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Forum Post: Wall Street Greed Kills Those In NEED

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 5:40 p.m. EST by anonymousoctopus (1)
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Who is responsible for the crisis in health care?

Whereas Health care is unaffordable: 50 million Americans lack health insurance, and millions more have underinsurance with inadequate benefits, and can’t afford to get health care because their out-of-pocket costs are too high, and two thirds of personal bankruptcies are caused by medical problems, leaving most families one illness away from foreclosure and homelessness, and Americans are forced to pay twice as much for health care as in countries where care is as good or better (Canada, most of Europe, Japan, etc.),

And Whereas Wall Street is responsible for the crisis in health care: Insurance companies perpetuate wasteful bureaucracy ($400 billion wasted per year), keep exorbitant profits, and deny us health care when we need it, and no other wealthy country allows that, but Congress and the President allowed Wall Street corporations to write the Affordable Care Act (federal health care reform) to serve the greed of the private insurance industry, and mega-corporations have corrupted our legislators with buckets of money,

And Whereas Health Care is a Human Right that Everybody Deserves: Therefore, We need UNIVERSAL health insurance an improved and expanded Medicare for all otherwise called single payer Wall Street’s Greed Kills those In Need! Single Payer Health Care Educate yourself. http://owshealthcare.wordpress.com/ - www.pnhp.org - http://www.healthcare-now.org/



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[-] 1 points by suyabaa01 (244) from Milford, CT 12 years ago

I have a very simple solution:

Give the People the same health care and social benefits politicians have given to themselves. It's the most fair and direct approach. Whatever fair and already accepted by them is fair and acceptable to the People.

That's all. We don't need to reinvent the wheel by throwing away countless amount of money and the time.

[-] 1 points by DouginJax (40) 12 years ago


Consider: the doctors went to bed with the insurance companies some 30 years ago. Then the insurance co bite them in the ass. Now they are stuck with a system that is crap and they know it. Who has the power here?

I bet the majority of Doctors and caregivers are not Wall Street greedy assholes. They are dedicated, compassionate 99s.

[-] 1 points by not99or1rightinmiddle (4) 12 years ago

I will state first that I work on "Wall Street".....and I dont smoke big fat cigars or drink champagne with breakfast. I put my pants on one leg at a time. You all really need to open your eyes and go out and get a job. Contribute to soceity instead of having your hand out. It is not a good habit to break once you get into it. You are all going to become burdens to society. That's okay I guess...the fat cats on Wall Street that you all rail against will foot the bill for the masses with the tax's we pay.

It's funny....we are the bad guys in your eyes. Open your eyes you mis-guided bunch of lemmings!!!

[-] 1 points by not99or1rightinmiddle (4) 12 years ago

I will state first that I work on "Wall Street".....and I dont smoke big fat cigars or drink champagne with breakfast. I put my pants on one leg at a time. You all really need to open your eyes and go out and get a job. Contribute to soceity instead of having your hand out. It is not a good habit to break once you get into it. You are all going to become burdens to society. That's okay I guess...the fat cats on Wall Street that you all rail against will foot the bill for the masses with the tax's we pay.

It's funny....we are the bad guys in your eyes. Open your eyes you mis-guided bunch of lemmings!!!