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Forum Post: Occupy Trenton New Jersey - Get Over There!!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:02 p.m. EST by DoneDoneAndDone (2) from Trenton, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy Trenton is located at the WWII Memorial, directly across the street from Gov Chris Christie's office, making it PRIME REAL ESTATE. It is in the safest part of town and is easy to find, only a couple blocks from Route 29. The site is beautiful, but it is made out of granite, so make sure to bring sleeping bag pads. The cops there are cordial and have not been a problem so far, at least not in the way they have been in other Occupations.

The following is IMO: Currently, there are only a dozen or so occupiers, and such low numbers has been a cause of frustration, strife and power struggles. If they can get more people to stay overnight and to attend the GA's (typically at 7:30PM), then this should all be solved. They NEED people who have participated in healthy Occupations before, and who are familiar with how the process of Consensus works as well as the definition of "leaderless." The city of Trenton is hurting badly, and the needs of that town FAR outweigh the needs of people's egos. There are some truly enlightened people there, ready for anything, but who are also too busy doing a hundred little things at once to actually get to work.

PLEASE, if you live in (or near) New Jersey and are not satisfied with how your gov't has been handling things, GET OVER TO TRENTON.

125 W State Street (not a mailing address) http://facebook.com/occupynj http://occupynewjersey.org



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[-] 1 points by DoneDoneAndDone (2) from Trenton, NJ 12 years ago

Okay, so now there's one guy down there with a homeless man...

[-] 1 points by DoneDoneAndDone (2) from Trenton, NJ 12 years ago

Two nights ago, only two people were staying overnight. Last night there were three.

[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 12 years ago

a dozen people and the leaders there are too busy? I see a BIG problem.