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Forum Post: Namecalling us "Hippies" to paint a biased picture

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 3:42 p.m. EST by fetacheeseplease (42)
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I find it interesting yet absurd that anti-OWS'ers are referring to protestors as jobless hippies. It seems that this is just any easy way to clump us all into an image that can easily del-legitiimize the movement. I for one, am a student and I have a job. I don't smoke pot, I'm not lazy, and I am not delusional. I am against corporate greed as well as the governments lack of action towards holding many of the corporate businesses and politicians accountable for there actions. If any one you that are against OWS, why don't you go down to Zuccotti Park or your local Occupy protest and take a look at what you see. The great majority of protestors are in fact, anything but hippies. Sure, there will be some hippies or people that "look" or "act" like hippies, but most people are your average citizen that does have a job or goes to school. So judging an entire population of people solely on the handful of people that you see is an un-educational and irrational approach to viewing this movement.



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[-] 1 points by Windsofchange (1044) 12 years ago

It is just a tactic used to desensitize people. Those that paint OWS as dirty, jobless hippies and as marxists and communists, don't want this movement to catch on with the mainstream. It's the "they don't represent you" lie that is plastered all over the place.

Also, I am afraid that these lies are used too desensitize everyone to the freedoms that is disappearing right before our very eyes, in the case of the OWS protestors getting attacked by the police. I look at the images of it and am alarmed and worried that we may be heading into a police state if things get any worse. Those who are brainwashed by propaganda believe that the OWS protestors deserve it and that anarchist in the group brought trouble on everyone.

BEWARE EVERYONE! Democracy is nothing but an illusion, if people's rights are being violated more and more, and the masses seem blind & too desensitized to it. So much for the land of the free.

[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 12 years ago

i have two jobs and my house is paid off. i support ows!

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

It is that they are not original so the pulled out the civil rights and Vietnam protests' detractor manual.

[-] 1 points by fetacheeseplease (42) 12 years ago

haha, i couldn't have said it better myself.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

I had proposed the neologism nippy to differentiate OWS protesters from hippies. Nippy is from the adjective nippy which means cold, but in this case it would be used as a noun. A cold hippy in a sense. I also proposed, nipster for a cold hipster. This refers to the drummers. I'm surprised my idea has yet to gain traction.