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Forum Post: OWS philosopy distilled into one paragraph

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 3 a.m. EST by owsleader2011 (304)
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I'll help I'll speak for the children as their leader on why communal work is not an option for the OWS lemmings.

See commune means WORK, and that is against the religion of OWS, see the cargo-cult we call OWS was all promised cargo if they go and die in the streets. Where will this cargo come from? Why the 1% Never mind who made the cargo, or how its made, the 1% have an infinite supply, see where the 1% come from the stuff grows on trees. OWS leadership in return for giving them power will provide to each the cargo he/she wants or needs. In a commune people would have to share work, and most likely there would be no cargo, Its not like cargo-cult could be held together on a diet of coconuts and banana's. Only the 1% have the cargo, traditionally cargo-cults waited for cargo to wash ashore, but our leadership of OWS in order to get power, decided to promise everyone unlimited cargo forever 24/7 and of course MAJORITY by consensus approved this taking from the 1%.

Hope this helps.



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