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Forum Post: OWS Fail

Posted 11 years ago on May 2, 2012, 12:28 p.m. EST by LoriKairi (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Reading the articles about the ongoing May Day “Occupy Wall Street” protests, I honestly believe that these people have no idea what they are protesting. The main issues are social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on government—particularly from the financial services sector. The OWS slogan, We are the 99%, addresses the growing income inequality and wealth distribution in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. (Cited from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street) I do not believe people running around with clothes, cameras, phones etc. bought from “wealthy” are really helping in their fight against the “1%”. Their fight is to bring down the corporate to have an even flow of things, to have society be equal. I say, we are not Cuba. These scrawny kids in their “Anarchist” ways would not survive a day in a utopian society. You want the 1% to be equal with the other 99% fine, give up your I Phones that are used to snap photos of the “O-SO-MAGESTIC” day that you camped out with thousands of other sweaty, smelly kids that have no idea why they are there. Give up the clothing you are wearing and go back to the farm towns, grow cotton to sew your own clothes, grow your own food and live with no electricity or running water. This supposed 1% did not just magically get rich people. Honestly, they made something of themselves, they made something we as the consumers desire, want & need. They just happened to put a price on it, which we the “99%” decide to work our butts off for to pay. But tell me this, who is next? I’m sure that if one of the kids, protesting today would stop in their tracks to answer a phone call from a “wealthy person” that says “Ok, my wealth is now in your hands”, would not share this sudden wealth with anyone marching with him. Greed, fighting greed? It’s greed that fuels this fire. If people were not greedy we would just sit by and accept that we as consumers have made the world as it is today. We the 99% have made these people the 1%. Should we get paid the salary of a lawyer or doctor to work at McDonalds, no? Should a lawyer, lawmaker or Doctor, whom dedicated their life to schooling and learning and eventually the community, be paid minimum wage because these protestors believe that things should be equal? No. Have these protestors sat down to discuss what they are fighting for with each and every single protestor and do these people agree with every single thing they are fighting for? What do these people wish to accomplish that in our many years as the U.S.A. has not changed? It’s not so much that these people don’t even know what they are fighting for that bothers me, although it does play a big role, it’s the stupidity that few believe that violence will make this better? I have always been told that fighting will not solve anything, war will not solve anything. It never has and never will. Breaking windows & vandalism just shows the government that this is an unorganized group of pansies out on the street to cause mayhem and to campout. If you want to be taken seriously as an organization, get together let your protestors know that there are rules to the protest, make it peaceful and anyone in violation of those rules will be turned over to the proper authority, i.e. the police. There has to be certain limitations for the protests to be successful. Martin Luther King never smashed windows or vandalized property to be heard. It’s the methods of the protest that will shed light on the situation. Do not expect for the true reasons for this protest to be covered in the media and talked about publicly if all the media is covering and all that they will cover is everything that is going wrong with this protest. Do the “Founding Fathers” of this organization agree with that is happening on the streets that their followers are walking, do they agree with the violence against the community? Using tax payer’s dollars to pay the officers that have to work overtime putting their lives in danger having to step away from their normal roles and their families to baby sit a whole bunch of kids walking the streets causing people to have to miss hours from work, employers to pay workers whether they are able to show up for work or not? Blocking entrances to doctor’s offices and roads? These officers could be patrolling the streets to avoid real dangers and instead they are kept in one single spot because some people decide that their opinion is more important than the lives of others. I would like to see these may people turn up when searching for a missing child, a missing person or to help in a catastrophe. All these people would stay at home and go about their daily lives. To the people participating in Occupy Wall Street, I wish to clarify one thing. I am not against protesting, nor am I against your movement. I am a single mom working every day to provide what’s best for my daughter. I just wish to shed some light on the situation and maybe open your eyes to what is really happening in your movement. I do not believe that these people should share their wealth with the rest of us, deserving or undeserving of the money, it is theirs to do what they please. I do not believe this movement is as organized as it should be and I wish everyone to be safe and think about their actions before the actions occur. Violence will solve nothing, nor will it help your movement in anyway, in actuality it will cause setbacks and for your founding fathers opinions, ideals and hopes, in order to deal with all the outcries in the community about the violence, the trash and the conditions in which the protestors leave the streets in which they “occupy”. Think twice about how it’s affecting the entire community before there is more violence in the streets. Maybe there is another cause out there that is worthy of all the effort.



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[-] 2 points by Endgame (535) 11 years ago

The core message of Occupy has to be Getting Outside Money Out of Politics. End the bribery. Its the root of ALL the problems. And its a universal bipartisan goal.

Continue to bring up all the many important issues but do it under the umbrella of getting outside money out of politics. Its a simple coherent message that will give this movement a clear meaning and goal and is simple for people to latch onto and believe in.

If not OWS WILL FAIL. Don't let the crazies take over this movement and destroy something that could have made permanent important change for this country.

[-] 1 points by LoriKairi (1) 11 years ago

I agree with you that there should be change, I just believe that these people that are out there protesting are going about it the wrong way. There should be more union and hopefully all the participants will know that there are limitations that shall not be tested. The negative media is not helping your cause.

[-] 2 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 11 years ago

Do more research. OWS is a peaceful protest... Do not mix up black block. I would suggest you watch the live streams of the events and not what the media shows you.

[-] 1 points by JPMcMahon (18) 11 years ago

4, Black Bloc has to be mixed in if they appear at the same time as "peaceful" protesters. Since OWS is all inclusive, and does not have a hierarchy, membership list, or a leader than can point to kids in black bandannas throwing trash cans and say "Hey, those guys are NOT a part of what we are doing!", you are stuck with them. Here is a suggestion. Get a membership list (The unions have them, don't they?), and a permit for the marches, and if the Black Bloc shows up, have the cops get rid of them. I have watched the live feeds, and I have NOT seen OWS protesters calling out the anarchists and telling them to get the fuck out. Like I said, until you get organized just like every other advocacy group, the Black Bloc will be a significant part of what you do, and how you are perceived by the 99%. Interestingly, the Tea Party for all of its faults, doesn't have to do all of the stuff that I just described short of getting permits, because they don't attract people that break windows and vandalize buildings. If those people did show up, I'm sure that a lot of those geezers would be going to fist city, and probably breaking out their concealed carries.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

par·a·graph/ˈparəˌgraf/ Noun:
A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering. Verb:
Arrange (a piece of writing) in paragraphs.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Always so helpful GF. Yes we must all help to educate. The fight against the greedy corrupt economic criminals needs the spread of education.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Thanks. There are days that I would just like a break in the wall o' crap.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Well those breaks are not gonna be when there are major protest activities going on. Those are the times when the wall of crap is going to be high and thick indeed. Right now the spin monkeys are on the loose trying to throw mud at the movements against greed corruption and the white collar crime that caused the meltdown.

I just try to look at it as their growing desperation - then smile.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

I'll tolerate them for a bit. I just wanted the introduction of paragraphs.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

LOL - my bad - I thought you were referring to all of the troll activity. Also a thrown-up wall of crap at times ....HAHhahaahahowhoheheheee.

[-] 0 points by LoriKairi (1) 11 years ago

I am not saying it is not a peaceful protest, I am shedding light on all the violence and the media only allowing the outside world to see the violence. There is no media coverage on the intention of the movement.

Furthermore, this is not intended to be a lengthy essay either, it is simply an opinion. When originally written it was in paragraphs and when posted on this forum it took away all my spacing. Sorry not much I can do about paragraphs there.

[-] 2 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 11 years ago

The cops do not have to be there. We have freedom of speech and the right to assemble. If the cops would do something else we wouldn't have violence. It seems people in high places are scared that we might tear there system down.


[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 11 years ago

you could push the EDIT button and add some breaks.

[-] 1 points by VQkag (930) 11 years ago

There is a lot of negativity in that intro. The protesters are not "pansies", not "smelly", it's not all young people. not all well off enough for iphones, which is not contradictory of their goals. they are not greedy as you suggest they would be if they got a rich persons money. They are not "scrawny" and do not want the 1% to equal with the 99%. Ther was violence from some people (fraction of the millions who protested around the planet) but the was also violence (fraction) at some civil rights marches it happens it is unfortunate but not indicative of the vast majority of ows protesters. The vast majority are hard working Americans who care enough about there fellow citizens (you too) that they courageously risk arrest, abuse ridicule, offensive ignorant insults, to change a system that benefits a few while the rest of us struggle. Bury that negativity soldier! buck up! Get in line! we need you. We can't help you without your help. thanks in advance

