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Forum Post: The Ironic Thing About the Teabaggers

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:39 p.m. EST by ms3000 (253)
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Do you think the tea totters realize that the Boston Tea Party was an act of economic terrorism against the largest CORPORATION in the word, The East India Company because of that corporation's collusive relationship with the government? Isn't it ironic. . .don't you think?



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[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 12 years ago

You sound like my brother. Stop with the name-calling, we all want a better country. We just disagree on how it should be accomplished.
If you have read many of the threads on this forum, generally most people acknowledge that the Tea Party was co-opted by the Republican establishment neocons long ago. The original Tea Party and progressives have common foundations though - stop the wars and get corporations out of government. Perhaps that's where the similarity ends...

[-] 1 points by imrational (527) 12 years ago

I agree with mgidden1, name-calling hurts the movement. We need to be bringing people in, regardless of their ideologies. We all share something in common, we want to eliminate corruption in government. Being divisive does not help.