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Forum Post: A call for a separation of business and state

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 1:06 p.m. EST by SmartAlx (59)
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What do you think?

If the separation of church and state was such a good idea, what about the separation of business and state?



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[-] 2 points by elamb9 (112) from Portland, OR 13 years ago

All right, people are starting to address the cause instead of complaining about the results. I really hope OWS can move toward a concise focus directed at the root of so many 99%'s grievances - money in politics. I'm advocating the single demand of prohibiting private spending on public campaigns. I think this issue will have the most wide reaching impact, gain the broadest support, and will allow the 99% to participate meaningfully as both candidates and voters. Right now I can only think of two ways to get there www.lobbydemocracy.com and www.getmoneyout.com

In my world an election would look something like this. I think there should be a minimum number of signatures that need to be gathered in order to initially participate. From there, public debates should be held and follow up polls should determine the top x# candidates. Those candidates should be awarded airtime, funding, and another spot in a debate. Repeating the debates, polling, funding cycle should narrow down the candidates until x# remain and an election is held. An election should look something like a tournament where the candidates with the best ideas/platform advance and are rewarded with airtime and campaign funds. With national elections, candidates must start local, and work up regionally through each level.

[-] 2 points by SmartAlx (59) 13 years ago

Like America's Next Top Politician!

[-] 1 points by elamb9 (112) from Portland, OR 13 years ago

I think you could provide some valuable marketing strategies for this system!!

[-] 1 points by aphrodite837 (145) 13 years ago

I am working towards getting people organized towards getting the money out of politics. Please check out my post and add your thoughts: http://occupywallst.org/forum/call-to-action-get-the-money-out-of-politics/

[-] 1 points by unfleecedbysheep (153) 13 years ago

I would agree, when defined clearly. The separation of church and state means that they cannot influence one another in affecting legislation or practices that would affect the people of either body, but the religious bodies are still subject to the law. Certain exceptions have been made as to individuals who have not affected anyone negatively. Polygamy, and independent religious groups, for example. This would mean that businesses could still interconnect and have independent structures, but could not affect legislation. As is the case with religious groups having an influence on elections due to their unified nature of support for individual candidates, the businesses would still have influence through their common interests when those individuals within the group vote.