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Forum Post: Notifications are not working.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 5:11 p.m. EST by LobbyDemocracy (615)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Anyone else having problems with the notifications?



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by 8472ofborg (100) from Bruce, SD 12 years ago

same problem here

[-] 1 points by xesyagffur (8) 12 years ago

I am. Two days now.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 12 years ago

Server move. We're rebuilding the infrastructure.

[-] 1 points by LobbyDemocracy (615) 12 years ago

Thanks for letting us know. I think you have been doing a great job for the most part.

[-] 1 points by wwwmaster (40) 12 years ago

create a new forum this one is balls and 1/2

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

yep....403 error...

yet another reason to move to the wiki.

I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.

  1. Merely protesting in the streets will not bring change. In fact merely protesting in the streets is in fact a means to the end of avoiding the real work of a revolution, which consists of the evolutionary solutions, answers, problem solving process, and new political alignment we create.
  2. This forum is absolutely disorganized. It won't be read by most people and it won't and can't function as a core organizational system.
  3. Back at the very start of this, I petitioned the admin to add multiple sub forums and a wiki. Multiple sub forums were promised but have never arrived. I think that this tells us that the intention actually of this forum is message control and containment. The entire purpose really of this forum has always been to keep us spinning in disorganization. We are hanging out on a forum that expressly exists to actually keep us confused and disorganized.
  4. The real work of a revolution isn't going to happen on forums, it needs to happen in a much more organized fashion using collaborative software.
  5. The assorted other details about how to collaborate, how to work open source direct democracy, how to focus in on science instead of isms, how to become hyper rational about this, are details which are essential and crucial, without which we can predict the movement to fail.
  6. Technically speaking we are not 99 percent, we are one tenth of one percent attempting to represent the 99 percent. Our core mission must be to communicate to and with the 99 percent, and get them to join us. This forum will not accomplish that and neither will any of the other main websites.
  7. You can follow other people out to other wikis and other websites, where they will try to get you to get involved with what they want and their program, but frankly speaking, there is no other website and no other operation out there which understands the complexities involved with meaningful organization. In short, everyones being led to get involved here there and everywhere else, scattering the movement in directions which ultimately do not gain us critical mass, criticial momentum, or critical systemic lucidity.
  8. I have managed to get a wiki put up and have already put on that wiki evolutionary details which make it more organized than anything else. I can't do this alone. There are 10 or so wikis now out there, most of which were created in response to my pleas for a wiki, and several of which are in domains owned and operated by some corporation, (wikia, etc) And which we can thus assume will simply be closed, shut down, or deleted if they become useful to the movement.
  9. Probably at least half of the invites you have to go participate at some other site are people who are scamming everyone to waste time and energy, distort the movement, co opt it, and etc. When you walk off into a closet ask yourself how you know that the closet isn't created by some fed, or by some republican, or by some democrat, in order to sway things in their direction.
  10. The only meaningful strategic option we have for real change in this country is to create a new third party, and take every political office in this country.
  11. Once that is done, we can have an article 5 convention. If we have an article 5 convention before getting rid of the oligachs, that just opens the genie from the bottle for them to abuse that process with their corruption and evil.
  12. As of last night and this morning, you can't even answer responses on this site without geting a 403 error, logging in requries you to back click after a 403 error, and the chat simply doesn't load.

For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.








[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Just checked out the wiki. It looks good. I think you might be on to something. A couple suggestions. Under "Political Spectrum" I noticed there is no category for "Independent." Is that too broad a term, i.e. not an actual political party category? Hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, politics isn't one of my strong suits. Also, under the heading "Issues and Political Platform" subheading "Topical List of Main Menu Items" I didn't see a "Stock Market," "Wall Street" or "Wall Street and Investing" category. In fact, I didn't see Wall Street anywhere on the site, unless I missed it. Or possibly you plan on having under one of the other categories as the site gets fleshed out a bit. I bring this one up because I just finished reading about the Securities Act of 1933, specifically the "uptick rule," repealed in 2007 and the repeal in 2005 of the provision forbidding "naked short selling" and the effect these two repeals had on the stock market. In the same place (and elsewhere) I didn't see a "Banking" category. Just wanted to give you some feedback. Like I said, I'm a rookie when it comes to these things so I hope it doesn't make me sound like an dumb ass. And, well, one more suggestion although this one is entirely personal so don't take it wrong. Under "Orientation and Intro," you make the statement "If 51% of the population knew one tenth what I know, the revolution would be over tomorrow." It doesn't bother me, but some people may be put off by it. I figure you may have put it in due to your frustration with this site. I think it may be too personal for a public forum, and some may be put off by it, feeling it's condescending or insulting. Try to be open-minded with these suggestions, just trying to help.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

There is no rason why you couldn't add independent, or i can.

please add the topics you think are important. I can't get to every detail thats why i need your help. to create a new page you just put words inside of brackets. [[..]] Clearly you are on to a lot of good ideas here. Rather than tell me about it, jump in on it.

if you think anything i have said on site is too alienating, copy and past it to the discussion page, and discuss it there. You are probably right- I have a lot of frustration for good reasons and maybe thats not the face to bring to the public. Is there a better way to make that point?

I think its an important point. we are all kept ignorant. the science facts can free us all we have to do is learn.

Everyone gets the wrong idea about what help consists of. Help means taking responsibility and getting on the wiki. Criticism and advice ultimately are useless because i can;t write a wiki as the editor in chief using the public as critique source material. Get to the wiki and do the work. I'm only one person.

i value your input- on the wiki.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Understood, and thanks. That was going to be my next question, whether it was ready to go or just a prototype. I'm pretty new to this, been on the web for a lot of years but just researching, cruising around and lurking, never anything interactive. This site is actually the first time I've posted a comment or opinion of any kind. I've told some others about it here, asking their opinion, but no responses back so far.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

don't be shy, the world needs your voice. don't be self defeating- put that voice up where it won't be lost in the shit storm.