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Forum Post: Occupy USA -- the 10 demands

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 11:40 a.m. EST by ernsttanaka (1) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


  1. Strict term limits for all Federal and State elected officials

  2. Public company boards are elected by shareholder, company executives are prohibited to serve on their own board


  1. Free access to education for everyone. For every year of higher education you owe the Government 15K, to be paid back via taxes over a period of 15yrs (the 15/15plan)


  1. Corporation will step out of the political process. Lobbying by corporation becomes illegal and free speech is again a right of the people not of corporations.

  2. Election are paid for with public money. Every candidate will only get a small amount to make his/her case. Nowadays with social and digital media a small budget is enough to explain one’s position on the issues.


  1. Every level of government will maintain a balanced budget


  1. Remove backlog in maintenance, Invest in a smart and digital future. Set up an infrastructure fund paid for by gas-tax, dsl-tax and airport tax. Get the congress-pork out of infrastructure decision making

Illegal Immigration

  1. Employing a illegal immigrant is a crime for the employer punishable with 1 yr home arrest

  2. Setup a smart immigration plan

Health Care

  1. Every Citizen of the USA has the right to health care and pays a fix % of income towards a health care fund.



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[-] 2 points by freedomplz (11) 13 years ago

Agree with a few, but you contradict yourself. You talk about being for the people, but you are forcing me to pay for education of others...assuming that they will pay it back...some may some may not.

Every citizen should have the right to healthcare, but they must be able to choose to take it or not...not be forced. And if they take it they must pay. And if they don't and they go to the hospitals...earnings will be garnished...making them take it because they chose to go.

[-] 1 points by ernsttanaka (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Don't share your insight that I contradict myself.

Everyone with higher education contributes by definition to the society. It is in our joint interest that we all take as much education as we think we can make 'profitable'.

As for healthcare, allowing adults to opted out for health care will in end mean you only get the sick and old entering the insurance system. That I think will never be able to finance itself. As in any insurance system it needs a large group population of premium payers and a small group who actually are in need of the insurance.

[-] 0 points by alfi (469) 13 years ago

You only need one demand, then the rest can be voted by the people together: http://occupywallst.org/forum/i-demand-informed-direct-democracy-online-whos-wit/