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Forum Post: Thank God, Homeless bums are standing up for whats right.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 4:09 p.m. EST by KoryDallas (18) from Sherman, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We are facing the largest economic crisis the world has ever seen. The college bubble and the dollar bubble are going to bring a nation to its knees. There is a reason why China is becoming more powerful than the US.

The Federal Reserve & fractional banking practices are destroying the economy. They give out more money than should be given out and it causes inflation and interest on loans people can't repay.

Thank god people are doing something about it and protesting. This isn't a riot with any one cause, because there isn't any one answer. This is civil unrest, everybody is having different problems, with different solutions & different approaches.

Do your homework , blind fools that accuse people of being lazy & bums. The economy is collapsing around you , and YOU are next!



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