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Forum Post: Wall Street's top CEO Duncan Niederauer's ex-wife is on food stamps!!

Posted 12 years ago on March 2, 2012, 3:06 p.m. EST by EddieB49 (0)
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Wall Street's top CEO Duncan Niederauer collects a $4 million bonus while his ex-wife and the REAL mother of his eldest daughter collects food stamps!!! Way to go Niederauer!!!!



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[-] 1 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago



[-] 0 points by EddieB49 (0) 12 years ago

He should be ashamed...


[-] 0 points by badlimey (48) 12 years ago

I hear you can trade them for crack, but crack is whack!

[-] -1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 12 years ago

Got a link?

[-] -2 points by DayumShame (148) 12 years ago


Way to go, me!