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Forum Post: The United States Is Not Legally a Country, But A Legal Corporation

Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 19, 2012, 1:24 p.m. EST by EndTheOligarchs (12)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Very Informative. If we don't know this very basic information we can not protest properly! Only 14 minutes, PLEASE take the time to watch.


Occupy the Oligarchs!



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[-] 1 points by CrepusculousRays (12) 11 years ago

Occupy the Oligarchs!

[-] 1 points by Hanssen (36) 11 years ago

Thanks for the great link! Watched it, and you are indubitably correct!! How can we protest properly when we don't even know the basic structure of the United States and ourselves as citizens. Clearly we have been lied to on an extraordinary level from way back, and the lie has been knowingly perpetuated ever since. Seems to me that people with government positions couldn't possibly "not" have known. This information is coming out in droves. No wonder they want control of the internet. Its coming around to bite them in the ass.