything.



[-] -2 points by badbud (-2) 11 years ago

Please don't soil the forum with profanity. We are all adults here, there is no need for kindergarten tactics. Let's give a good reputation to Occupy. You are able to express your opinions with clarity and politeness. You should be especially concerned when insulting an article from jart, the creator of this site. You could get banned.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

jart is anonymous ?

forums are for discussion

jart would not have volunteered the article elsewise

hope Nov 5 works out


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

I thought zen dog was a parody of me under delusion of grandeur

but I'm willing to accept him as just another freak dissonant

more plausible

threaten to kill people on the forum is not permitted


[-] 3 points by bigdog187 (47) 11 years ago

Quote: "Gandhi said, "Civil disobedience is the best disobedience". We have a message here, an engaging opportunity and we need to take it, civilly..."--Dr. Gene Sharp, PhD., President and Founder of The Albert Einstein Institute on the ending of The #War In Iraq

[-] 2 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

If we The People United, we'd get everything we wanted.

Tell everyone!

Unite and Win!

[-] -1 points by SouthernPoverty (-8) 11 years ago

This anon post and all nov5 crap on the web is a farse. It's designed to drum up activity. Let me list a few reasons.

  1. Create public support for the NSA programs
  2. Create public support for new regulatory legislation against freelancers on the web to protect the profits of big tech companies by creating a monopoly and pushing out individual developers with fees to big for freelancers to afford.
  3. Create hacking activity while DHS is looking so they have villains to present to the public, giving a face to "the bad men".

The entire thing is a load of horse shit.

[-] 2 points by KarenLevin (10) from New York, NY 11 years ago

Southern Poverty: Calm down. This is what has to happen for The People. We watch the world's People stand up and say no more -- They're waiting for us, patiently, because they know the anger of the American, and the might of our government. If you do not believe, do not come. But do take care of yourself.

[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

Understand KL, plants, trolls, agent provocateurs pervade.


[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago


[-] 0 points by bigdog187 (47) 11 years ago

I don't necessarily share you sentiment, entirely, but I respect your right to express your opinion about the issue, and appreciate your contribution to the discussion here, all the best!

[-] -1 points by SouthernPoverty (-8) 11 years ago

Really? Could you think of a better false flag to drum up support for the NSA programs and SOAP or CISPA or whatever they're calling it now? I don't trust the intentions of anyone who is afraid to place their name or face behind what they do. It reeks of cowardice and dishonesty.

[-] 1 points by bigdog187 (47) 11 years ago

Good thought, let me add to our discussion with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PxEuYUUMJI&feature=share I'd like to know what you think after watching it. As I saw this earlier today, and have been re-reading the postings above I was reminded of a quote from the late great Harry Houdini who said, "While the trick is being done in your left hand, put the, "key" to it in your right."

[-] 3 points by magician (31) 11 years ago
[-] 2 points by KarenLevin (10) from New York, NY 11 years ago

Beautiful! I'm ready for Nov. 5th - as everyone should be, everywhere! Occupy Palm Beach County - from Palm Beach County, Florida.

[-] 1 points by Avalona22 (1) 11 years ago

Let's put down our masks and courageously face the changes that need to happen in our world. One living example of this is spiritual leader Gabriel of Urantia (http://gccalliance.org/resume/) who has suffered character assassination by mainstream media because he has courageously stepped out to tell it as it is. Let us not fear and hide any longer but live in hope of a new world coming.

[-] 1 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

my spider sense is tingling. i sense....revolution.

[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

Let's Unite on November 5th, we have plenty of time to get things organized.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

So, ''Why Aren't Americans Fighting Back ?'', by E. Douglas Kihn :

Well worth a cool, calm, collected consideration in the light of this News-Post !!

e tenebris, lux ...

[-] 2 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago


ham sammy

People, if we just united we'd get everything we wanted.

Unite an Win!

[-] 1 points by magician (31) 11 years ago

Translator needed. A set of books about the economy and its flaws written by a swede. Translation Swedish to other languages.

Payment for this is not guaranteed and funding is also of importance.

You can reach him at following emailaddress: oversattning@nyaekonomiskasystemet.se Label the mail Översättningshjälp OBS! Only mail with the text Översättningshjälp is to be read and answered.

[-] 1 points by mrsangeld (1) 11 years ago

Is there a coherent Message this protest is trying to send? When OWS first started I was under the impression that the message was Get corporations out of politics, but it seems to have been mixed with so much more since then. So What is the Message? And I'm not being trollish, I seriously would like to know.

[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

To me, and it should be to all, it's all about Unity!

We all have divergent needs and perspectives, but we (99%) are all under siege, hot or cold war, by the 1%.

They (1%) want us fighting each other, discouraged with politics, abandoning democracy. That's why we have the lowest Voter Turnout in the world. Which is EXACTLY why we need to GET INVOLVED!!

PEOPLE: Unite and Win!

[-] 0 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

''To explain, to provoke, to inspire, to tell stories is to begin the process of political change. As Paolo Friere said, “To speak a true word is to transform the world.” - from :

This 'news-post' sums up where we're at right now. The 99% struggle is generational & indeed epochal & like it or not, we're all spiralling towards a quickening to a reckoning. The 0.01% Parasite Class and their 1% lackeys know this too and are busy stacking the decks even more in their favour due to their dark psychopathy. Crapitalism is Kaputalism and variations of demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy prevails everywhere. We either unite & stand on our feet or stay on our knees and continue to live in the dirt.

We 'are many, they but few' & we're now in a position of less and less to lose & everything to gain.

''The neoliberal hypothesis has been disproved spectacularly. Far from actually regulating themselves, untrammelled markets were saved from collapse only by government intervention and massive injections of public money. Far from delivering universal prosperity, government cuts have pushed us further into crisis. Yet this very crisis is being used as an excuse to apply the doctrine more fiercely than before.

''So where is the economic elite ? Counting the money it has stashed in unregulated tax havens. Thirty years of neoliberalism have allowed the super-rich to detach themselves from the lives of others to such an extent that economic crises scarcely touch them. You could see this as yet another market failure. Even if they are affected, the rich are doubtless prepared to pay an economic price for the political benefits – freedom from democratic restraint – that the doctrine offers.

''A programme that promised freedom and choice has instead produced something resembling a Totalitarian Capitalism, in which no one may dissent from the will of the market and in which the market has become a euphemism for big business. It offers freedom all right, but only to those at the top.''

Consider deeply: Lack of responsibility for 'The Problem' does NOT absolve us all collectively from being responsible for 'The Solution'. However, once the people are conditioned to embrace measures of Wall Street success as measures of their own well-being - they are easily recruited as foot soldiers in Wall Street’s relentless campaign to advance policies that support its control of money and thus its hold on every aspect of peoples' lives !

For far too long, Americans have allowed Wall Street to play them as 'marks' in a confidence scam of audacious proportions. Then they wonder at their seeming utter powerlessness to deal with job losses, depressed wages, mortgage foreclosures, political corruption and the plight of their children as they graduate into Debt Bondage !!

OWS has focused national and global attention on the source of the problem. Now it’s time for action to bust the Wall Street banking corporations, cartels and trusts, 'replace the current Wall Street 'banking system' with a 'Main Street Banking System' and take back America from the rule by 'The Evil, Wall Street Bankster Parasites' !!!

''Committed capitalists don't seem to recognize that people depend on each other, and that individual success is a result of collaborative effort, usually over a long period of time. The less free-market thinkers are regulated, the less they seem to care about others. They ignore the fact that America's most productive eras were driven by progressive taxes that funded entrepreneurship in the middle class. And they fail to see the deficiencies in a system that relies solely on profit-making to the exclusion of social responsibility. - Like the images of a dreaded disease, their beliefs might best be defined as obscene.'' - ''Rise like lions in unvanquished number'' & educate, agitate and organise. SOLIDARITY !!!

respice, adspice, prospice ...

[-] -1 points by SouthernPoverty (-8) 11 years ago

This anon post and all nov5 crap on the web is a farse. It's designed to drum up activity. Let me list a few reasons.

  1. Create public support for the NSA programs
  2. Create public support for new regulatory legislation against freelancers on the web to protect the profits of big tech companies by creating a monopoly and pushing out individual developers with fees to big for freelancers to afford.
  3. Create hacking activity while DHS is looking so they have villains to present to the public, giving a face to "the bad men".

The entire thing is a load of horse shit.

[-] 2 points by KarenLevin (10) from New York, NY 11 years ago

It is time for the American Winter - November 5th. They are all waiting for our link to lock into the worldwide freedom chain. I'm used to nay-sayers and infiltrators every Saturday at our G.A. The strength gained, the power of truth, respect and compassion eliminates the doubt. Say what you will, we are here to stay, until we, The People, are heard, seen, felt. Peace.

[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago

Unite and Win!




[-] 0 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 11 years ago

I don't think it's a threat if you say "I won't kill you if you do these things" lol.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

no death threats

[-] 0 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Easy there fella...


[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

violence can be shown to be motivated by racial prejudice

but violence would still be wrong if it had different motivations

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"On the contrary, this entire forum is and has been a resource for those intent on on placing roadblocks to any kind of reform what so ever"

That all depends on what you think the solutions should be.

We dont need more censorship.

Some want revolution. Some want reform. And then the other 99% of the population simply want another big screen tv.

[-] -2 points by Thetenthpiecesuv8 (-6) 11 years ago

I don't know if it's a direct reflection of Occupy but this site has been black against white since its inception.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Sounds like the internet in general.



