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Forum Post: To constituents of Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, Paul, Walsh and all other Nayseyers:

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 10:27 a.m. EST by ss000kk (7) from Shakopee, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To constituents of Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, Paul, Walsh and all other Nayseyers:

  • Occupy their offices in your district.

  • Occupy U.S. Congress.

Let them know their political games don't amusse YOU or YOUR family.

Let them know that YOU are not paying 170K a year to them with lifetime pension and health benefits so they can go to fundraisers, play golf and go to congress to say NO.

Let them know that tax cuts for the wealthy surely create jobs, but in CHINA.

Let them know YOU are no longer buying into their "conservative" BS. This is way beyond that...

Let them confirm what the polls say: their current approval ratings say they must be removed from office.



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[-] 1 points by rulesdontapply (27) 12 years ago

I just want to point out that American labor cost too much. There's reasons why most unskilled labor is outsourced to developing countries.(like China) On top that, robots replaced a great deal of labor too.

[-] 1 points by johnbarber (39) from Altamonte Springs, FL 12 years ago

How is American Labor too costly? For the majority of America it breaks down to this

Reliable transportation (and gas) + reliable housing + utilities + groceries + insurance + 10% of total to account for other = wage

When companies are unwilling to meet that basic need then something is wrong. What gets cut when those needs aren't met? Downgrade to unreliable transportation, unreliable housing, brown out the utilities, cut down on groceries, have no insurance, don't account for savings? We're already there.

[-] 1 points by rulesdontapply (27) 12 years ago

How is American Labor too costly?

For one, we have higher wages here. Outsourced labors for the most part have lower wages, which cost less. Also, it's unlike those jobs being replaced are high paying. It's mostly unskilled basic work, the kind of stuff a rice farmer can do.

I also never said that American wages should be cut or downgrade their transportation,housing ,utilities,groceries, and insurance.

I just bought up a point

[-] 0 points by American (43) from Phoenix, AZ 12 years ago

C'mon...are you trying to say that the people of "developing countries" don't need to be trained?

I don't believe that. Of course they do, just like anyone here would have to be...except they can do it without paying a decent wage there.