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Forum Post: The 800 Pound Gorilla in the Room

Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 14, 2013, 10:18 a.m. EST by TropicalDepression (-45)
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A pretty decent honest discussion of influence in DC.



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[-] 2 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 10 years ago

It's Class War, waged by the 1% against the 99% via their RepubliCon Cult!

Look UP People!

That's not trickle down!

HUGE difference!

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''The NY Times can claim, correctly, that it is the most informative newspaper in the world. It is therefore interesting to look at what it chooses not to tell us. Every day provides many instructive illustrations. Take today, Sept. 12 2013. Here’s a small sample.

''Israel correspondent Jodi Rudoren tells us that “The prospect of a Syria free of chemical weapons would be a great relief to Israel.” It is universally recognized that the removal of chemical weapons from Syria’s arsenal would be an enormous achievement. In his address to the nation, Obama stressed that Syria must live up to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which, he observed, bans the use of chemical weapons.

''All that is true, but crucially incomplete.

''The CWC outlaws “the stockpiling, production and use” of chemical weapons. The ban against stockpiling and production was carefully excised by Obama, and the media conform. Rudoren, for example, does not tell us that there is a state in the region that has annexed Syrian territory in violation of Security Council orders and that has produced and maintains an extensive stockpile of chemical weapons: Israel. How extensive we do not know thanks to the ban on opening the question.

''We read constantly that Syria is one of five states that have not signed the CWC, which is true, but meaningless. What matters is ratification, and there are seven states that have not ratified the convention in addition to the five regularly mentioned: Myanmar (which is irrelevant) and Israel (which is highly relevant).

''The world’s eyes are on Syria, which is joining the CWC. That is a perfect opportunity to impose the CWC on the region. But that cannot be done, can barely even be mentioned (try to find a mention by the political class or in the media). It is barred by US doctrine, adhered to religiously by the media and the intellectual community generally.''

From your 'Counterpunch' link : ''An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.'' If this is as true and axiomatic as the authors make out, what are the real implications for US democracy (such as it is) ?!

Also, from your link : ''For now, the threat of war has been avoided, or at least “postponed”. Let us not forget that Iraq and Libya also gave up their weapons of mass destruction, only to be attacked later. Syria is likely to abandon its chemical weapons, but without any guarantee that the rebels, much less Israel, won’t retain such weapons. The popular mobilization against the war, probably the first one in history to stop a war before it starts, has been intense but may be short-lived. Those whose war plans have been interrupted can be expected to come up with new maneuvers to regain the initiative. These past days have given a glimpse of what can be accomplished when people wake up and say no to war. This must be an inspiration for continued efforts to make diplomacy prevail over bullying, and mutual disarmament over endless war. If people really want peace, it can be possible.''

fiat lux et fiat pax ...

[-] -3 points by TropicalDepression (-45) 10 years ago

"That is a perfect opportunity to impose the CWC on the region. But that cannot be done, can barely even be mentioned (try to find a mention by the political class or in the media). It is barred by US doctrine, adhered to religiously by the media and the intellectual community generally.''"

Truth. And I would add that most of the "intellectual community" are nothing more than spoon fed snobs.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

There is still room for 'true public intellectuals' & with this in mind, i append :

Further to your thought provoking 'Countrpunch' article, I also append :

e tenebris, lux ...