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Forum Post: Re-education centers

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:19 p.m. EST by clif (4)
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We need a bit of street theater... like "bankster Re-education centers" being set up in tents at all the occupys where info about banker and church and govt and other minions crimes can be displayed....look to youtube, michael tsarion, joseph farrel and others for info sources that are accurate - especially the Babylon Banksters book....

the hook for the media will be the label of "bankster reeducation" center. After all, when all this sheeit is over, and we are rebuilding, we need to make banksters into productive humans again. clif



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[-] 2 points by Yepper (277) 12 years ago

WHen we get rid of all the banks where do we go to get a mortgage?

[-] 1 points by clif (4) 12 years ago

You are quite wrong, sorry to say as i wish it was not so. But no paper currency scheme on this planet has ever lasted longed than 70 years excepting the US dollar, and that, only because it was the global reserve currency. Now that the banksters have created over 400 times the GDP of the planet in derivatives backed by dollars which they expect YOU to slave to make good, the system is dying. The idea of paper currency really needs to be investigated before you think we need banks (at least as they are constituted now). An excellent book on the start of the crimes against humanity that is the federal reserve bank (Which is NOT part of federal govt, has no reserves, and is not a bank...so lies start right there..) is the Creature from Jekyl Island....there are many others.

Most of capitalism does not exist. You have never lived in a free market capitalistic planet no matter how old you are.....

so statements like 'capitalism is fine' really need to have some thought behind it. Bearing in mind that today, we have predatory captialism where a corporation has more rights in court than you.

not to be pissy about it. Just fierce in my convictions and i know my subjects.

and quite sincerely, with respect to fellow travelers..... clif

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

Sure because that won't remind people of pogroms against scapegoats at all!

[-] 1 points by Meeky (186) from Los Angeles, CA 12 years ago

We don't need to rebuild on a large scale.

Most of capitalism is fine.

If someone has necrosis on the pinky finger, you don't go amputating the whole arm.