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Forum Post: Organizers have appointed leaders?

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 12, 2011, 8:01 p.m. EST by anonymous ()
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Do we have block captains? I assume for 20,000 peoplevwe will have some sort of system to keep people organized?



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[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

i like this, no appointed leaders, makes sense....

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

Each group needs to be autonomous. Food will be delivered by bicycle to all people openly occupying wall street. We will spread blocks and blocks, through complete square miles of manhattan. We will be peaceful, and our message will be clear. We are America we are legion. And we are occupying wall street.

We the peole, demand a new order for this country. We are fed up with wall street banks running this country. We are fed up wars that never end, that only make money for the military.

We are fed up with a fiscal policy that tirelessly promotes growth and inflation ahead of sustainability. Do we need growth? Do we need CEOs and boards of directors? Do we need banks making billions of dollars in profit, providing no tangible output of work, meanwhile paying $0 is taxes, meanwhile laying of workers for short term profits?

To the op, we don't need block captains. We are 30 mil dissatisfied Americans ready to speak the truth. We will nonviolently spread across manhattan, occupying wall street, and we will change the future of Ameirca.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

There won't be block captains. It was also decided that there would not be marshals at the occupation in order to prevent a hierarchy from developing. However there will be General Assembly's going on for people to participate in and information from the Comms team about what is going on will be available.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

true democracy will unfold in the streets

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

um, doesn't democracy imply election of leaders? elected leaders implies that there are, um, leaders. This no-leader model isn't democracy, it's mob rule.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 12 years ago

He'S referring to a true democracy, as in a direct democracy, not the representative one we HAD here.