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Forum Post: kim-jong il DEAD

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 1:06 a.m. EST by blackbloc (-19)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

yay!!!!!! totalitarian fascist dictator is dead yay!!!!!!!! man this is for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdug6yHJB40&feature=related



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[-] 3 points by jbob (74) 12 years ago

you guys are happy that kim jong il died but some of you are protesting to move towards communism? can you see how that sounds kind of dumb?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

he was an evil dictator he deserved to die. please read my post. tell me what you think. http://occupywallst.org/forum/stop-validating-fascist-conservativeslibertarians-/ just because i am liberal doesnt mean i am stupid.

[-] 3 points by kingscrossection (1203) 12 years ago

Is there an example of communist leaders that were not evil.

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 12 years ago

im not dissagreeing that he deserved to die. all i was saying is that is where are country is going because of dumb f*cks like you.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

i dont advocate stalinism or maoism.

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 12 years ago

never said you did. you need to look at things from a historical prospective. the direction we are heading is the same direction that you guys are proposing, call it what you will, and we are taking baby steps to get to where communist countries are. we need to get away from that and go in the opposite direction.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

we need to reject both systems. early americans hated adam smith as well. we need a better way it is 2012. but we cant have anybody trying to get a free ride everybody needs to chip in the stakes are super high the entire planet seems to be in danger of spinning out of control in line with prophecies on some real erie shit.

[-] 3 points by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD 12 years ago

North Korea will worship his fat son now.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

ha ha ha maybe so maybe not

[-] 2 points by thunk (15) 12 years ago

State communism sucks. The Kims have been taking all the wealth for years while making everyone else slave away as "equals".

[-] 2 points by forOWS (161) 12 years ago

Big frickin' ass deal.

[-] 1 points by AllianceForPeace (40) 12 years ago

Why would you as Americans even care about North Korea? Care about America first and only that. If North Korea has a new leader is because the people there want and agree to it or else they would have had a revolution against the government there. As you have seen all the North Koreans even those who are now North Korean American citizens cried over his death so what does that tell you!

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

It tells me that the Kim family managed to establish one of the last imperial personality cults in the world, and while it is a monumental achievement it is hardly anything to be proud of.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

tells me you are a fucking moron. care only about america you sir are a cancer.

[-] 1 points by AllianceForPeace (40) 12 years ago

Maybe you should learn how to speak with intelligence and education. If you like North Korea why you do not go there to live? Only fucking moron is you, you are not proud of your country. I was born in America so I am an American. Wakeup that is why our country is so fucked up now!


[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

Kim Jong Ill is not a totalitarian fascist dictator; he is a totalitarian communist dictator.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

apparently you are confused about exactly how the north korean companies and the south korean companies operate and manipulate the north korean economy...

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

North Korea is an extreme left wing state (aka communism). It must trouble some people with the truth.

North Korean Companies? What the hell are you talking about? Kim's missile factory? South Korean companies "manipulating" the North's economy. It sounds like you made this one up. Why don't you explain yourself.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

south korea uses north korea for its manufacturing you did know that didn't you or are you completely ignorant? they pay the n korean govenment not the companies. the government they pay the workers a percentage of what they made keeping the rest for idk nukes. so yes south korean companies run shit in korea making huge profits and strengthening the regime at the same time so that it can continue. fascism the state is run by business that is exactly what this is. why do you think people were so opposed to free trade with south korea?

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

North Korea is a communist dicatatorship. You stated that South Korean companies are "manipulating" the North's economy. You have not explained yourself. For example, how does South Korean companies force people in the North to eat grass during its times of famine? How many companies operate in North Korea? How many North Koreans work for these corporations. How much money is generated by these companies, and so on? North Korea is a left wing communist dictatorship where the ninty-nine percent live in poverty, and the top one percent lives the life of luxury (that may be a slight exageration, but North Korea is a left wing communist shithole).

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

south korean private companies are pulling the strings of the n korean government. that is fascism when business calls the shots.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

First you claim that South Korean companies "manipulate" the economy, and when I ask for proof you cannot backup your assertions. Now you claim that the government of North Korea is controlled by businesses from the South. You have an active imagination.

I do not accept your definition of fascism, since the term is used to smear people and institutions. South Korean companies are wonderful institutions. If one looks at satellite images of the peninsula, one sees that the free South has light and the left-wing communist North is in darkness. This should serve as a warning of the goals of the OWS.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

don't waste any more of my time until you read this all the way through http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/crs/rl34093.pdf and this http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704471504574445980801810944.html now that is your favorite news paper and this http://koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2910786 finally read this http://nottoomuch.com/entry/1828/north-korea-is-fascist-not-communist and realize you are not as informed as you thought and i just taught you something... : )

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

You stated that South Korean businesses control the North, and therefore that is fascism. Now you present three articles that states something different. One article by Brian McKinlay reprints the other two articles, so why you have include it befuddles me (unless you did not read the links you had posted). The other two articles comment the most recent changes in the North Korean Constitution. They over emphasize the fact that the term communist has been removed from the 2009 constitution. That word or its form appeared around three times in the previous constitutions. The term socialist or socialism appears over forty times in these constitutions. One can view these terms as separate, but they can be viewed as synonymous if one decides to do some research. In the news section of the North’s website (http://www.korea-dpr.com/ocn/ ) reporting on 3 December 2011, Eastern European countries were referred to having socialist systems (they were communist), and that Kim Jong Ill still defended and fought for the cause of socialism ( http://www.cpgb-ml.org/index.php?secName=proletarian&subName=display&art=286 ). One could also go to the rest of the North’s website (http://www.korea-dpr.com/ ), and view the communist symbols and artwork on the site no use of swastikas or bundle of rods.

B.R. Myers described North Korea as “race-based, paranoid nationalism” and later on he had described it as “national socialist.” This may be residual sentiments that were carried on from resistance to the Japanese occupation if what he is saying is true. The Soviet Union had used some nationalist themes when faced with the Nazi invasion. Leon Trotsky had referred to Stalin’s version of communism as “national bolshevism, when critisizing Stalin’s communism in one state. When communists are criticized by their fellow lefties for this or that reason, one can only sit back and laugh. Overall it is unknown as to why the North Koreans had removed the term communist from its constitution, but it is amusing to watch academics and others take the bait.

North Korea is a communist shithole, and some lefties are embarrassed by that fact. It is not surprising that they want to classify it as fascism. The State Department of the United States classifies it as a communist dictatorship (http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2792.htm ). Even the CIA (I will believe them on this one) has classified the shithole as a communist dictatorship (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/kn.html ).

Here are some links to various versions of North Korea’s constitution:

2009 http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/kn00000_.html 1998 http://www.novexcn.com/dprk_constitution_98.html 1972 http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_North_Korea_(1972) 1950s? http://www.novexcn.com/dprk_former_constitution.html

Those who want to study these should be pitied.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

you are supposed to be able to connect the dots i gave you the tools are you slow? i laid it all out for you. i proved my point.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

Actually, you were supposed to explain yourself in your own words with citations if possible. You had failed to do so, which shows you are lazy. You had chosen to link to a few websites and expect someone to: "connect the dots." I do not have a demented mind such as yours, so I do not see your dots to connect.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

actually it is a proven fact. The Dunning–Kruger effect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

This article actually describes your mind. You are amusing. Will you please prove that South Korean businesses "manipulate" or "pull the strings" of the North Korean government.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

no reply button.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

Try hard, maybe you will find it.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

i already have.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

No you did not. I have pointed out that North Korea may have more leverage over South Korea regarding the Kasong region. You had failed to counter that argument, so it must mean I am correct.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

um no you never proved that assumption to any degree it didn't ever warrant a response. this conversation has been concluded thanks for sharing!

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

You replied to the wrong reply stupid. Please look below.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

what you mean to say is you are unable to correlate information that is obvious to someone of a superior intellect. i know. i get it. but no i will not go through the effort to correlate the information for you. it is time for you to practice abstract thinking and drawing correlations form seemingly unrelated material (which this material is not so it should be relatively easy for you)

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

I can correlate information much better than you. I trust the State Department's website on North Korea, as opposed to a demented mind such as yours. Also, can you capatalize the first letter in each sentence. Not doing so makes you look lazy and stupid. Then again you are.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

um no the reply button is no available on your lower posts fool you really must fancy yourself smart lower intelligence people often over evaluate their intelligence while highly intelligent people often assume everyone can think as brilliantly as they can my bad sometimes i forget how dumb most of my fellow americans are.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

You are a pathetic person if this is what you believe.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

my information proves my point.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

You replied to the wrong reply stupid.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

you trust the state department. wow you really are lost. i didn't realize this was an english class where i had to use proper grammar, oh wait it is not. you get the bear minimum of effort and attention from me because that is all you deserve. it is not my fault you don't have the mental faculties to correlate simple information. how the hell did you get past reading dick and jane?

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

The information you had provided does not prove your point. In fact, I had pointed out in one of my posts that the North Koreans may have more leverage over the South Koreans in regards to Kasong. You had failed to challenge that statement.

Yes, I do trust the State Department over a lazy, stupid, mentally unbalanced, and arrogant person such as you. I mentioned that in one of my posts about a week ago. It tells me that you had not bothered to read my analysis of your links.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

so what you are saying is you never heard of the kaesong industrial region and that you have virtually no idea what the hell you are talking about.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

You had stated: “south korean private companies are pulling the strings of the n korean government. that is fascism when business calls the shots.” The one link you had provide regarding the Kasong industrial region does not prove the South Korean businesses control North Korea’s government, and if they did it would not be fascism. If anything, the report shows that the North may more leverage, since if the South were forced to pull out they would have to pay “…hundreds of millions of dollars in insurance payments…”

If North Korea had reformed its society and allowed liberalization of its markets, it could be an economic power on the world stage. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea had begun producing lower end products and today have strong economies building electronics, cars, and being involved in finance. Your hostility towards the Kasong project is quit amusing. It sounds as though you want to see the North Koreans living in poverty and eating grass to eternity.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

ha ha ha these people get no benefit.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

You still failed to prove that South Korean businesses are "pulling the strings" of the North. You are mentally unbalanced.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

money pulls the strings. south koreans have the MONEY what are you slow? were you dropped on your head as a child or did you eat paint chips?

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

Since your first reply to my post, you were insulting and rude. This shows you have nothing to back up your foolish statements. If you were a real man or woman, you would present your case in a dispassionate manner.

If you represent a typical OWS activist, then your movement is going nowhere, and that would be a good thing. The fact that you cannot handle a challenge to your demented views reveals a totalitarian mindset. Accept my views or else!

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

apparently you think that i should do all your abstract thinking for you. no i am not going to hold your hand i gave the some evidence use your mind already.

[-] 1 points by StudsDupa (22) 12 years ago

I do not want you to hold my hand. I want you to prove your point which you have failed to do, which means I a correct. North Korea is a communist shithole, and South Korean businesses do not control North Korea.

[-] 1 points by arcodorko (49) 12 years ago

I would say what's going on in the KIC is headed towards what blackbloc is claiming...it's not there yet....but it's heading that way....but 20mil from a complex that started in 04 doesn't explain the communism (Not facism) of the 55yrs before that, unless there were other complexes and arrangements, but I couldn't find any.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

north korea has been s korean labor for along time. only recently has big business really begun flexing.

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 12 years ago

Yea ! Maybe, just maybe, we'll see an uprising in North Korea now.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

If anyone thinks our leaders are not going to capitalize on the instability created by his death they are delusional. We just happen to have a bunch of troops that left Iraq a minute ago. I wonder where we could send them?

[-] 1 points by forOWS (161) 12 years ago

Yes. We know. Who cares? I don't.

[-] 1 points by sato (148) 12 years ago

2011 has been a year for history Arab Spring ousts leaders from: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and inspires 15-M and OWS. Iraq war is over. Kim Jong is dead.

it would be amazing if suddenly the Castros died and Cuba was free before 2012

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

You're putting everyone in the same basket. Fidel Castro and Kim Jong? Quite different lad. You shouldn't wish death upon others.

[-] 1 points by sato (148) 12 years ago

the death of these people means the freedom of a country

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Don't speak so fast. It's yet to be seen of North Korea will be free. In any case, death is not necessary to remove power from a leader.

[-] 1 points by sato (148) 12 years ago

of course not only time will tell the story of nkorea it may stay unchanged but there is the slight possibility of some slight changes since Un doesnt think the same way exactly that Il did. Hopefully Un will open a little bit at very least for the well being of his own country

you are right death is not necessary but it's an easy way out for this people that have been opressed for decades facing death themselves

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 12 years ago

ding dong the witch is dead!

[-] 1 points by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD 12 years ago

Bush left the Communist North Korea alone the whole time he was in power, yet he attacks countries that had nothing to do with Lefties at all.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

you think leftist americans support north korea you are insane...

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 12 years ago

Hm. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

[-] -1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

i know right


[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I wish the people of North Korea well and I hope they turn their grief into strength.



The BBC's Lucy Williamson says the news took people by surprise

The outpouring of grief in North Korea after the passing of Kim Jong-il has been fervent and widespread. So are the people sincerely feeling this loss or are they behaving as they think they should?

The North Korean nation took its cue from the state television presenter who was dressed in black and barely able to hold back the tears.

There followed tears, wailing and fists beaten against the pavement, but on a huge scale.