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Forum Post: Taking government off the backs of the American people!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 1:01 p.m. EST by DrRonPaul (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Obama seeks the solution to anything as another opportunity for a Federal Government program. I happen to believe that the Federal Government has usurped powers of autonomy and authority that belong back at the state and local level. It has imposed on the individual freedoms of the people, and there are more of these things that could be solved by the people themselves, if they were given a chance, or by the levels of government that were closer to them.

This country doesn't have to be in the shape that it is in. We do not have to go on sharing in scarcity with the country getting worse off, with unemployment growing. We talk about the unemployment lines. If all of the unemployed today were in a single line allowing two feet for each of them, that line would reach from New York City to Los Angeles, California. All of this can be cured and all of it can be solved.

I would like to have a crusade today, and I would like to lead that crusade with your help. And it would be one to take Government off the backs of the great people of this country, and turn you loose again to do those things that I know you can do so well, because you did them and made this country great.



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[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

tell you what Dr. poul, once you get those corporate monsters of my back,i'll join you in crusade against the Government. My understanding of the history of the Fed is that it was created to ensure economics would not be used as a political football. Imagine if we had no fed and we had to deal with partisanship every year to move the economy foreword. The problem, I perceive, is that Greenspan did not do his job efficiently and allowed a bubble. He thought that giving a speech about irrational exuberance would deflate the bubble. It did not. If he was not a market fundamentalist, He would have raised the interest rate and that would have ended irrational exuberance. The problem we have is that we keep putting the wrong people in that position. Greenspan was a Wall Streeter so he only seen the problem from that perspective. Now the new fed chairman has to fix the problem that the derelict caused. It is not an evil conspiracy; it is just a problem caused by a man who listened too much to a quack, Ayn Rand.

[-] 1 points by DrRonPaul (8) 12 years ago

I will be coming down to the camp on Thursday and meeting with everyone there. Do you think I will get a warm reception?

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

If you denounce your corporate pay masters and stop articulating a horse and buggy philosophy, being libertarianism. Get with the program we progress; we don't regress.