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Forum Post: Madoff family forced live on $82 million

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 4:09 p.m. EST by JohnnyO (119)
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Democrat Bernie Madoff's family is ruined:

Bernard L. Madoff’s family would keep about $82 million of “other investors’ money” under a ruling that limited a bankruptcy trustee to claiming from the owners of the New York Mets only two years of withdrawals from the Ponzi scheme, according to a court filing. The confidence man’s family took out $141 million in the six years before Madoff’s firm went bankrupt in 2008, of which less than $59 million was taken in the two years before the bankruptcy, trustee Irving Picard said in a filing. Many other investors are trying to hang onto “stolen” money from fictitious trading that belongs to customers who took losses in the fraud, he said.


These rich liberal Democrats can't possibly live on that!!



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[-] 0 points by JohnnyO (119) 12 years ago

Madoff got caught. Rubin, Corzine, Fuld, all big liberal democrat bankster/bundlers did not. Shame.