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Forum Post: The Real Cause of Our Problems Judges That Will Not Enforce Our Laws

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:23 p.m. EST by superman (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

While we blame the banks, insurance companies and everyone else for our problems, we fail to realize that most people, given the chance, would do the same. About 1/2 or more of our judges are up for grabs. They will rule in a manner so as to protect their jobs, ensure reelection and even make vast secrete riches for themselves. I will tell you a brief story of Cesar Balbin who sued AIG and actively protested when no one would dare. Miami's Chief Judge dismissed the case stating that there is no way that AIG, such a reputable and highly regulated company would be involved in fraud, fraud schemes, manipulation of Judges, insurance commissioners, not paying claims they would have to otherwise pay, ponzi scheme now called "mortage default swaps" and other actions.



Read the Rules
[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

The Corps. own the Judicial branch as well. Alito, Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Kenndey passed Citizens United and sold our Republic out to the highest bidder. These people are TRAITORS!

[-] 1 points by occupiedwallstreet (105) 12 years ago

Exactly! Rule of law must prevail, we should not allow the police to hurt us and we ourselves should follow the laws set up about this park and make sure we only protest during the day. We are breaking the law by spending the night. We need to help create jobs by spending nights in local hostels or hotels. Let's help rather than hurt and make sure we ourselves uphold the rule of law!