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Forum Post: Kochs v. Democracy

Posted 10 years ago on April 1, 2014, 12:05 p.m. EST by shoozTroll (17632)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You had to know they don't much care for it. It can have a negative impact on their bottom line, so they attack it in every way they can.

"The Republican Party is now the enemy of our country’s institutions as much as the old Communist Party ever was, and it is as devoted to acquiring total power.

Many have observed a strange psychology of projection on the part of the radical American right. What they are often doing themselves they accuse liberals, progressives or others of doing. Voting fraud seems far more often found on the right than anywhere else. The moral claims they make about themselves in almost every instance are far better exemplified by their political opponents. For example, divorce rates are lowest in Massachusetts which allows gay marriage, and highest in states that have constitutionally banned it. What we see seems to be a mixture of psychological pathology and an attempt to make critical thinking by other Americans as well as themselves almost impossible. I believe it is no accident. Critical thinking is what many in positions of authority do not want. Division is better. It blinds people as to what is happening around them."


The Kochs= the REAL drive to divide.



Read the Rules
[-] 4 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 10 years ago

he Koch Network: A Cartological Guide ~ A Maze of Money


[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

$400,000,000.00+ a year and counting. But don't worry, it couldn't possibly make any difference, could it?

By the way, that $400,000,000.00 was paid for by their so called customers, without their concent.


[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

At this point a study would be redundant.

A search through this web site should provide enough to toss them in one of their privatized prisons.

There's nothing good about them.


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

Aw shucks, your just the anti Ted Nugent.

That's what I like about you....................:)

This article is just more validation for what I've been saying all along, that the Koch's and ALEC are anti democracy.

They are profoundly anti-American, all while waving the flag.


[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

another that thought the 60s was about partying

i don't think his feathers have changed

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

Dennis has been gone for a while now. I did like most of his movies though.

It's Sinise, you have to look for these days.


Like the Koch's, they don't want you to know who's donating what.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

in order to order the economy

one must first take the plank from its eye





[-] 3 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 10 years ago

There isn't a discernible difference. Don't you realize it's about resources and not despots?


[-] 3 points by JGriff99mph (507) 10 years ago

When innocent people are being murdered in the name of the ones who write those checks, most self respecting decent people look a bit deeper than pr talking points there Peacock.

Desperation is looking for differences in the severity of WAR, in an attempt to validate one's self so as not to feel like YOU GOT PLAYED.....AGAIN.

The Peacock strikes again.

[-] 3 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 10 years ago

Dude, I haven't laughed that hard in days. I think I pulled something, heheheh.


[-] 2 points by JGriff99mph (507) 10 years ago

Ah lead roles, wonderful job as usual dude.

May be a war crime? May?!

It was and it is. And so is Afghanistan. And Yemen. And Pakistan. And Sudan. And Libya. And Mali. And whoever your bomber-in-chief feels like attacking, just like Bush before him. And the entire Congress.

Not seeing a trend here?

Defending attacks on Africa. Classy as usual.

Those are the ones I am aware of.

The perks of running the major international courts.

[-] 5 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 10 years ago

"The US averages more than a mission a day in Africa."



[-] 4 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 10 years ago

I may be wrong, but I believe without a UN resolution, it is a war crime to attack a nation unless they attack you first.


[-] 2 points by JGriff99mph (507) 10 years ago

So now claiming that attacking a nation is criminal is a "Repelican" - how mature- talking point?

"And so is Afghanistan. And Yemen. And Pakistan. And Sudan. And Libya. And Mali. And whoever your bomber-in-chief feels like attacking, just like Bush before him. And the entire Congress."

To deny this could put you in the same cast of mindset. You would make a good politician. Blind and faithful. Keep spinning Peacock.


[-] 1 points by JGriff99mph (507) 10 years ago

You don't need to be an attorney dude, you only need a shred of common sense.

"And so is Afghanistan. And Yemen. And Pakistan. And Sudan. And Libya. And Mali. And whoever your bomber-in-chief feels like attacking, just like Bush before him. And the entire Congress."

I stand by my statement.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

It's not just the Koch's.

Make way for the other richest family.

'The age of the robber barons is back. Read the list and see who favors the privatization of public schools. Aside from a few dollars tossed to the Bentonville, Arkansas, public schools, it is a rogues' gallery of privatization and teacher-bashing. The Walton Family Foundation released its list of grantees in the education world, and once again, the foundation put its huge resources into privatizing American public education. They are intent on busting unions, crushing the teaching profession, and harming one of our democratic institutions. Their maleficent influence is unchecked. The money they spend each year is meant to transfer public funds to private hands. They use their power to hurt the very people who have made them wealthy, destroying their communities at the same time. Read this article and see what big money did to undermine DeBlasio's proposals in NYC.


When you make enough money to buy my government, you are making entirely too much money.