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Forum Post: Occupy Harvard goes after Goldman Sachs

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 10:24 p.m. EST by ronimacarroni (1089)
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[-] 1 points by VeniVidiVici (14) 12 years ago


Wikileaks said Eritrea didn't do it and it has a secret US embassy cable to prove that the accusations against Eritrea are unfounded, based on lies, and politically motivated. But the Obama administration is pushing for severe UN sanctions against Eritrea despite the evidence suggesting that Eritrea is innocent of any wrongdoing.

Please help us petition the White House to stop President Barck Obama from imposing harsh economic sanctions against a promising young African nation whose innocence has been proven by secret US embassy cables released by Wikileaks. Your signature can really save the lives of 5 million people. The Revolution Continues Worldwide!

Thank you for signing the petition. Link below: http://occupywallst.org/forum/vindicated-by-wikileaks-but-not-freed-from-accusat/

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 12 years ago

Harvard Crimson: "No one has successfully proven yet that this one investment bank caused the financial crisis and benefited unduly from it."

Follow the money:

TARP to Goldman $589 billion, later reported by GAO investigation to be $814 billion.

Goldman 2009 profit: $9.62 billion, not including $16.2 billion in salaries and bonuses

Goldman 2010 profit $8.64 billion

[-] 1 points by spittlesticks (26) from Maple Valley, WA 12 years ago

Oh boy. Goldman Sachs gets a commission on all Treasury Bonds sold. Jon Corzine was a senior partner with the Goldmine before he got into politics, and bought a Senate seat in New Jersey. And then Governor. And then blew millions (billions?) of investor's cash on a bad bet on Euro debt. Oops. If any of you think that Democrats are for the 99%, look no further.