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Forum Post: Take a good look America at.......Saudi Arabia......15 hijackers on 911 were Saudis, now ISIS

Posted 9 years ago on July 7, 2014, 1:04 a.m. EST by jamespeterevanhoe ()
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Fact Check:.........Saudi Arabia.........Royals at it again........History tells us this......Clinton could have taken out Bin Laden before 911......when Clinton was President, but because there was a Saudi Royal family member visiting Bin Laden in Afghanistan at that time...See google on details if you do not remember this...Clinton didn't take Bin Laden out,.....thus with the failure of Bush & Cheney not heedding 5 warnings before 911.....15 hijackers of the 19 hijackers, were Saudis, .....911 happened.....!
Fact Check: Here GW Bush would not let the FBI interview the 15 hijackers from Saudi Arabia family members after 911.

What did Saudi Arabia Royals gain...by...911, the Iraq Wars #1 & #2, and what do they stand to gain with a bigger War in Iraq or throughout the Middle East, with their support and build up of ISIS,...$100s of Billions of Dollars through Higher Oil Prices. With a larger war...Trillions.

Think this isn't about Oil, Money & Power, think again!

Saudi Arabia has profited into the Trillions of Dollars via the death of Our Soldiers...Our Children...the Saudis profited from 911.....Iraq War #1.....Iraq War #2.....now ISIS, which they absolutely created by financing ISIS.

Bush & Cheney cronies: The Saudi Royal Family...profited, the Bechtel Family of San Francisco...profited.....Halliburton...profited......the Carlyle Group...profited.....now we know that Goldman-Sachs is profiting from Higher Oil Prices via being the Middleman.....Bush Buddies profiting.....while the rest of US pay for it, our children die and billions of taxpayer revenues lost.

Make the Saudi Royal Family pay for it all, let their children die !!!!

Forget about Iraq its total Bull S....!

And so is Obama for getting involved again! The President is a fool!

James Peter Evanhoe



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[-] 1 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 9 years ago

''Did We Really Create ISIS?'' by Zach McKoon :

I think you'll find this article rather interesting 'jpeh'.

fiat lux ...