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Forum Post: It isn't fair???

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:03 p.m. EST by awisemansaid (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Can you people take five minutes out of your daily diet of hatred toward Wall Street, Hatred toward Washington, Hatred toward AUTHORITY and give an ear to what WE the working class of society think about your plight?

We are working and paying our bills every day, with honest, sincere, integrity while you are there, not working, not being productive and complaining about the world and shouting how life should be FAIR!

Is it FAIR, that you are using tax payers money "Unemployment" to support yourselves while you attack the helpfull hands that are putting food into your bellies?

Is it FAIR, that you are keeping decent, honest, hardworking people and their families awake at night with your protests?

Is it FAIR, that you are walking around NYC and invading the privacy of innocent people by using a camera and video streaming their likeness to the world without their consent?

Is it FAIR, that you are keeping our already overburdened Police Department on EDGE because they are concerned about your rioting and riff raff? They are people too, with families, children, mortgages, and bills-all things that you obviously hold no value for.

Is it FAIR, that you are congesting a great American City and burdening the local businesses with your repetitive visits to their establishments to utilize their "FREE" internet service, and restrooms? Do you know that they have to PAY for that internet service and the WATER/SEWAGE bills?

Is it FAIR, that you are mostly college aged children who "CLAIM" to represent 99 PERCENT of the American Population; when NO ONE has APPOINTED your representation? You are acting on your OWN PERSONAL SELFISH AGENDAS and then saying; "It's for the good of all!" Who gave you the Authority to play GOD with MY AMERICA???

Shame on YOU! And Shame on YOUR AMBITION!

What isn't FAIR, is that YOUR GENERATION is the FIRST generation in American History that is SEEKING an ESCAPE ROUTE from the hard work and back breaking, sweat and labor that it takes to YIELD a GREAT SOCIETY and Land of OPPORTUNITY and FREEDOM!

What isn't FAIR....




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[-] 1 points by HeadAches (3) 12 years ago

What's NOT FAIR, are the cash workers who don't report their taxes and collect food stamps.

What's NOT FAIR, are the waiters/waitresses who offer no service with nasty attitude and demand you pay 15%+ in tips, which they don't report to taxes.

What's NOT FAIR, are the people in the Liberty Square who are eating free food, sleeping and asking for free money from people to support their stay there...

What's NOT FAIR, is using images of Sesame Street characters in handcuffs and such to lure the grade school kids to join your side and portraying the police as the bad guys. The same police that you would call for help if you were in distress.

What's NOT FAIR, is having 100's of people trying to run over the police and fall over in front of police yelling and screaming in front of the camera. Do you think the police want to die of stampede?

What's NOT FAIR, are you guys who are trying to feed the idea into people's head that us 99% have to stick together against 1%. There are more scums in 99% than in the 1%.

What's NOT FAIR, is that there ARE rich people who made it by working hard, as small in numbers as they may be. And they don't deserve to be treated like crooks.

What's NOT FAIR, is that everyone should have the same job and have the same pay. Then EVERYONE should wear the same clothes, eat the same food, and do the samething everyday.

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 12 years ago

Well then, you keep working hard, as the mighty empire America fails and falls, collapsing in on itself in a tangled mess of greed, corruption, and needless destruction.

The banksters have stolen the bulk of the wealth, and continue taking more and more each day, and it is the people who are standing up to that greedy 1% that you see as the problem? I guess all the "hard backbreaking work" has strangled your brain, making it impossible for you to see reality, and use critical thinking to actually understand your situation. If you actually believe the 1% worked for or earned the wealth they now control,. then you should just lay back close your eyes and take it, as they keep screwing you till you die. Sweet dreams.

[-] 1 points by hippledipple (6) 12 years ago

...when the government requires a certain type of currency to used, and the government doesn't supply enough currency, then you have what you have now, as the population grows, you need more currency, it's pretty simple man, when theres enough currency, you have not the unrest you have now.....these people need to keep standing up, to the problems, of the cash hoarding and non injection of currency.....fight on....RU www.hippledipple.com the answers are there for all to find....but you must roll thru the forest to gain appreciation for the answers...

[-] 1 points by unended (294) 12 years ago

Apparently you never learned that property reduces to a social judgment about fairness. Or that capitalism produces less jobs than people. Or that our particular brand of capitalism over the last thirty years has seen the overwhelming gains in the economy that we all worked to produce go to just a tiny sliver of the population, to people who just happen to command our societies largest institutions that make most of the decisions about wealth production and distribution.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 12 years ago

I marched to the Brooklyn Bridge with the protestors 2 Saturdays ago.

Tourists on the double deckers and the tour guides were shouting support and giving us thumbs up, V for Victory signs and fist pumps. Almost every bus of 12 buses I saw reacted that way.

In addition, we are not all unemployed, we are not all collecting benefits and this is not "YOUR AMERICA".

[-] 1 points by WhyIsTheCouchAlwaysWet (316) from Lexington, KY 12 years ago

Is it fair that corporations can sponsor the campaigns of the two major political parties, there by eroding my vote into a meaningless choice between Corruption A and Corruption B?

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 12 years ago

You do not represent the working class, as I do not recall an election to make you my spokesperson. Feel free to speak for yourself while you tell those here they do not represent you.

[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 12 years ago

YOU SUCK, the middle class is being destroyed by the hidden tax of inflation and you say just work harder!, you have misunderstood what this is really about

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

trolling right wing nonsense.

first off, we don't hate wall street or hate etc. we understand the problems and you are glossing them over. second. it is productive to confront the broken system. it is mor ethan fair to use unemployment funds to protest what got people unemployed. keeping decent hard working folk awake at night? please? everyone should be alarmed at corporate oligarchy and our economic system which is about to collapse. it is more than fair to use cameras to film whats going on at the protests. the police department can go home, we don;'t need them. there is no rioting. and we do hold value for those things.

it is quite fair to claim representation of the 99 percent against the caste criminal warfare corporate oligarchy.

shame on you for trolling, shame on you for lying, shame on you for spinning, shame on you for not paying real attention to whats going on, and shame on you for posting this stupid rant.

































[-] 0 points by Reigne (175) 12 years ago

Very well stated - Good Job!