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Forum Post: Occupy Bilderburg

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 3:47 p.m. EST by SmartAlx (59)
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If you really want to upset the power elite, find out where the next Bilderburg meeting is going to be held and occupy that. (Hopefully its in America next.) Block the road leading to the hotel. Let CNN, MSNBC, Fox try to keep that secret. And if the public is made aware of the Bilderburg meetings, there will be an outcry.

It's a Federal Offense (Logan Act) for private citizens like media moguls and big oil representatives to negotiate with foreign heads of state (like the Queen) but they do precisely that at these meetings. They don't want the Bilderburg meetings to be discovered by the American public, so whatever happens, if the public learns about these meetings, we win.



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[-] 0 points by owschico (295) 12 years ago
