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Forum Post: Posts here always talk about corporations killing people and stealing...really?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 12:47 p.m. EST by thomasmiller (163)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So many Occupiers are so vague when it comes to speech. They talk about the corporation killing people and stealing, but wait a second, you mean to tell me Bank of America has a covert military unit which kills people...Goldman Sachs has henchmen that go to town stealing things at night?

If you are going to make such statements with confidence and bravado, then please give specific names and examples of when that happened.



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[-] 4 points by TakingBackAmerica78 (94) 12 years ago

Are you that ignorant? All of these things are cause and effect. They own our political system, they don't need a covert military. I'll give you a very personal example. My mother owned four properties that she relied on for rental income. She spent her whole adult life playing by "the rules". She saved her money, paid her loans on time, worked hard, etc. When the housing bubble burst in 08 her mortgages were instantly underwater. Everybody knows who created that housing bubble. Anyway, over the course of the next couple years she lost several tenants and quite a bit of money due to that. Her properties were revolving doors because many of her tenants were losing their jobs. As time progressed maintenance issues arose that she was unable to fix because her savings had been depleted paying the mortgages while her units were empty. Long story short she has lost two of her houses to foreclosure and has had two strokes since. She is a total basket case and can barely manage what she has left. So, you tell me how these banks have no ill effect on most of us? You must be one of the elitist scum bags if you can't see the devastation all around you. Good luck with that...you are hopelessly out-numbered and we're coming to get ya.

[-] 2 points by GarnetMoon (424) 12 years ago

So sorry for your mother and all the victims of these criminals...

[-] 2 points by TakingBackAmerica78 (94) 12 years ago

Thank you.

[-] 4 points by Satyr000 (86) 12 years ago

When people say corporations are killing people they are referring to corporations directly or indirectly causing harm or death to people. A good example of this is the FDA and drug companies pushing drugs onto the market that have not been fully researched for side effects that result in permanent heath issues or death. These drugs can be kept on the market for years. A good example of this would be Pemoline.

Pemoline was a drug used to treat ADHD from 1975 to 2005. It was linked to cases of Hepatotoxicity and death. Basically it was so toxic to some people that it caused there liver to shutdown. According to the FDA there is not concrete evidence to support this. But, the FDA has been accused of not looking into the heath risks of drugs once placed on the market. And even if there is strong evidence that the drug is causing life time heath issues or death the fda is always slow to act. More often then not during the investigation of a drug by the fda the drug is not pulled. So other people tend to suffer the same fate as others. This clearly shows corporate favoritism on the fda's part and show that large corporations do infarct kill people.

[-] 3 points by invient (360) 12 years ago


Heavy metal exposure, whether through coal or tuna, increases the rates of cancer...


Plastic industry pollution has led to higher rates of blood related disease as well as miscarriages. The pollution typically spreads through the water table and the pollutants get trapped in the soil.

[-] 3 points by unarmed (213) 12 years ago

Google "suicide foreclosure". You'll find reams of this stuff. Hope that helps?

"Two economists recently measured how unhealthy the foreclosure crisis has been to residents of Arizona, California, Florida, and New Jersey. The research shows that there is a direct correlation between foreclosure rates and health. An increase of 100 foreclosures leads to a 7.2% rise in emergency room visits and hospitalizations for hypertension, and an 8.1% increase for diabetes, amongst those aged 20 to 49. This rise also leads to 12% more visits related to anxiety and 39% more visits for suicide attempts."

[-] 3 points by barb (835) 12 years ago

Big banks have always laundered money from drug cartels. Big corporations are depleting our resources and causing pollution. So yes, they are indrectly killing people.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 12 years ago

Yes, indeed! Google Nugan Hand bank and look up the book by investigative journalist, Johnathan Kwitny "Crimes of Patriots".

[-] 3 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

Some of the big banks are alleged to be money laundering mexican drug cartel money. Banks may be regularly funding projects that require the murder of those who are against the projects.

Fracking can lead to underground water contamination. While one neighbor profits handsomely from selling land rights, people nearby get flames coming out of their water faucet allegedly from the fracking.

In Costa Rica wall street and the banks have come in and are buying plots of land to put up huge resorts in areas where the indigenous people are living off the land.

The whole world can't be a resort, and if we displace anybody who is living off of their own land to put up a resort, we are actually accelerating the path of destruction of the entire planet since modernized countries can't live off of their own land yet they want to expand their co-dependent methodologies into places that do live off of their own land.

It does not add up mathematically.

I do believe that the banks, wall street and our own government are stealing trillions upon trillions of dollars from the american people by forcing anyone who wants a debt restructure into a default first.

Being forced into a default by the very people that have caused main street and the 99% to require the debt restructure is the height of arrogance by the 1%

[-] 0 points by l31sh0p (279) from Sand Fork, WV 12 years ago

Fracking can lead to underground water containment like peeing on the ground can lead to underground water containment.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

I presume you meant contamination, rather than containment.

All I can say is your fracking PR dollars hard at work. Lets not forget that fracking commmercial with the three college kids are duped in seconds into how perfect fracking is.

[-] 0 points by l31sh0p (279) from Sand Fork, WV 12 years ago

Yeah auto-correct goofed me.

Ground water rarely exceeds depths of 500 feet while hydro-fracturing (which is made up of mostly nitrogen and water) goes 10 times deeper.

This is from personal experience on location of many fracking sites.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

That was mentioned on the sixty minutes piece. However, the quality and workmanship of the barricade designed to keep the natural gas and water separated can be compromised by bean counters and profit takers who won't accept delays.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

could you explain the relevance of this video please?

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 12 years ago

That didn't answer the questions.

[-] 2 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

These canned, inane answers that just pretend no evidence was offered when plenty was offered, where do you learn this from? Is it a class or something that you take?

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 12 years ago

He asked "Where is the proof that fracking leads to fire coming through peoples faucets?"

You said "Fracking can lead to underground water contamination. While one neighbor profits handsomely from selling land rights, people nearby get flames coming out of their water faucet allegedly from the fracking."

You didn't answer his question. As a matter of fact you used the word "allegedly" meaning there is no hard proof or at least you can't cite it.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

It was on 60 Minutes.


It's about 10 minutes in. And if you look to the right on the youtube page you'll see other videos related to this topic.

Such as this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01EK76Sy4A

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 12 years ago

See,that was easy. Thank you for giving reference to your statements.

[-] 2 points by powertothepeople (1264) 12 years ago

Stealing: Bank of America has been under investigation by both the DOJ and the NY State Attorney General's Office for fraud.

They were allowed to pay their way out of further trouble @ the DOJ and now Holder is pressuring Schneiderman to quash his investigation.




Bank of America is being sued by AIG for insurance fraud.


[-] 2 points by SparkyJP (1646) from Westminster, MD 12 years ago

I consider not paying taxes unpatriotic and a form of stealing. It's a good example of how the system is rigged. Corporations buy politicians; politicians reward corporations with tax loopholes. It's a circle jerk ........... and it's killing our revenue stream. Article dated 11-06-2011:

REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years http://www.businessinsider.com/these-are-the-30-american-companies-that-paid-less-than-zero-income-tax-from-2008-2010-2011-11

As for killing people ......

Do you remember the Erin Brockovich movie. Erin’s exhaustive investigation uncovered that Pacific Gas & Electric had been poisoning the small town of Hinkley’s Water for over 30 years. It was because of Erin’s unwavering tenacity that PG & E had been exposed for leaking toxic Chromium 6 into the ground water. This poison affected the health of the population of Hinkley. http://www.brockovich.com/index.html

How about Gasland? When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination. A recently drilled nearby Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called GASLAND. http://gaslandthemovie.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrnnQ17SH_A

The People's Reporting Registry Map - environmental concerns in US. http://www.brockovich.com/peoplesreportingregistrymap.html

Why is there 1673 Superfund sites in the US leaching harmful chemicals? It's not from residents. http://toxmap.nlm.nih.gov/toxmap/superfund/navigate.do

So I say YES........................ REALLY !!!

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

corporations support a government that drop bombs

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 12 years ago

how about "poverty is violence" - can anyone name the author - how about you mr miller?

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 12 years ago

When an individual takes out a loan or buys anything a corperation makes, the corperation/bank is responsible for "stealing" the perosons money. After people have all thier money "stolen" by corperations like T-Moble, Apple, Microsoft, Sony, ect..., they realize that they forgot to let insurance, the gorcery store, the bank and their childs college fund "steal" any of it. Now that they are out of money, that other people took from them, they want to blame it on the people that they spen... i mean were "robbed"

[-] 0 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 12 years ago

This is an open forum where anyone can post. Many people who post who are not part of this movement, who have never been to an occupation, and want the movement to fail post here. You want to know the truth about the movement go to an Occupation and/or read the GA minutes.

[-] 1 points by ParadoxReign (1) from Buffalo, MO 12 years ago

I have not personally had the opportunity to view one of these occupations, only read about them on the news. But doubtless there's more to the story than what I can find at a glance. At the risk of sounding redundant, what is the prime goal of the movement? Which is to say, do we have a prioritized series of tasks on our hands?

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 12 years ago

I cannot speak for the movement. It seems like the main thrust is that opportunities that were available for Americans in the past are no longer available because of the corruption emanating from Wall Street.

[-] 0 points by screwtheman (122) 12 years ago

Where is the proof that fracking leads to fire coming through peoples faucets?

[-] 1 points by SparkyJP (1646) from Westminster, MD 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

Here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNl6sx059bE

It's about 10 minutes in. And if you look to the right on the youtube page you'll see other videos related to this topic.

(this is for JenLynn)...Here is a short 16 second video for you to see the actual tap water on fire. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01EK76Sy4A

[-] 0 points by JenLynn (692) 12 years ago

Watched it, no flames coming out of faucets, contaminated water though. The industry needs to be better monitored. We need the energy though. It's possible to conserve to some extent, but there is no going back to a more simple economy.

[-] 2 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

On that same youtube page is a video of flammable water coming out of the faucet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01EK76Sy4A

These scenarios exist because of the bean counter crunching numbers syndrome. No matter how long it takes to safely create a concrete barrier to prevent the mixing of natural gas into the water table during the fracking process, there will always be a bean counter trying to justify their own salary by advocating cutting corners that saves the company enough money to justify their own job. It's just an inevitable part of every corporation.

And Halliburton refuses to comply with the EPA over their own fracking methods, this after Cheney had already inserted specific fracking deregulation into fracking bills a few years ago, while he was V.P.

[-] 1 points by JenLynn (692) 12 years ago

Only watched the 60 minutes segment, but i assume you could light the same water coming out of a faucet, that's still different from the image one gets when someone uses the phrase flames shooting out of a faucet. There will always be corner cutting and harm done by big organizations, with good people in congress however the harm can be minimized and dealt with.

The bit about Cheney is part of our problem, he inserted something into a law that was voted on and passed by two houses of congress. Cheney isn't our problem, congress is. In this case Cheney seems to have acted like most of the lobbyists in Washington. We get so distracted with boggy men like Cheney or Bush we don't see the real solution to our problem. We need to focus on getting better people in congress and the senate. Find good candidates and run them, people new to politics and not yet corrupt. Whoever said politicians are like babies, they need to be changed often and for the same reason, was right.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

I don't recall if I looked up the 60 minutes piece after I had seen it o television and saw the exploding fire videos on the right side of the column. I just remember seeing it somewhere and I thought it was the 60 minutes piece. Lets not forget that the 60 minutes piece did show a gentleman making a 5 gallon bottle of water have some type of exploding reaction to a flame.