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Forum Post: Trapwire

Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 13, 2012, 2:47 a.m. EST by NLake72 (510)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Trapwire is a yoke no American, no human being, should be willing to endure.

One day the people will rise up and cast off the chains of their masters, and say firmly "no more."




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[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago

I'm ok with security cameras in general, I trust that the images are generally put to honorable uses. Trapwire is a subversive attempt to actively betray that civic trust. Frankly, it's no different than if some pervert was selling stolen video of shopping mall dressing rooms. It's a complete violation of our privacy for somebody else's personal gain.

If anyone should be angry and protesting, it's the police and soldiers who are sworn to defend our civic freedoms. These are tools they use, supposedly for good purposes, that are being twisted into something maniacal and decidedly evil.

Trapwire is a line in the sand. Or, it should be.


[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago


Yeah, I figure the cat's long been out of the bag, but what the heck :)




[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Your questions are rhetorical.


[-] 2 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago

Rhetoric is the only way to win this revolution. At the same time, a great way to agitate and draw attention to Trapwire has been suggested in the OP link. Non-violence at all times, of course, but we can unify against an Orwellian police state, and Trapwire is a silent attempt to profit from the sale of our personal privacy... for no legitimate reason.

So, I think we suffer from camera pollution, what do YOU think? Wait. Don't speak, don't even think it. Instead, let your actions speak louder than words. Read the #Op Trapwire, and consider where your personal line in the sand is actually drawn. If not here, then where?


[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago

I agree, it's a radical step, and the downside risks are very high. Also, you're quite correct that the technology exists otherwise, and so it's a bit of a waste of time and energy. Given those facts, I think this is one of the best ideas anonymous ever came up with. I'm not an anon, nor am I OWS, nor am I affiliated with any group. However, this strikes me as a really great way to generate emotions about the topic, and maybe enough citizens will decide to make a unified statement that cannot be ignored. I'm on the watchlist already, but that's a badge of honor for yours truly.

My main concern is that this is exactly what the police state wants... A way to get people on the terrorist list, and possibly justify drone technology for domestic surveillance. It's Orwellian any way you slice it, but nobody I have talked to have heard about trapwire, so it's my duty to get the word out, and let the people decide for themselves what to do with the idea.


[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago

Yeah, the media message is critical. That's up to anonymous to get it right (and, I have little faith there, tbh.)

It probably is the ultimate jousting at windmills moment, and it may get people talking about all the wrong things, but...

Ah heck, you're probably right. Nobody I know really gives a shit, so I figure we all get what the masses deserve.


[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago

Well, I don't know what it'll take to raise this issue in the national discourse, and even then it'd be a slow news cycle fluff piece, if anything.

Either way, I don't support a lot of what anonymous stands for, but I think this is an idea that has some merit.

Probably, exactly Jack Shit will come of it, but #OP Trapwire is directed at exactly the right people, for exactly the right reasons, which is a pleasant change.


[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 11 years ago

Man, I thought of that too. But, would it actually get any news coverage?

As I remember it, some guy at an occupation threw himself off a building with his pocket full of fliers... I still have no idea what those fliers had printed on them.

So, no reason to set yourself on fire, because it's just a waste. And, it's an outcome that nobody you like would be satisfied with. There's a better way. There are many better ways to make a statement.

