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Forum Post: Without a List of Demands OWS is meaningless

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 7:50 p.m. EST by SaRaIam (105)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Power concedes nothing . . . the 99% is motivated to act for economic justice and to limit corporate power, so we should have demands in line wiht that. We could have specific actions linked to specific demands. While I am happy to visit Liberty Square, the movement isn't just about camping out and occupying a city park! We want to make demands now especially as we now know we can put some muscle behind them! Hello!



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[-] 3 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

?? Well, I've seen several posts about reinstating the Glass-Steagull act, getting rid of Corporate Personhood, campaign finance reform . . . those would probably be on just about anyone's list. For now the demands should probably stick to economic issues, as that's what makes the 99% the 99% -- economics.

[-] 0 points by chunking (19) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

Yes.... focus on the economic issues!!! Sorry, changing capital punishment laws will not reduce the influence of big money in Washington.

I'd love to protect the environment too, but fair elections are the start to all the rest of the change that is desired.

[-] 2 points by Philip (18) 12 years ago

I agreed with you at first; but now that I see the amazing growth of the 99% worldwide, I have to reconsider. I attribute its vague goal and leaderless structure to its amazing growth which tap into the general disaffection of the population. It has the people tuning in and talking about new ways of doing things.
Our goals will have to congeal sometime soon. But the growth is great for now. And I'm not sure the goals need to come from OWS. There could be multiple splinter think-tanks and movements by people empowered with the feeling that they can make a different. Here is my list for the United States:

  1. Re-install the major provisions of Glass-Steagal
  2. Institute a trading tax for discourage risky future and equity speculation (Ralph Nader and billionaire financier John Bogle endorses this).
  3. Prevent financial institution from owning equity-trust companies to stop conflicts of interest.
  4. Constitutional amendment to clearly and forcefully restrict special interest campaign contributions that nullifies the Supreme Court's Citizen's United (campaign finance reform).
  5. Constitutional amendment striping corporations of personage.
[-] 2 points by Philip (18) 12 years ago

I agreed with you at first; but now that I see the amazing growth of the 99% worldwide, I have to reconsider. I attribute the its vague goal and leaderless structure to its amazing growth which tap into the general disaffection of the population. Its has the people tuning in and talking about new ways of doing things.

Our goals will have to congeal sometime soon. But the growth is great for now. And I'm not sure the goals need to come from OWS. There could be multiple splinter think-tanks and movements by people enpowered with the feeling that they can make a different.

Here is my list for the United States:

  1. re-install the major provisions of Glass-Steagal
  2. Institute a trading tax for discourage risky future and equity speculation (Ralph Nader and billionaire financier John Bogle endorses this).
  3. Prevent financial institution from owning equity-trust companies to stop conflicts of interest.
  4. Constitutional amendment to clearly and forcefully restict special interest campaign contributions that nullifies the Supreme Court's Citizen's United (campaign finance reform).
  5. Constitutional amendment striping corporations of personage.
[-] 1 points by alex5045 (40) 12 years ago

I suggest that we have one goal that unites us and it is that we want to get our government to reflect and represent we the people and not those the ultra wealthy. Lets not get characterized as being far out socialist liberals bent on destroying society as it is today! I am sure there are many points and goals that can be detailed in a manifesto - and I am equally sure that there are many opposing views with respect to these goals. The very word “manifesto” conjures up the aura of violent revolutionaries demands. We cannot give the small elite few who currently “run the country and make all the decisions for us” the opportunity to dismiss us as radicals. Today we cannot hold a real discussion on the merits of any of the points/demands listed in today’s manifesto - because our elected representatives reflect those who will ensure their reelection. Until we change this and get the money out of politics we will never achieve any of the points listed in today’s manifesto! Our first step - our initial goal and what I suggest should be our sole unifying goal must be that we get back control of our government. Once we have representatives and senators who understand that they are responsible to "we the people" and not a few powerful people - then and only then will we have a chance of dealing with the individual items listed in the manifesto. Once this happens we can debate taboo subjects like Forgiveness of Student Loans, Ending Foreclosures, the lack of morals and ethics on Wall Street, term limits, … I am not saying whether I am for any of these or against them - as the Arab Spring sprung from the inextinguishable requirement that “the people” have their voices heard and not only heard but listened to and acted on - we need to have representatives who represent us. This is what we need - we need go no deeper - we must have our governments' back. Once we do then true debate that does not reflect the special interests will take place … Take back what is yours … that which is ours BE YOU American, British, French, Italian, Australian, Chinese, Russian, Libyan, Tunisian, Yemeni, Syrian, WE ALL HAVE A SINGLE COMMON GOAL - IT IS TO GET OUR GOVERNMENT BACK. Alex P

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

"Getting our government back"? That's too vague. The 99% don't equate a living wage and making the 1% pay their fair share of taxes with socialism. No one has to use that word. I propose an end to "ISMs" right now. People are too smart for that!!! No more can people be dismissed because a label's slapped on them. WE ARE THE 99%!!! FEARLESS!

[-] 1 points by Chaotic (35) 12 years ago

But thats just it... If our elected officials didn't have the corps paying their way, giving them jobs when they come out of office or out right bribing them they would be more in tune with what the people actually want if they wanted to keep their jobs. As it is now any elected official just has to listen to their handlers and they get to line their pockets without every really caring about what any of us want.


[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

Yes, so a demand to begin to regulate corporate power is to do away with corporate personhood, to get working on campaign finance reform. By the way, to help limit corporate power support Mom and Pop businesses as much as you can instead of corporate chains! Corporations respond to $$ too!

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

Joe Scarborough said that we won't protests the war because of Obama. That if Bush used drones to kill civilians, we would be out in front.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

and pictures would be taken

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

There should eventually be a top ten. It's coming.

I'd avoid talking about Israel. We are too crazy in this country on that one issue..lol

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

That probably wouldn't make it in the top ten if put to vote.

[-] 1 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 12 years ago

There is one demand. Peace. Those that oppose it are who you direct your demands to. It is that easy.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

The environment is big up there, ending the wars, another. Wall Street reform, obviously number one. Media reform.

[-] 1 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 12 years ago

Who do you think controls wallstreet and the media? Nice people or the same that kill millions in the middle east? You cannot be free from the tyranny by not going to the source of the problem. The source of the problem is the violent domination and the fear of that violence that forces everyone to support it. Wall Street, the media, the military.

People are afraid to go right to the top. The economy is ENFORCED through violent domination. The value of ALL US securities, our dollar, bonds etc. is all backed by violent domination. The whole system is rigged. They are imploding their rigged system as a pretext to WWIII. You see, they don't chase dollars. They take what they want. They own the world through force and the fear that makes EVERYONE support it.

When people around the world stand up in solidarity and Demand Peace without fear or judgement, the entire framework of domination will fall apart.

They are racing to drop nukes on Iran right now. Racing to incite war with Russian and China. OWS will be an afterthought when people see just how sick and insane they are. When you have war on the shores of the US, and it is what they plan, reform of the system they created and destroyed will not matter.

Demand Peace NOW. THINK about the war that we are already in right now and where it is headed. And what that means to with respect to what you believe you are fighting for. Peace brother!

[-] 1 points by RillyKewl (218) 12 years ago

Yes, we all want peace. We oppose the wars, for all the good reasons. However, I'm not occupying Wall Street for that reason. I peacefully demonstrate Wall Street's Robber Barons because they crashed our economy.

My one demand here is that we Repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley and finally begin to restore our economy. That way we can all rejoin the middle class and find work again.

[-] 1 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 12 years ago

The people that created the economy you hope to reform ENFORCE it's establishment and participation through violence and domination. Your issue is with Violent and ruthless people who dominate the world through violence. THEY decide what happens in the economy. No one was tricked into participating in this economy. Do you understand? It's enforced. Those who stand up and attempt to change it are murdered. Any country that does not get in line is destroyed. Your ruthless masters do not chase money. They print it. And those that point out the unsustainable and unfair nature of it are given an ultimatum. Support it or die. Support it and you will be given power within it.

The wars are merely a display of their power. It should be obvious that the country with the most debt should not have the world reserve currency right? Understand that this whole economy is rigged. There are no good people in control of it. A mob boss is the most ruthless and violent. Not the most fiscally responsible. A mob boss takes what he wants. The Boss of this economy does not accumulate wealth. He dominates and engineers control. currency and the rigged economy are a tool or framework of control.

Look at those that oppose peace. They directly support the rigged system because they are invested in it.

Your true Masters are collapsing their rigged economy as a pretext to WWIII. We are in WWIII right now. They plan on murdering Billions to re-organize the enslaved world they dominate. They do not need or want "money". The own the world. Look up at them and Demand Peace. Whoever opposes it, without judgement, demand it from them.

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago


(By the way, I don't have much faith in politics -- who really wants to be a politician?) I think conscious consumerism, consuming less, acting locally thinking globally, helping people as you can, voting (it's worth a try), and nonviolent protest and civil disobedience, boycotts, strikes are all very good options. Everyone can choose their top causes and hopefully there's an action for each cause with a demand in relation to that action. There are lots of ideas here. It's hard to get through them all. That is why it is helpful perhaps to elect spokespeople, filters. I can't even respond to all the posts, and further, I am not an economist, I am not as well as informed as I'd like to be. It takes time.

[-] 1 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 12 years ago

No doubt brother. The good thing is it's happening! So Peace to you. I stand with you.

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

Well, the protesters, we can control ourselves, but don't expect the workers at the weapons factores to not go to wake up and not go to work tomorrow morning, or the soldiers out there to lay down their guns etc,, etc.

[-] 1 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 12 years ago

Why do so many soldiers support OWS? Why are so many people in the military opposed to all the wars? Because they have a first hand experience of just how sick and twisted these wars are. Reach out to them. THEY are the one's that will directly dismantle this framework of domination. People are inherently GOOD. When you have a natural, free economy built on Peace you no longer struggle internally with working at something that does not jive with your good nature. All the smart people building weapons would love to be building things that lift up humanity. But can't. They are forced, just like everyone else, to support WAR. They are no different then you.. Saying "we can't not support the wars, even if we don't support them we can't demand Peace." Yes we can. And WE ARE.

What everyone wants is freedom and liberty. And that is what is born of a world at peace with itself. These uprisings are unprecedented. And so will be the world wide Peace that comes from it. The economy is violently enforced. It is rigged. You cannot reform it. A new understanding of solidarity is rising up and the new economy will follow without effort. Do not worry about what will happen with all the sick, unsustainable practices and those that directly support them. THEY want to be free more than anyone. Demand Peace and everything will follow. It's as easy as saying it when the time arises. Say i support Peace FIRST. You will instantly be free when you realize WHAT the real problem is. When you cast off your guilt and take back your moral authority you are free from this rotten system. Peace brother!

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago

"Without a List of Demands OWS is meaningless "

to you

[-] 1 points by idskinner1 (29) 12 years ago

I want equal pay for everyone.

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago


equal pay for equal work maybe

fair pay for everyone, that's a goal equal opportunity for everyone, that's a goal

let's keep our goals realistic

[-] 1 points by idskinner1 (29) 12 years ago

I'm thinking we'll work it like a collective. If I like to pick tomato's, why isn't it as important as the guy teaching a class? Money may then become more irrelevant.

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago

it's all based on limited resources and energy. If we didn't have to accumulate to survive your proposal might be possible. But not now. I don't think it's right to pay someone 'who picks tomatoes' the same as someone who went to medical school or someone who creates. Again, this isn't about being rich. It's about the corrupting influence of money in politics.

[-] 1 points by idskinner1 (29) 12 years ago

I understand, I was trying to imply that if we marginalize the need for money, then money becomes less important and the whole of the community will prosper with less corruption.

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago

wish I wasn't such a cynic but I just don't see such a utopian society coming about in my life time, unless we can come up with cold fusion or something

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

I get inspired to visit Liberty Plaza, and think it's great that the movement is sparking discussion and changing the focus of what's being talked about in the media --yes, yes, there are lots of very positive things about this movement. But no changes in policy or systematic change will happen unless people articulate what they want AND break it down into steps of how to achieve those changes . . . that's all.

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Wow We have a congress that can't solve the problems and it's how many hundreds of years old? And yet you expect something that started what, a month ago to have everything all worked out and ready for you? Read the history of the starting of this country and get some patience.

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

I don't expect everything to be worked out, but at least to try to keep our eyes on the prize . . .

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago

the prize is getting our country back I don't think that is going to be lost in any ones plans

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

But let's define what "getting our country back" means and entails! That's all I'm sayin!!!' :)

[-] 1 points by PROTESSTONER (70) from New York, NY 12 years ago

and that's what they're working on

but with a leaderless organization made up of people from all across the spectrum politically, socially and economically there are many wishes and ideas. It's going to take time. But most people, according to polls, understand our basic premise.

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

I just hope that a strategy begins to emerge, because it's clear we have the numbers and we can do something. The thing is, Obama promised change, and change didn't come. That's why we have to get more specific and remember, we can demand through direct action if elected officials don't respond to our demands!

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

I like the "Demands to Congress" printed here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/watercooler/2011/oct/3/picket-occupy-wall-street-protesters-post-manifest In addition, I'd like there to be bans on fracking, the tar sands pipeline and deep water drilling and a reduction in military spending . . .

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

Just for the record, I don't read the Washington Times, I was just trying to find demands that I thought I'd seen on the OWS site, and googling I came across the above and the first part looked like what I'd read somewhere on the OWS site. I think the first part of this "article", the demands to Congress, sound good, the other demands (that were attributed to the OWS site) were too general and not too realistic!

[-] 1 points by insidervoice (21) 12 years ago

Read the following article. The movement needs leaders who understand what this article articulates.


[-] 1 points by OnePeople (103) 12 years ago

Very interesting piece

[-] 1 points by insidervoice (21) 12 years ago

Yes, we need to spread this article around. The author should be asked if it can be reproduced and if it can be condensed into five pertinent points which can be a manifesto.

[-] 1 points by OnePeople (103) 12 years ago

1.Regulate CDS as insurance, with a requirement of insurable interest for the buyer, and adequate capital for the seller.

2.Reinstate Glass-Steagall

  1. Impose Position Limits, both individual and collective, sufficient to maintain to volume of commodities futures trades in some meaningful relationship with the amount of the actual commodity in circulation or production.

4.Outlaw synthetic securities

5.Restrict MBS and other securitizations to simple structures, with wide tranches.

6.Extend the statute of limitations for securities fraud and misrepresentation in the Securities and Securities Exchange Acts to seven years.

7.Impose obligations on market makers and liquidity providers sufficient to compensate for the privileges and exemptions they receive.

(and my own) 8. Eliminate corporate campaign contributions

[-] 1 points by insidervoice (21) 12 years ago

This is exactly the kind of intelligent argument that this movement has to be able to articulate.

[-] 1 points by OnePeople (103) 12 years ago

What would everyone be willing to agree on? Remember this is for the 99% and so should be agreed upon by the super majority. I have my own ideas of what people would agree on, but what about you?

[-] 1 points by SparkyJP (1646) from Westminster, MD 12 years ago

Get the money OUT !!!! Corporations are not People - Money is not speech!!

[-] 0 points by luckylucky (15) 12 years ago

Demands assume that they've got the power and can give it to us. They don't . . . we all do (including "them"). If we don't get that we've got the power, we're still part of the problem, seems to me.

[-] 0 points by Quark (236) 12 years ago


This would be a great start. Let's demand career criminal politicians can't stay in office indefinitely.

[-] 0 points by parkerjwill (1) 12 years ago

Let Time and the people in the streets spontaneously come to a consensus about what OWS seeks. OWS is NOT meaningless. It's a HUGE success. Let it evolve. The fact that its purpose is vague, is also a strength. So long as the communities in which the OWS movements manifest strengthen, all is well. Ensure good conversation and interaction amongst the participants and the outcomes will be great. There should be no formal leadership or message except that we the people are tired or relying on invalid political phonies and fat cat government and we're taking back the power that has always been ours!!

[-] 0 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I am extremely moved, excited and inspired by OWS. It's long overdue. I just really want it to work, because the world is really in dire shape, economically and environmentally. Too many wars, too many refugees. I so want this to work. There are so many great ideas out there. There are many very great technological advancements so we could live without polluting so much, we could all put our energies towards occupations that are meaningful and rewarding. For the first time in a long time I see that perhaps people are open to taking in new ideas because we're all so tired of business as usual . . . I meant my post to be provocative.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 12 years ago

been collecting data for about a week, please feel free to participate https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&pli=1&formkey=dFlNNHJTRlZwMWs5ZjlhTWN0NlZReHc6MQ#gid=0

[-] 0 points by yeswecan2012 (1) 12 years ago

I agree. We have tremendous collective power and we need to channel it toward real change. I discovered this book below. I think it offers an excellent starting point.

Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig called for a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution in a September 24-25, 2011 conference and his October 5 book, "Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress — and a Plan to Stop It". Reporter Dan Froomkin says the book offers a manifesto for the protestors, focusing on the core problem of corruption in both political parties and their elections. Lessig's initial constitutional amendment would allow legislatures to limit political contributions from non-citizens, including corporations, anonymous organizations, and foreign nationals, and he also supports public campaign financing and electoral college reform to establish the one person, one vote principle.

[-] 0 points by yeswecan2012 (1) 12 years ago

I agree. We have tremendous collective power and we need to channel it toward real change. I discovered this book below. I think it offers an excellent starting point.

Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig called for a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution in a September 24-25, 2011 conference and his October 5 book, "Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress — and a Plan to Stop It". Reporter Dan Froomkin says the book offers a manifesto for the protestors, focusing on the core problem of corruption in both political parties and their elections. Lessig's initial constitutional amendment would allow legislatures to limit political contributions from non-citizens, including corporations, anonymous organizations, and foreign nationals, and he also supports public campaign financing and electoral college reform to establish the one person, one vote principle.

[-] 0 points by SaRaIam (105) 12 years ago

Thanks for this comment, and all comments. I'm need to do some reading before I post any more!

[-] 0 points by uslynx81 (203) 12 years ago

Problem is when someone sets "Demands" this will all go away. Because some of you want the government that is in "V for Vendetta" and others like me support the views of V himself.

[-] 0 points by rshelton (0) 12 years ago

To all, Non focus on any issue can only lead to non accomplishment. It makes it too easy for the powers in charge to diffuse the issue (s) and down play the overall movement. This is not a time for multi-tasking. A movement must be centered and energized with clear goals and proposed outcomes. Yes there is room for many ideas, many opinions and different voices, all contributing to a hopeful outcome of change in the long run. But on the short term what are the major catagories? Can we say money? Yes. Can we say the bankers, Ceo's of WS and corporate america in general and it's blind myoptic chase for money at the expense of everything and anything? Yes. Can we say the "elected" officials that are sent to D.C. to represent us but spend their day figuring out how to keep the corporate contributors happy at the expense of the democratic process and the way that it was originally designed? Yes. Can we say the well financed lobby groups that work day in day out using the democratic process to circumvent the democratic process? Yes.

The common denomenator of course is money. Money in our political system has taken from us everything that "democracy" was built to provide to us. Our power has been undercut and we have felt this coming for a very long time. Haven't we? The fact that the democratic process could be short circuted by a small number of organized groups has always been its weakness. But it is still the best system on our planet and we must face up to the fact that a democracy un-attended, un-watched, taken for granted can get taken away. This is what we are dealing with now. This is what we are feeling. This is our current reality which is triggering so many different reactions to the problem. All justified.

The common denominator and henceforth issue is actually quite defined in my opinion. It is the money. The money that now infest our political system must be removed completly. We must return democracy to its base root of "for the people by the people" and if anyone still thinks that is the system that we still have they are sadly mistaken.

I propose a very simplified beginning agenda of two items. 1) The complete nullification and repeal of the decision of the Supreme Court regarding "Citizens United." This one ruling in and of itself is a total repudiation of democracy. Does anyone truely belive that a corporation is an individual and actually should have a voting right? This is insanity and corporate cicumvention of the people and must be overturned. If this one law continues to exist as it is written then how long will it be before the corporate entities that it protects and benefits will begin to work to perhaps outlaw even protests or the right to assembly if it is not in their interest. Using the deimocratic system that has allow this abomination of a law to exist to begin with, it does not take much imagination to forsee corporate sponsored candidates at some point in the near future equating rights of protest to terrorism. Given the current laws for terrorism this is not an unreasonable outcome. 2) Secondly, legislation to remove all corporate, 501, and group donations from politics should be inacted. We need a national campaign finance reform law that only allows funding of political candidates by the people, directly. A national campaign fund where no individual citizen can contribute more than the next. Each candidate would be allocated the same amount of funds, air time, debate time, travel budgets, interviews, blog space, commercials and in essence, all aspects of campaign budgets would be equalized and equally distributed to the candidates. This model is meant to make the issues of politics for the people not for the corporations. I wonder what would the political conversation begin to sound like if we really had to talk about what the people want to talk about instead of issues that are promoted by back room lobbyist and corporate sponsors?

If we do not remove the money from politics then we are going to be lost as a republic. For the sake of democracy and the right that OWS enjoys at this moment to gather and protest we must turn this effort into concret action. I implore all of you to take this energy and turn it against the laws (Citizens United), and legislations favoring lobbing efforts and the money that dominates our political system. Focus on these few issues first. REMOVE THE MONEY FROM POLITICS FIRST.....the rest will follow. Ron S.

[-] 0 points by rshelton (0) 12 years ago

To all, Non focus on any issue can only lead to non accomplishment. It makes it too easy for the powers in charge to diffuse the issue (s) and down play the overall movement. This is not a time for multi-tasking. A movement must be centered and energized with clear goals and proposed outcomes. Yes there is room for many ideas, many opinions and different voices, all contributing to a hopeful outcome of change in the long run. But on the short term what are the major catagories? Can we say money? Yes. Can we say the bankers, Ceo's of WS and corporate america in general and it's blind myoptic chase for money at the expense of everything and anything? Yes. Can we say the "elected" officials that are sent to D.C. to represent us but spend their day figuring out how to keep the corporate contributors happy at the expense of the democratic process and the way that it was originally designed? Yes. Can we say the well financed lobby groups that work day in day out using the democratic process to circumvent the democratic process? Yes.

The common denomenator of course is money. Money in our political system has taken from us everything that "democracy" was built to provide to us. Our power has been undercut and we have felt this coming for a very long time. Haven't we? The fact that the democratic process could be short circuted by a small number of organized groups has always been its weakness. But it is still the best system on our planet and we must face up to the fact that a democracy un-attended, un-watched, taken for granted can get taken away. This is what we are dealing with now. This is what we are feeling. This is our current reality which is triggering so many different reactions to the problem. All justified.

The common denominator and henceforth issue is actually quite defined in my opinion. It is the money. The money that now infest our political system must be removed completly. We must return democracy to its base root of "for the people by the people" and if anyone still thinks that is the system that we still have they are sadly mistaken.

I propose a very simplified beginning agenda of two items. 1) The complete nullification and repeal of the decision of the Supreme Court regarding "Citizens United." This one ruling in and of itself is a total repudiation of democracy. Does anyone truely belive that a corporation is an individual and actually should have a voting right? This is insanity and corporate cicumvention of the people and must be overturned. If this one law continues to exist as it is written then how long will it be before the corporate entities that it protects and benefits will begin to work to perhaps outlaw even protests or the right to assembly if it is not in their interest. Using the deimocratic system that has allow this abomination of a law to exist to begin with, it does not take much imagination to forsee corporate sponsored candidates at some point in the near future equating rights of protest to terrorism. Given the current laws for terrorism this is not an unreasonable outcome. 2) Secondly, legislation to remove all corporate, 501, and group donations from politics should be inacted. We need a national campaign finance reform law that only allows funding of political candidates by the people, directly. A national campaign fund where no individual citizen can contribute more than the next. Each candidate would be allocated the same amount of funds, air time, debate time, travel budgets, interviews, blog space, commercials and in essence, all aspects of campaign budgets would be equalized and equally distributed to the candidates. This model is meant to make the issues of politics for the people not for the corporations. I wonder what would the political conversation begin to sound like if we really had to talk about what the people want to talk about instead of issues that are promoted by back room lobbyist and corporate sponsors?

If we do not remove the money from politics then we are going to be lost as a republic. For the sake of democracy and the right that OWS enjoys at this moment to gather and protest we must turn this effort into concret action. I implore all of you to take this energy and turn it against the laws (Citizens United), and legislations favoring lobbing efforts and the money that dominates our political system. Focus on these few issues first. REMOVE THE MONEY FROM POLITICS FIRST.....the rest will follow. Ron S.

[-] 0 points by rshelton (0) 12 years ago

To all, Non focus on any issue can only lead to non accomplishment. It makes it too easy for the powers in charge to diffuse the issue (s) and down play the overall movement. This is not a time for multi-tasking. A movement must be centered and energized with clear goals and proposed outcomes. Yes there is room for many ideas, many opinions and different voices, all contributing to a hopeful outcome of change in the long run. But on the short term what are the major catagories? Can we say money? Yes. Can we say the bankers, Ceo's of WS and corporate america in general and it's blind myoptic chase for money at the expense of everything and anything? Yes. Can we say the "elected" officials that are sent to D.C. to represent us but spend their day figuring out how to keep the corporate contributors happy at the expense of the democratic process and the way that it was originally designed? Yes. Can we say the well financed lobby groups that work day in day out using the democratic process to circumvent the democratic process? Yes.

The common denomenator of course is money. Money in our political system has taken from us everything that "democracy" was built to provide to us. Our power has been undercut and we have felt this coming for a very long time. Haven't we? The fact that the democratic process could be short circuted by a small number of organized groups has always been its weakness. But it is still the best system on our planet and we must face up to the fact that a democracy un-attended, un-watched, taken for granted can get taken away. This is what we are dealing with now. This is what we are feeling. This is our current reality which is triggering so many different reactions to the problem. All justified.

The common denominator and henceforth issue is actually quite defined in my opinion. It is the money. The money that now infest our political system must be removed completly. We must return democracy to its base root of "for the people by the people" and if anyone still thinks that is the system that we still have they are sadly mistaken.

I propose a very simplified beginning agenda of two items. 1) The complete nullification and repeal of the decision of the Supreme Court regarding "Citizens United." This one ruling in and of itself is a total repudiation of democracy. Does anyone truely belive that a corporation is an individual and actually should have a voting right? This is insanity and corporate cicumvention of the people and must be overturned. If this one law continues to exist as it is written then how long will it be before the corporate entities that it protects and benefits will begin to work to perhaps outlaw even protests or the right to assembly if it is not in their interest. Using the deimocratic system that has allow this abomination of a law to exist to begin with, it does not take much imagination to forsee corporate sponsored candidates at some point in the near future equating rights of protest to terrorism. Given the current laws for terrorism this is not an unreasonable outcome. 2) Secondly, legislation to remove all corporate, 501, and group donations from politics should be inacted. We need a national campaign finance reform law that only allows funding of political candidates by the people, directly. A national campaign fund where no individual citizen can contribute more than the next. Each candidate would be allocated the same amount of funds, air time, debate time, travel budgets, interviews, blog space, commercials and in essence, all aspects of campaign budgets would be equalized and equally distributed to the candidates. This model is meant to make the issues of politics for the people not for the corporations. I wonder what would the political conversation begin to sound like if we really had to talk about what the people want to talk about instead of issues that are promoted by back room lobbyist and corporate sponsors?

If we do not remove the money from politics then we are going to be lost as a republic. For the sake of democracy and the right that OWS enjoys at this moment to gather and protest we must turn this effort into concret action. I implore all of you to take this energy and turn it against the laws (Citizens United), and legislations favoring lobbing efforts and the money that dominates our political system. Focus on these few issues first. REMOVE THE MONEY FROM POLITICS FIRST.....the rest will follow. Ron S.