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Forum Post: Workers in the service industry are having their tips stolen.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:01 p.m. EST by George14 (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Want proof of corporate corruption of our government? Check out the federal tip credit.

Our government is afraid that their dirty deeds are going to be exposed. Like the tip credit bill which they passed back in the 60's. Let me sum up the tip credit like this. The tip credit is a law that allows special interests, most notably, restaurant owners, to steal a part of the tips customers are presenting their employees, so that the employer won't have to use his own money, like federal laws require, to pay his employee's minimum wage.

The National Restaurant Association lobbied the Republican party for a law that allows restaurant owners to indirectly steal, for themselves, the tips customers are presenting their workers. The Republican party has somehow kept a lid on this scam for nearly 50 years. Who says our government can't keep a secret. .



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[-] 1 points by George14 (7) 12 years ago

Have you authorized your government to take your tips away from the employee whom you tipped so that our government can give your tips over to the employee's employer? What the tip credit does is it gives over the customer's tip to business owners without any consent from the customers who present such tips.

[-] 1 points by George14 (7) 12 years ago

Have you authorized your government to take your tips away from the employee whom you tipped so that our government can give your tips over to the employee's employer? What the tip credit does is it gives over the customer's tip to business owners without any consent from the customers who present such tips.

[-] 0 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 12 years ago