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Forum Post: Quantum Physics Neuroscience and Ancient Gnostic Esoteric Mysticism

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 2:51 a.m. EST by blackbloc (-19)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS is not reaching it's full potential by believing in the impossible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT50SV3W5K0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bedecrwv-Mk&feature=player_embedded#! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtEIIMQQSPU the truth is stranger than any fiction. 2012-UFOs-Quantum Mysticism-Ancient Gnostic Esoteric Wisdom-NWO more links http://www.moviesdatacenter.com/Movies/The-Secret.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7lXYwcRppI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbh5l0b2-0o



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[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

check this out it is called the secret http://www.moviesdatacenter.com/Movies/The-Secret.html

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 12 years ago

Awesome thread....

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

did you enjoy the links any links to add?

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 12 years ago

I haven't got the bandwidth for youtube atm....Nuts! But I do like the bent of your thread...."Check out the brain that changes itself" - Neuroplasticity

And... Quantum coupling - Amazing!

I've read heaps on this stuff....love it!

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

awesome i will

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

trying to make things awesome one day at a time

[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 12 years ago

Am I to understand you correctly? Are we doing to employ these ideas in a government? I am not claiming knowledge in this field, but what place exactly would this have in government?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

yes, it would be insane not to employ these ideas in government and every facet of our lives. consciousness is reality and is able to influence reality as a result, please watch the first link it will become much clearer to you afterwards. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bedecrwv-Mk&feature=player_embedded#!

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

not nearly enough people are checking out this post

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

please post some links if you have some good links.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

is no one interested in truth?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

Science and mysticism are finding a common ground with a large range of implications, any thoughts? Is quantum mysticism the new religion for a new holistic completely integrated society where both our archaic past and our scientific future are acknowledged and reconciled? Are psychedelics powerful tools to be used along with marijuana, nitrous oxide, strobe lights, meditation, yoga, tai chi, sensory depravation tanks, and ancient gnostic esoteric knowledge, mysticism, and rituals? Is there one basic truth that all the major religions have allowed to be corrupted? Do you need to reach the divine through others or can you achieve this yourself?

[-] 1 points by alexrai (851) 12 years ago

I don't think its a coincidence that 2012 is shaping up to be the turning point in the war on (some) drugs...

I hear a lot of people talk about some sudden cataclysmic shift and all of the sudden "poof" we're all operating in a different consciousness. That would be nice, but being more practical, in the event that doesn't happen I think the change in consciousness is going to come from psychedelics, Marijuana and similar substances.

For thousands and thousands of years people evolved in harmony with plants and their natural defences, our neuro transmitters have the same structure... receptors for marijuana, DMT occuring naturally in the body,Even in Europe there are cave paintings of magic mushrooms dating back 6000 years.

We've broken apart from our natural environment in a very unhealthy way, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the day when people would rather drop mushrooms and go for a walk than waste $20 to see people blow up in 3D on the big screen.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

did you watch this link? i think there is def something happening you can see it on the news but most people can't read between the lines and see how everything is related did you check out this link? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bedecrwv-Mk&feature=player_embedded#!

[-] 1 points by alexrai (851) 12 years ago

I caught a few minutes of it and thanks for the link it looks interesting, I'm gonna sit down later and watch the whole thing.

I agree there has been something brewing for a while which is now starting to come to the surface. I really felt the tide start to change about 10 years ago, even back in 1993 it was fairly difficult to find a spiritual book store in my city, now they've multiplied like rabbits. Peoples attitudes have really shifted too, we are much more accepting. I'd like to think that as more people become aware that it has some kind of cumulative effect in raising global consciousness.

I don't think we can be complacent though, for me 2012 will be a real pivotal moment for humanity. Where we decide to embrace a new beginning transcending our egos and petty differences, or where we seal our fate and choose to continue down the path to our own destruction.

If the movement fails I think we will all be living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare, until the earth finally gets fed up with us anyway....

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

time for a change

[-] 1 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 12 years ago

The awareness of this movement is bringing light to the dark. I feel the occupation enlightened those in certain places to expose Corzine, etc. Awareness and quantum consciousness is a very powerful thing. As above, as below.....Example if 100 of us got together at a house, and I all told you it was "haunted" meaning if I convinced you somehow, and we all were aware, our own power would combine a quantum energy. We would see something or feel it. Next, a universal dimensional convergence would take place in this very spot below "in the house" and above in the universe as multiple quantum universes & dimensions would converge. Next say one of us saw a ball of light. We keep focusing this energy and eventually this energy would grow here to a point that it would prove itself exists. Following this, and observations, even with video proof, the 100 people who witness this could actually harness this cosmic power of consciousness, creating a forged reality. Skeptics may not witness, because they are tied to a belief system, or ego. Those who are open minded or let go would witness things, those who are closed would not. There is a power people. It is within all of us. We are making a difference. This is why united we stand, divided we fall holds true. Awareness is very powerful. Look into the 100th monkey scenario. I know for a fact we have been misled in this material world, and can make things happen. Power of thought, ideas, creativity and united consciousness has power beyond your wildest dreams. I believe we are all part of one humanity. The division only caused by ideas that the media uses issues to hold us in control. If you disconnect, let go of bias, hate, lust, greed, (the entire mess) use an outside in approach you can harness this energy. We must not forgive/forget (in our minds) We are one - We are many....Expect us....This is where the power is people.

[-] 1 points by rockyracoon2 (276) 12 years ago

nice, thank you

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago
[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

we are all one empathy neurons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7lXYwcRppI

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 12 years ago

They have done studies that prove consiousness could change numbers on a device on the other side of the planet. We must unite and abandon our petty differences, FREE YOUR MIND NEO. Here there is no One, WE ARE THE ONE

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

do you have any interesting links?

[-] -2 points by TheConservativeLiberalParty (-49) from Jacksonville, FL 10 years ago

Love TED talks ... discovered them several years ago and spend a lot of time on that site. This was a good one.