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Forum Post: We need people to volunteer to protest Media outlets

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:55 p.m. EST by JeffCallahan (216)
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We have to get to them before they come to us because they will frame this movement in lyes. Corporate media will be dispatched to stomp this movement out – Not the Police Ultimately the 1% along with the politicians will use the corporate media to stop this movement, their control of television, radio, and newspaper is by far their most powerful weapon. The Corporate media already lies and misleads on any little bit of coverage they give this movement. It's only a matter of time until the media starts spreading lies against this movement and those lies. Everyone here needs to watch the documentary about Chavez. The media clipped footage together to make it look like his people opened fire on his citizens. That never happened when your average American looks at media footage it never occurs to them to consider weather or not that footage was clipped together to tell a lye.



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[-] 2 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 12 years ago

Well the media has been trying really hard to minimise, rediculise, ignore and lie about this movement, but it seems to have the oposite effect. Today I was in Barcelona demonstration and some 200-300.000 people joint. In New York that would meens some 1-2 milion on the streets if the same % show up. And they will, your system needs change as much us ours.

[-] 2 points by JeffCallahan (216) 12 years ago

Maybe in other countries but I am in America (Born and raised) and the majority here stair into the idiot box (TV) in awe then walk around quoting every lye and every bit of misinformation in their brainwashed little heads. It's sad.

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 12 years ago

I see what you mean, but Spain isn´t that different. Anyway, the impression I get is that the movement in the USA is also growing faster than anybody could have predicted. I don´t think it should lead to a revolution but serious changes. In the USA it seems to go a little to fast almost. Today first group got arrested because the wanted to close their account at the citybank. That sort of news (especialy when not reported by the mainstream media) will have unpresedented effects on the very short run maybe.