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Forum Post: What's with all this 403 Forbidden forbeoding forbidding?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 7:03 p.m. EST by alternateu (29)
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Whenever I log on, I have to reroute to get around the evil '403 Forbidden' blockade. & I can't access the responses to my posts.

I don't blame OWS, but, I do get those COINTELPRO vibration blues a bit...fortunately, I have my paranoia control set to: smoooooth. Still wonder what gives. Perhaps some practical advice, OWS?



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[-] 1 points by alternateu (29) 12 years ago

still can't log into my response list...awww...its making me feel sad, & unhappy & obscure - ified

[-] 1 points by alternateu (29) 12 years ago

well, all should just look up COINTELPRO on Wiki. It's not irrational conspiracy stuff, that kind of thing does exist. It's a good read for any OWS ite. Real info, not a shuck or cultistic hoax.

The gov't must be truly annoyed @ all of this protest.

That's OK - I'm a bit annoyed at gov't by the biggest lobbies we have the misfortune to be near totally dependent on.

Anyone for a Monsanto biscuit? Or ConAgra canape'?

[-] 1 points by misunderstood101 (68) from Los Angeles, CA 12 years ago

i hope 403 is not part of a bigger conspiracy to disrupt the movement ...sorry just my paranoid theory.

[-] 1 points by TalkingHead (101) 12 years ago

Click on the notification box, in the address bar when you're looking at the 403 Forbidden page delete everything in the address bar between "occupywallst.org/" and "forum" so the beginning of the url starts with "occupywallst.org/forum". Hit enter.

[-] 1 points by alternateu (29) 12 years ago

maybe i should reset?