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Forum Post: Rupert Murdoch tries his hand at twitter -- Hilarious !

Posted 11 years ago on May 6, 2012, 10:45 a.m. EST by OccNoVi (415)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here's Rupert's tweet:

"Seems impossible to have civilized debate on Twitter. Vicious, ignorant abuse lowers (the) whole society, maybe shows real social decay."

Jon Snow, U.K.'s Channel 4 newscaster, counter-tweeting:

"I find that in life, one reaps what one sows...."

Amen, brother.



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[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Think Rupert may have a problem with the concept of free speech? I mean it is a bit different than ordering employees around. On an open forum he is gonna likely get feed back from people he has no control over. Good experience for him - experience a touch of reality. Keep with it Rupert you need some sort of humbling experience.

[-] 2 points by OccNoVi (415) 11 years ago

Rupert aims his rags to the bottom intelligence level, everywhere he goes.

Facts ??? Not particularly relevant. Free speech is not a Rupert concept.

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

All the more reason he should continue on in social media. Slap the bastard folks. He needs the honest attention.

[-] 2 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 11 years ago

Poor Rupert got his feeling hurt on Twitter. Give Youtube a try.Haha. Not everyone can afford one of those Stepford Wives you have. I know, don't hate the player.