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Forum Post: why the negativity?

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 6, 2011, 1:09 p.m. EST by wildbill (0)
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There seems to be a lot of non believers on this forum...I'm not totally sure what they are doing here. If you think this movement is going to fail, then dont participate and continue to be part of the problem. Everyone has there panties in a bunch because the "One Demand" is not clear. Does it really have to be? Just show up and protest against ALL the things wrong with our current economic and political systems. IF YOUR PERSONAL DEMAND IS NOT MET, DROP YOUR EGO AND SUPPORT WHATEVER DEMAND IS MADE. Is there a "demand" that that you wouldnt stand behind? Change has to start somewhere right? Once the demand is decided upon, are some of you simply going to say, well that's not the demand i wanted and in turn not support this movement? Any demand made is going to be a step in the right direction. We need corporate personhood stopped sure. We need big money out of Government, Medicine, Education, and Professional Sports. We need True Cost Economics. We need a President and other poloticians in Public Office (thats public office, not private corporate office) that do not owe millions to billions of $$$ to corporations for their elections into office. Obviously, in turn those politicians owe somebody that money. Any of those few above reasons should be enough to fire anyone up for change. But even if the above mentioned issues are not the "One Demand", I will still support the movement, because something has to happen.

If you are behind this movement, then you need to make a commitment to it and see it through. Quit whining and start figuring out how you can contribute, support, and raise awareness about this movement in your local community. Talk to anyone about whats going on in this country, any age, any race, any neighborhood, and they will probably tell you that the current system will not work...and that is because it is not working.



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[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

The problem is that if they don't keep it vague and ethereal, then people will actually realize how ridiculous it is to protest, um, whatever it is everybody's angry about. If people think too much, the protest's numbers will dwindle. No. Instead, blame the system: the nameless, faceless system. Don't use logic. Build up negative feelings of suffering and oppression by focusing on specific acts of injustice, no matter how rare they are. Find the bad apples and focus on those, but don't praise the good, hard-working people in authority. In truth, America is one of the most moral and generous nations on earth. Yeah, the system needs lots of work, but a little perspective would be very bad for anyone who wants to genuinely believe the American system is all evil (while conveniently overlooking the rape, plunder, and murders that resulted from Egypt's protests). Therefore, this movement has no specifics! No demands! They use nice sounding words like "freedom" and "justice", and pretend that 99% of Americans want to take down the system and create change by force of collective temper tantrums. If you want to make a difference, vote. If you want to have a bigger influence, volunteer and do something that makes someone else's life better. Don't think you have to tear down the system and start over to fix the relatively small problems we have in the United States. Go live in the trash dumps of Juarez for a week or spend an hour on the sewage-ridden beaches of Liberia and then tell me that America has problems that can't be fixed from within. Look at the good along with the bad, and be the kind of person who makes it better through hard work and generosity instead of obstructionism and tantrums.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Obstructionism and tantrums. I'm not sure about this movement yet as I've only just heard about it but you sound like someone who wants to limit free speech and the right to peaceful assembly. We all know that elections are a joke; even more so that corporations are counted as people as far as campaign donation rights go. You get Bush stealing elections then the mainstream media sells his nobody cousin, (9th cousin actually), Obama. So now we've been through the extreme left and right administrations with 0 change in policy. According Thomas Jefferson, that's how we know we're living under tyranny. The system is corrupt and I really doubt we can fix it in the system. I believe some peaceful civil disobedience is healthy.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

nice ad hominem dig there. you can't argue with reason so you say I want to limit free speech? What are you doing then by trying to discredit my views and tell lies about me? You only want free speech that agrees with your own views.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

you sound like part of the problem. Vote...really? maybe your forgot how voting was bought during Bush administration. The connections between corporations and everything wrong not just in our country but the world, are very plane and easy to see and easy to see...Volunteering is not going to cut it here. Volunteering does not bring change. However, history has proven, change happens when people take to the street. No one is asking you to participate in this, nor did anyone ask for your negative view on it.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Those who vote have no power. Those who count the votes and announce the 'results' have the power.

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

how is volunteering to make the world better a negative view? I want to help people and you want to create chaos... and I'm the negative one?

No, I am the optimist who believes things aren't so bad that we need a revolution yet. Your premature protests only make real battles for justice appear weaker. There is a time to fight, but this is not it. You don't even know what you are protesting about!

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Change is scary. In the United States, change means violence and people getting hurt.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Are you saying this nonviolent protest is going to be violent?

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

The negative/complacent/hopeless attitude is what the status quo preys on. Just the presence of large numbers of angry humans can be terrifying. I hope this is successful in some way.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Agreed. Look at the successful protests that have been taking place around the world. These were not centrally orchestrated operations. Angry people went into the streets and demanded change. That's revolution.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

No one said fail - hey that's one of those I kan haz CheezBurGer words isn't it now. So it must be way cool.

You are saying any effort, even an insignificant one is a good thing. Maybe for nursing a starving baby, but not for changing the world.

Furthermore no one has even defined the point; the concepy. It's an unknown idea with nothing more that evidently trying to get the words Obama and Wall Street in the same paragraph. So what?

Nope wasted effort. In this case is worse than shooting blanks, you are shooting weak, wet bullets.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

? im not sure what this says

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Oh how far they have fallen...

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Agreed. I deleted my negative post. The mere act of thousands of people showing up is an awesome one. Let's just make sure we stay non-violent, and we help each other out. We are going to be the only ones there for each other.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

yes! thas what im talkin about!

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

You're right, you're so right. I'm a very analytical and calculated person, so it bugs me when I see things that could be done better, but I just need to get over it, and show up! We all have to believe in this for it to work.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

you cant really plan something like this with tons of details. things will become crystal clear on the day of the event. not just for all of us, but hopefully for the world.