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Forum Post: Watching these kids protest is great free entertainment!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 7:19 p.m. EST by LaughingRepublican (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am sitting here having dinner with my colleagues at the New York Yacht Club and I just wanted to let you kids know that we are enjoying the show!

Keep up the great work because we haven't laughed this hard in a very long time.

This is much better than the reality television shows on dish network!



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[-] 2 points by Cindy (197) 12 years ago

Something about a person on a Yacht needing free entertainment sounds fishy : /

[-] 2 points by Huffy6677 (5) from Dartmouth, NS 12 years ago

Such a troll... the elite watch DirectTV

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by usaworktomuch (55) 12 years ago

Laugh now <LaughingRepublican> just keep in mind what happened to Nicholas II! You're are toying with a very sensitive topic and the least you could be is respectful. But, of ya - I forgot, you elitist, greedy Harvard fucks are completely incapable of respect. REMEMBER ONE thing - China is bankrolling your yacht club and soon you'll be bowing to them while we are laughing :P

[-] 1 points by e2morg (2) from West Springfield, MA 12 years ago

I spent time at the Palm Beach Bath and Tennis Club. There were very few there with a net worth under $500,000,000. I was surprised at how many unhappy looking people and kids I saw. Yachts? Yucks, Yeeks!

[-] 1 points by opensociety4us (914) from Norwalk, CT 12 years ago

thanks for taking your valuable time to find and write to us. something obviously motivated you to use your time in this manner. are you concerned?

[-] 1 points by jonvonleaderhosen (50) 12 years ago

Nothing like blind anger with no defined cause or clue.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 12 years ago

You haven't seen anything yet, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

So keep laughing while we sell-off your yacht, and your mansion, at fire sale prices!

[-] 1 points by okfuskee (1) 12 years ago

I am at the "Yacht" club, where we have "Yachts." Have you heard about our "Yachts?" Also...we are eating and watching our "dish network" on our "dishes" while we talk about our "yachts."

Jeeze what an idiot.

[-] 1 points by Poplicola (125) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

You mean your greed mongering ass doesn't support equality? What a shock, dickhead. We'll see who get's the last laugh. Don't let this post scare you, let our future actions scare you.

Vox Populi

[-] 1 points by Cindy (197) 12 years ago

Next thing you know we will have to outsource lava lamps!

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

We aren't afraid of you. Want proof? Read the General Assembly minutes. OWS can't even figure out how to manage the sleeping bags, much less afford to BUY some!!!

[-] 0 points by Cindy (197) 12 years ago

Yeah, that's right there is nothing to worry about....go shopping.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

I think I will. Lots of disposable money from my great job with a company with integrity. Which I got, by the way by majoring in Economics, not Sociology or Minority Womens' Studies. Then I will get some laughs watching you underachievers "demand" the same rewards I earned by using the same cry-baby tactics that work with your soft parents. A five-bedroom home on three acres, Lexus SUV in the garage, two week trip to Scandinavia last month...life is good if you have brains and a work ethic!

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Scandinavia is largely socialist you know. So reconsider. You probably don't want that stink of fairness on ya. It might ruin the swagger you got going pretending you have a life.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

P.S. You can't "demand" the good life...you have to EARN it! And it feels great!

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Demand the good life means you are demanding that society be designed so that everyone who is responsible, works hard and produces things people want get rewarded with the good life in return.

In our current system, only a small percentage of hard workers get that reward. It is not a fair system.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

Wrong. It is not "a small percentage" of people who work hard. But it will never be 100%. Mother Nature/The Universe didn't bless everyone with the same intelligence. Rotten luck.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

3% make an above average income. That is pretty darn small.

I believe society should provide the good life to 100% of workers, regardless of IQ.

Every worker should be guaranteed a job.

Every worker, who does the job they were hired to perform, should be wealthy. They should all get paid equally. The reason why they should all get paid equally is because they are all equally performing the job they were hired to do.

Everyone who works a difficult job, a job that requires greater physical or mental effort, should get paid $230,000 per year.

Everyone who works a job that is not difficult should get paid $115,000 per year.

The reason why incomes are paid out in those amounts is because that is what the incomes amount to when you allocate the country's total income equally among all workers and you want to pay difficult jobs twice as much as jobs that are not difficult.

If you do not do the job you were hired to perform because of incompetency or laziness, you should be fired.

If people do not buy the good or service you are working on, it should stop being produced and you should stop being paid. You should then be forced to find a new job working on something people are buying.

When you treat all workers equally, in this manner, you have a democratic economic system. Democracy is a Greek word that means people power. It means power rests with everyone equally. It means everyone is treated equally.

Capitalism is a system of inequality. It produces pricks like you. It is the exact opposite of democracy. Democracy is a system of equality.

We should replace capitalism with democracy.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

Lying is wrong. Why do you write that only 3% of people earn above average incomes? Check out the facts online - there for everyone to see. Average household income is $49,777. And 49.7% make ABOVE that. Warning to everyone: do not believe what this person says without checking it out!

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I actually thought you were the original poster. You are not. So I won't wait for you to make a fool of yourself again, I'll just respond.

You claim you are rich, have a 143 IQ and a degree in economics. Yet, somehow you don't know the difference between average and median, you don't know the difference between household and worker, you don't know how health insurance works, you don't know what a co-pay is and you thought it was the co-pay that bankrupted people who get sick and have health insurance.

You claimed that it is not true that 97% of workers make a below average income.

Even though you have an economics degree, you gave a number for household income as proof about worker income. A household is not a worker.

And the number you gave was actually the median, not the average.

Since you do not have an economics degree and have no clue what is going on in the world, let me explain some facts to you.

Median means 50% make more than that number and 50% make less.

Average is total income divided by total workers.

The average income per worker is $127,000 per year.

That is calculated by getting total pre-tax income which is $13.7 trillion which is reported at bea.gov and dividing it by the 100 million full time workers and 35 million part time workers.

And if you go to census.gov, you will find that amount is more than what 97% of all workers make. The reason why only 3% of all workers make an above average income is because we have such an enormous inequality of income in this country. The top 1% of earners take home more income than half the entire workforce combined.

The median income for all workers is $33k. That means half of all workers make just 25% of what the average income is.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I will give you one more chance not to make a fool of yourself, so I am not going to comment on the accuracy of what you just wrote.

But as a trained economist, you surely know the difference between worker income and household income.

My claim is that only 3% of workers make an above average income.

So you can have one more chance to respond to the comment I made below:

I already know you are not wealthy, are not successful and do not have a 143 IQ.

Now let's show everybody that you do not have a degree in economics either.

If my statistic is not true, then tell me what the definition of "average" is, what the average worker income is and what percentage of workers make that amount.

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 12 years ago

You realize that even if you paid eveyone at the low end of your fantasy pay scale, with the ~155 million persons in the workforce, that would be:

$115,000 * 155,000,000 persons = $17,825,000,000,000

That's $17.825 QUADRILLION! Many times more than the entire GDP of every economy on the planet. Every year!


[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

$115k * 155 million is not $17.825 quadrillion

It is $17.825 trillion.

We do not have 155 million workers. We have 100 million full time workers and 35 million part time workers.

If you paid the full time workers the $115k and the part time workers the same hourly rate multiplied by whatever amount of hours they work, the total would come out to less than $13.7 trillion which is the total US consumption, pre-tax income.

[-] 0 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

And the Tooth Fairy should be coming to your house any day now.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Very witty and eloquent. Spoken like a true, wealthy, successful, 143 IQ college graduate.

[-] 0 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

You and I know why you can't comment on the accuracy of my statistics, don't we?

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Oh, I will comment on the accuracy. But I want to give you the chance to make a fool out of yourself twice, Mr. Economics Degree.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

That would be MRS. Go ahead and comment on the accuracy. (sound of crickets)

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

What's the matter? Mrs. big shot 143 IQ economics degree all of a sudden doesn't want to go on record about her economics claim?

Show everyone how smart you are. If my claim is not true, then tell me what the definition of "average" is, what the average worker income is and what percentage of workers make that amount.

You are smart, rich and a trained economist. I'm a loser member of OWS. Make me look stupid.

[-] 1 points by differentperspective (2) 12 years ago

What you are talking about is communism, which doesn't work. See, in a communist society where everyone is paid the same (or roughly the same) the people who are intelligent and doing the hardest work will still compete with each other (unless they just stop working, because why be an astrophysicist while you can be a hotel manager for the same income?). But anyways, even if the most intelligent people continue working and even if you take the money-hierarchy out of the equation, it'll be replaced by a power-hierarchy (aka what happened in communist Russia). What happened in Russia is that you would go into a grocery store and there would be literally five items in the entire store. But, if you were a member of the communist party, and depending on what ranking you had, your special grocery store you were only aloud into with a pass would be full of food (I'm not making this up, my father visited Russia when he was 18 and lived there for 6 weeks during this time period). So what would happen in the united states, instead of there being an elitist wealthy group, 1% of people who would be more powerful (or more intelligent) than anyone else who and would have control over the entire government and people. Power is just another currency. You can't avoid this either, people are by nature competitive, and it's natural to want to compare yourself and compete with your fellow comrades. Your system would never work because you're forgetting to consider human behavior.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

"why be an astrophysicist while you can be a hotel manager for the same income?"

It turns out that some people actually like being an astrophysicist far more than being a hotel manager.

"it'll be replaced by a power-hierarchy (aka what happened in communist Russia)"

I advocate a liberal democracy with a market to allocate goods and services.

The soviet union was not a democracy, it was not liberal, they had no transparency, they had no law, they had no accountability and they were a command economy. I don't advocate any of those things.

Russia was a poor, undeveloped, backwards, feudal society.

To say that the US in 2011would become anything like that is absurd. Senators lose their jobs if they sext someone on their cell phone. The idea that they will be able to get away with murdering their opponents and turn into anything like what went on in russia is ridiculous.

We are a $15 trillion economy. We have the technology and resources to produce a near unlimited amount of anything. Grocery stores won't be empty because we adopted a more fair compensation system.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

If you want to see what I advocate, read this post:


There are no payments in a communist society. There is no money.

Communism is a hypothetical stage society will reach once it develops the technology to eliminate scarcity. Once you eliminate scarcity, you don't need money or property or government. Technology enables you to reach such an abundance that you no longer need goods and services to be rationed with money, people can take all they want, and automation is so advanced, all the jobs nobody wants to do is done by machines so you don't need to pay people to work.

No society has ever achieved communism. We do not have the technology to achieve it. I advocate the use of money, prices, markets for goods and services and working for an income. So I do not advocate communism.

[-] 0 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

You are correct, it is very Socialist. That is why a Whopper (just the sandwich) is the equivalent of $13.50 in Norway. A diet coke 12 oz. Is $5.00 at a 7-11. And Denmark charges a tax of 180% on a new car. That's right, a $50k car costs $140k there. Not only do they pay income tax, there is a 25% sales tax on everything to pay for the "free" health insurance and nanny state. You think that's fairness?! I can understand that you want to believe that I must be pretending to have a happy life. It must be painful to face up to the fact that people who made the right decisions in life are reaping the rewards and enjoying them. It is a defense mechanism to convince yourself that they must be more miserable than you.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

You do not have a 143 IQ. You are not wealthy. You are not a success in life. You are brainwashed, right-wing trailer trash.

I know that because someone who was wealthy and a success and had a 143 IQ would not waste their time trolling this website.

[-] 1 points by dankpoet (425) 12 years ago

You shouldn't be engaging this troll. He is wearing you down..eventually you'll just sound nasty to any casual observer wondering in to see what the movement is about.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The claim that anyone can make it in this system by making the right choices is just not true.

97% cannot make an above average income. 50% cannot make more than $33k. 25% of an entire race of people this system used to enslave cannot even make it out of poverty.

That is not because everyone in society is a loser or makes poor decisions.

This system is designed to only work for a very, very small percentage of the hard-working, responsible, effective people who work for a living.

And this system is designed to work 100% of the time for all the people born into one of the families of those lucky few, regardless of how hard-working, responsible or effective they are.

It is an incredibly unfair system. It simply does not work.

It doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for people at this website. It doesn't work for 97% of all workers.

Your claim that it does work means you are in complete denial because it doesn't work for you either.

[-] 0 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

Thank you. You have just shown everybody how made-up your "statistics" are! You assert that 97% of workers don't make Above average income. You might want to think that through again - after you look up the definition of "average"!!!!!! Ha, ha!

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I actually thought you were the original poster. You are not. So I won't wait for you to make a fool of yourself again, I'll just respond.

You claim you are rich, have a 143 IQ and a degree in economics. Yet, somehow you don't know the difference between average and median, you don't know the difference between household and worker, you don't know how health insurance works, you don't know what a co-pay is and you thought it was the co-pay that bankrupted people who get sick and have health insurance.

You claimed that it is not true that 97% of workers make a below average income.

Even though you have an economics degree, you gave a number for household income as proof about worker income. A household is not a worker.

And the number you gave was actually the median, not the average.

Since you do not have an economics degree and have no clue what is going on in the world, let me explain some facts to you.

Median means 50% make more than that number and 50% make less.

Average is total income divided by total workers.

The average income per worker is $127,000 per year.

That is calculated by getting total pre-tax income which is $13.7 trillion which is reported at bea.gov and dividing it by the 100 million full time workers and 35 million part time workers.

And if you go to census.gov, you will find that amount is more than what 97% of all workers make. The reason why only 3% of all workers make an above average income is because we have such an enormous inequality of income in this country. The top 1% of earners take home more income than half the entire workforce combined.

The median income for all workers is $33k. That means half of all workers make just 25% of what the average income is.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

I certainly know the difference between median income and average income. But I still haven't heard your explanation for how "97% of people don't make average income". Even without training in statistics, readers out there know that if average worker income is $39k, that it isn't reasonable to believe that 97% of the people they know make that or below. You REALLY believe half of American workers earn only about $8,000 per year? Heck, minimum wage is about $15,000 per year! Do the math: 2080 business hours per year X $7.25 minimum wage....this is basic arithmetic!

[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Your comments keep getting better.

You claim you are rich, have a 143 IQ and a degree in economics. Yet, somehow you don't know the difference between average and median, you don't know the difference between household and worker, you don't know how health insurance works, you don't know what a co-pay is and you thought it was the co-pay that bankrupted people who get sick and have health insurance.

And now you have demonstrated that you also don't know how to read.

I said the average income is $127,000 not $39k.

And I said half of all workers make $33k, not $8,000.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I already know you are not wealthy, are not successful and do not have a 143 IQ.

Now let's show everybody that you do not have a degree in economics either.

If my statistic is not true, then tell me what the definition of "average" is, what the average worker income is and what percentage of workers make that amount.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

Too lazy to look it up? Go to wikipedia right now everybody. Or even census.gov. The average income per worker and household are there, as are the percentage distributions.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

What's the matter? Mr. big shot 143 IQ economics degree all of a sudden doesn't want to go on record about his economics claim?

Show everyone how smart you are. If my claim is not true, then tell me what the definition of "average" is, what the average worker income is and what percentage of workers make that amount.

You are smart, rich and a trained economist. I'm a loser member of OWS. Make me look stupid.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So you think it is fair for someone who gets cancer or some other chronic condition, something they did not go shopping for, to foot the entire bill, go bankrupt and live in poverty because of it?

You might wanna spend a little of your fortune on a dictionary. You have an incorrect definition of fairness.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

I think they should have been responsible a person and bought health insurance BEFORE they got cancer. When you want to get someone to pay your bills AFTER you get sick, it is not "insurance", it is charity. Insurance is for the UNFORSEEN.

[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

They do have insurance. Insurance doesn't cover 100% of your medical bills.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

Who is going to go bankrupt paying their lousy $10 copay? You prove my point that you guys have such an entitlement mentality you don't want to be responsible for even a small portion of you own health care.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Not only do you not have a 143 IQ, have any wealth, have any success in life, have any economics degree, not only are you brainwashed, right-wing trailer trash, but you are a kid who has not lived in the real world yet and who never made an insurance payment.

A co-pay is not the portion of insurance that bankrupts people with large medical bills. It is the 80% or whatever percent cap that insurance plans pay out and holes where no percentage is covered.

When you have a $400k procedure, you are responsible for $80k of it. If you do something experimental, you would pay 100%of it. If you have a chronic illness which requires $10k per month in treatment, you have to pay $2k of it.

You are clueless.

Maybe you can learn a few things about the world while you troll here.

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

Big mistake, you are wrong on all counts. My industry is health insurance for 20+ years. Now I will destroy you with the facts. You are confusing "copay" with "co-insurance", the percentage the insurance company pays and the percentage the insured person pays. And furthermore, the co-insurance percentage does not go on forever. There is always a "stop-loss" amount, usually the insured person doesn't have to pay more than $2,000- $5,000. This is also called the "out-of-pocket maximum". Never would a person who was insured pay the amounts you are stating. Anyone who doubts it, send this to you Dad or Mom and ask if it is correct. Or ask them to see the Schedule of Benefits on their insurance contract. Jumping to incorrect conclusions will be the continuing downfall of this movement. You need experience...which will turn you into Republicans.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

"Anyone who doubts it, send this to you Dad or Mom and ask if it is correct"

I really am talking to a 12 year old kid. Ugh.

But for others that might be reading this, in 2007 62% of bankruptcies were from medical expenses and 80% had health insurance. Their average medical expenses was $18,000


Since 2007, the law was changed to make it harder to file for bankruptcy.

That is the Republican way: Have a disease and cannot afford treatment? Tough. It is a cruel ideology.

[-] 1 points by Cindy (197) 12 years ago

For some odd reason you think everyone wants a lexus suv and a trip to scandinavia. Not all of us are running away from our lack on the inside to try to make up with some half bit things on the outside. No matter where you go, there you are. No matter what you drive, it's still you. Grow up. Do some research. Are more people that are "rich" on anti-depressants or poor?

[-] 1 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

I never said everyone wants exactly what I want. Your comment that I am "running away" from some internal deficit has no basis in fact. I'm involved with volunteer work with abused children and adopted a special needs teenager a few years ago. I would guess I am more fulfilled and self-actualized than most of the OWS crowd. You guys just can't deal with the fact that many, many people have worked hard, been well-rewarded, and are deeply satisfied with their lives. I don't use them, but obviously wealthier people could afford any anti-depressant they want. Poor people tend to spend their money on cigarettes, tattoos,and lottery tickets. Do that research!

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 12 years ago

"You guys just can't deal with the fact that many, many people have worked hard, been well rewarded, and are deeply satisfied with their lives." LOL! What does that have to do with the fact that NUMEROUS Wall Street executives and their firms packaged D-grade mortgages into mortgage-backed securities and then fraudulently passed them off as AAA-rated securities--and didn't get their asses raped in prison for it? Should things like that just be overlooked because you're "deeply satisfied with your life"? LOL...guess what? YOU are the problem, you lazy, shallow asshole. Trash like you is what has ruined this country--and it's time to take out the trash....

[-] 0 points by IQ143 (21) 12 years ago

You aren't "taking out" anyone. You are all economically impotent and most will stay that way.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 12 years ago

dude they are full of sh!t. this is some redneck sit'n in a trailer angry because their tea is bitter .

[-] 0 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 12 years ago

Yeah and your MASTER is drinking the blood of libyan children and LAUGHING AT YOU. He just can't get over the fact that you think you are powerful and rich. He can't believe how absolutely STUPID you are. You run around like a programmed parrot regurgitating your brainwashing. He plans on sending you and your family into a hellish nightmare for his entertainment. He plans on taking what little you truly have and giving you pain and suffering like he does everywhere else in the world. How weak you are. He cannot believe you think you are free. Demand Peace. PEACE is PROSPERITY. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hobDCtmx0xo&feature=player_embedded&skipcontrinter=1

[-] 0 points by doninsalem (74) 12 years ago

The U.S.S. Constitution "Had" an extreme beam of 44 "2", it now "Has" an extreme beam of 34 "6" (on the button). No wonder "they" said it was flawed after the last refurbishment, cause some people might ask what happened to 10ft. of that ship. Oh ya, they blamed it all on the first captain for hundreds of years before they "posthumously" awarded the man every medal as well as now lay flowers on his grave (even though he probably told them where to go after passing ALL of the buck(s) or blame on him).

[-] 0 points by doninsalem (74) 12 years ago

"What If"(The Band Creed/Album human clay), twas only gold?

[-] 0 points by doninsalem (74) 12 years ago

Well if it were the Titanic the standing orders (and/or gentleman thing to do) after women and children first should be fill the life boats, everybody else find and lash anything together that floats for the person (or people) to your right (or left), and if anybody hands anyone a rock, well then that's enough reason to put anybody over. If you are ever on any side of a disorganized sinking ship, stick with the side saying "come on it's you and I" (not me and you). Before anybody says that what I said/say was a threat for murder in "putting anybody over", FYI Billy Zane's character put a bullet through his own head for being a failure in that movie. Move over cause here comes a few more characters.

[-] 0 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 12 years ago

I am sitting here having dinner with my colleagues(imaginary friends) at the New York Yacht Club(trailer)and I just wanted to let you kids know that we are enjoying the show!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that buddy.

[-] 0 points by Dadycupcakes (4) from Puyallup, WA 12 years ago

bahahahaha you made my day

[-] 0 points by jab714 (13) 12 years ago

I'm sure King Louis XVI also laughed at the rising masses before he was tried for high treason and executed. And the nobles were probably laughing as well when their privileges were stripped and they ran for their lives to other countries.

Your time will come too at some point.

[-] -1 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

The Lords and Ladies in Paris in 1789 were having a similar fun time laughing at the throngs of starving peasants. How did that turn out for them pal? Enjoy your meal.

[-] -1 points by Vooter (441) 12 years ago

Thanks! We need targets, and volunteers like you are always welcome. And I bet your daughter's pretty hot, too!

[-] -1 points by April (3196) 12 years ago

So, your next best alternative is reality tv ? I think you really need to get a life. Sadly, you are a waste to society Mr. or Mrs. LaughingRepublican.

[-] -1 points by makmak (57) 12 years ago

Looks like some of these protestors are wannabe's. Their daddy's are probably sitting next to you at the yacht club.


[-] -1 points by captaindoody (339) from Elizabethville, PA 12 years ago

You'll all be laughing as we are shoving those boats up your bloated asses in about 3 weeks. This is a revolution dummy.

[-] 1 points by goeib1 (163) 12 years ago

EXACTLY!! But when I say this is a MOB, I am being mean spirited. This is CERTAINLY a MOB and it is going to lead to violence because the weak, end political contributions crowd, is being pushed out of this "movement" by the communist/ marxist crowd. It IS happening now. This is how the bloody French MOBs started, bloody Nazi party started, bloody Stalin started. MOST of you are being USED but you fail to even consider it....

[-] 0 points by captaindoody (339) from Elizabethville, PA 12 years ago

We want free stuff and we want it now. Why should I toil away at a job so that the boss can live in a mansion and go boating all day?

[-] -1 points by Opal (57) 12 years ago

This is exactly what I'd expect from Repugnicans. Don't laugh too hard, fats. You'll rupture something.