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Forum Post: OSW agenda

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:44 p.m. EST by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To all who support the OSW movement. Wallstreet is one area of reform needed ( call it a starting point ) and is representative of much of the sickness in our society today ( GREED & DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE ). We need to be clear on how and why change needs to be made and enforced. We also can and should given the size of this movement and our needs as a nation also address the other major concerns to our 99% society ( To ALL OF SOCIETY ). Investments, Interest rates, employee retirement programs that are not fully funded and that are not protected from bankruptcy or reformation loss. Charge Cards interest rates ( usury ? ) Real-estate value ( inflated ? ), Mortgages (unreal terms and costs? ) Other Loans Terms and Costs (unreal unfair ? ) Business Practices: Wage disparity between all management and the front-line employees (employees are the ones who get the job done and make a business any/all business successful ). Major abusers of our society include : STOCK MARKET, BANKING, OIL/GAS, ENERGY COMPANIES, PHARMACEUTICAL, INSURANCE, COMMUNICATION ( Phone, text, digital media, TV etc. ), FOOD MANUFACTURERS, basically all business . We need to get Politicians into office that are willing to work for us ( THE PEOPLE ) and not for PRIVATE INTERESTS especially when those private interests work against our environment ( OUR Health physical & economic ). We need to get rid of any and all in office ( Federal, State & Local ) who will not work together for OUR COMMON CAUSE ( THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE ). We need to work together for the good of ALL not for the greedy and depraved.



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[-] 3 points by Yepper (277) 12 years ago

I take it you aren't voting for Obama again.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Of coarse I am. You should as well. President Obama is trying to do positive things but he is only one man. He needs people willing to work for change, improvement, growth.

[-] 3 points by slinkeey (244) 12 years ago

But he is a major beneficiary of Wall Street.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Currently President Obama is the only real voice for change that we have heard. He can't do it alone. He needs all of us to speak-up in any way that we can ( Facebook, Twitter, etc. ) E-mail Him and everyone else in office and let them know of our thoughts concerns and resolutions. If the naysayers know that we are paying attention and that their action or inaction is going to keep them in office or put them back on the street, don't you think we may start seeing some cooperation?

[-] 2 points by slinkeey (244) 12 years ago

Yes, he is all bark but no bite while being funded by Wall Street.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Again - He is one voice. What is congress and the senate doing to help or OBSTRUCT.

[-] 2 points by slinkeey (244) 12 years ago

Yes, he is one voice...

But It thought OWS was against Wall Street money flowing to into politics. Am I wrong?

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

This is a fundamental change that needs to be made to all government campaigns - Federal, State, Local. No money allowed to any campaign except from private citizens. All advertising must identify who is paying for the commercial, the identification must be audible and must also be easily read for the hearing impaired. Also there should be legal penalties for false or misleading content.

[-] 2 points by ConfusedSceptic (80) 12 years ago

I don't mean to be snarky, but is one of those positive things Solyndra?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Solyndra - Do you know what happened there? I don't. Does one green energy company failure condemn development and implementation of others? Don't you think that developing and installing these technologies could be good for our health, our pocket books, our environment,our unemployment?

[-] 1 points by ConfusedSceptic (80) 12 years ago

From what I've looked up, Solyndra was a an energy company that was unable to be competitive. Not against other types of energy, but within the solar market. However, Obama picked them anyway, and gave them our tax money. Nature took it's toll, and Solyndra ended up bankrupt. So what did the money go to them for?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Correction ; Obama didn't pick them the qualification process picked them. So the process needs to be looked at.

[-] 1 points by jjm2 (6) 12 years ago

WE don't want obama, hes a lying snake who has extended the Bush administration

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by gagablogger (207) 12 years ago

And we need to General Strike to ensure OWS goals are met.

[-] 1 points by reddy2 (256) 12 years ago

You want these things changed and you support Obama?

Obama received more Wall St money than any other Presidential candidate in HISTORY.

Put 2 and 2 together.

Obama was out there on the campaign trail selling you hope and change while ex Goldman Sachs executives were both running his campaign and involved in setting the scene for bailouts.

Time to snap out of your illusion that the government is benevolent and Obama is a saint.

He sold his soul and his entire term as President to the very same banksters this movement wants put in jail.

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Here's a small step:

I would suggest one the way to fix Congress is to change the systems of incentives. People go into politics for a few reasons: 1) they love their country and think they have a better solution, (2) they love power (3) they love money.

So: 1) Link congressional pay to country performance as in:


And 2) Change the way powerful committee memberships are assigned.

I'm not sure how memberships are assigned, but I think currently these are assigned by seniority.

Instead, the People need to take back control of these assignments and hold committee members accountable when the nation does poorly. You might say, can't we just vote these poor performers out of power? Unfortunately, no, because they are voted in by some small congressional district for which they just happen to the most popular and maybe even the best candidate. The answer to this problem is not term limits because that politician may indeed be the best person for that district.

However, just because they are the best person in some small district, does not mean they are the best person for All of America, and when they are chairman of some committee, they have disproportionate influence on all Americans, not just those from their district.

We need to change congressional rules for electing committee members and chairperson to prevent failures from holding important and powerful positions. Perhaps this can be done by banning congressmen and senators from being committee members if they were at the helm when the country performs poorly.

I don't have the answer on how to achieve this. Perhaps some among you would be willing to debate the merits and propose solutions along this line.

[-] 1 points by Droid24JG (119) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I like the Pay for Performance idea. Also, vote for a 99% supporter/voice and not the same old folks that are bought and paid for by the 1%.

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Quote: "Also, vote for a 99% supporter/voice and not the same old folks that are bought and paid for by the 1%."

I'm not sure how to fit that into a democratic process, but then again, like I said, I don't have all the answers. Perhaps others can chime in.

[-] 1 points by Droid24JG (119) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Voting is power.
Research candidated.
Know how they have screwed or helped the 99%.
Know why they are running.
Hold them responsible to support the 99% not the 1%.
I think this is the democratic process.
But like you said, people have the answers.
Will they actually do the work to be informed? Not so far.

[-] 1 points by SanityScribe (452) 12 years ago

I think this is official...or working towards it, I don't know.


[-] 0 points by trendsetter (1) from Oakland, CA 12 years ago

We don't have to be a politician to get a measure, initiative, proposition, or bill on the ballot or in Congress. Is this a direction OWS may embrace? Then there is scheduling one day worldwide boycotts. What is this points system? I'm voting Obama. Clinton was treated as bad or worse in his first term and look at the results.