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Forum Post: Let's Be Friends

Posted 10 years ago on March 23, 2014, 8:31 p.m. EST by JGriff99mph (507)
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Wow, these perverts will stop at nothing to get involved in every aspect of every single person's lives.



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[-] 0 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 10 years ago

For those of you not from the 'hood, when Justice Scalia was just here in Brooklyn there were freaked-out looking Homeland Security cops on each corner for a block or two around the BAM where he was speaking. If they were so worried, they should have insisted on a more secure location, not a block from a transportation hub where someone could come and go quickly, or make an indirect attack because of all the traffic on Hanson-Ashland rounding the corner there. The few protesters I saw there were told to move and did not have any large objects or visible assault weapons. BUT a car could have gone right by up Ashland loaded. I'm puzzled, why was this site approved? Personally I would have wanted to get in for Q & A and started a discussion to make my points. Seriously, I believe they just make their own work. IT'S A PUBLIC PLACE! AN ATTACK COULD HAPPEN!! REALLY!! If they thought so they could have ixnayed the site moved it to a building more easily secured. I did not hear Scalia was under any threat either.


[-] 2 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 10 years ago

A-HA!!! It's YOUR fault! Your ZenDog is fixed, dude. Violence? Nay, a peaceful protest would say it if done well. ....Gee, too bad we didn't go where he was staying to protest. Or ask for an interview or conference -- did anyone try that? At least, gotten a serious crew in to BAM to make some studious observations. As far as DHS some of those guys are very intently blanking on what to do. You guys at DHS, I need work, and don't do for free now. Consider that I know what you're doing wrong! (see emails) Really, your people don't know what they're looking for. Or how to prevent it. Zendude, we coulda done better. What up?


[-] 1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

I believe that political is just a different type of non-profit. Otherwise, how could the Court vote for Koch takeover of our government. But, in a loose sense, everything is political, (forgot the philosopher who said that). Let me give an example; a bear shitting in the wood is political. It's not fertilizer, it's pollution. Rather convenient isn't it? The city is only 5 miles away and that bear has got to shit in the wood?


[-] 1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

You never know. Those righties do know how to create a ruckus where there was none. What if they wanna go frackin' in the wood?

[-] 1 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 10 years ago

Yo, dude. when I said 'your people don't know what they're doing' I was still talking to DHS, and whoever 'else' is reading these. DHS cannot remotely prevent terror attacks. Taking courses of fake psychology does not prepare them and they look in the wrong places, suspect the wrong people and motives. No one stems what they consider objectionable constructively either, although obviously a lot of that involves them defying the Constitution. But we know that. The idea of OWS commandeering other functions? -- if those are badly run it does the other quantity a favor, if they do ok themselves, not. There are seriously not enough events, m'dear. And again, we coulda done it better. Are the possible events being blocked? Most of the time I can't get the NYCGA screen up, sometimes I can't go from the search result list to Occupy site. I would like to see more online notations of important events which might do well with a contingent of cute OWS people showing an opinion in their periphery. After all, this is a test of a true Democracy, replete with freedoms and all. And WHO would object to that? So, any fundraisers, meetings, conventions with guests who need enlightenment or polite redirection in the offing? :) BTW, kiss the baby seal!



[-] 1 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 10 years ago

It's the government employed Zombies you have to be careful of.