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Forum Post: Impunity? Really?

Posted 10 years ago on April 16, 2014, 9:30 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm sure you've all noticed that Trashy Macaque is back. I don't suppose there are enough of us here, let alone strangers to his antics, to justify an indepth exploration of his misdeeds - what can only be called outright sabotage of the forum itself. Using his bots to send little spam bombs to users inboxes and thus, by virtue of the notifications, deny access to the site.

And spamming threads that he really didn't like with all sorts of nonsense. Including penis pics of all things. Yes. That's right. Penis pics. In red panties no less.

Lately he has been seen parading around under the guise of one cordoba and as one cicero33 - you may find them here and of course here where one defends the other against my charge of insincerity . . . but never mind.

The issue I would bring forth today is not his behavior, past or present, nor is it mine, nor any comparison between the two - even if I have done all three just now. All of that is, I assure you, simply a byproduct of that which I do want to discuss, and whether it be a positive or a negative I will leave to the individual reader's discretion.

The issue is rather that of


Do I have . . . impunity?

Because honestly, that is not clear - not clear at all.

Where I come from it does not matter who you are, nor what you have done. There are consequences. Always, always, always . . . there are consequences . . .

Whether you do or whether you do not do . . . it does not matter. Things may still be done unto you.


Take the small matter raised by shadz where he took the words of a libertarian paulite and Bircher to defend the principle of non intervention in Ukraine - Patrick Buchanan. One look at that man's past positions should be more than sufficient to dissuade anyone from using his example - as I did attempt to make very clear, with the post and in comments, here and here.

Now, before you suppose the intent is simply to rehash and so cause further embarrassment and disgrace and therefore serve as yet a stern lesson to anyone who would use the words of an unapologetic racist, homophobe, and John Birch acolyte, let me be clear - this is, again, nothing more than a byproduct, one which I am quite content to make full use of - but a byproduct none the less.

The real question, as I have said, is that of impunity. I assure you, it is not clear that I have any at all.

I simply do not care.

To illustrate my point, that of indifference, I must call your attention to a singular incident that occurred in a sandwich shop not two hours after having ripped shadz silliness to shreds.

The staff mentioned after they had left, that the two college boyz had been in the shop for over three hours prior to my arrival, and they were loud and rambunctious the entire time. Not quite so obnoxious as to get themselves tossed mind you, but enough so that their presence generated not only notice, but comment.

I could not read the back of the tee shirt that one of them wore, for it was in Cyrillic.

So what does it mean one asks? To find two obnoxious college boyz in a sandwich shop, one wearing a tee shirt in Cyrillic, behaving in a manner that is absolutely certain to generate attention - what does it mean? that this takes place shortly after placing an argument against intervention in Eastern Europe in utter disrepute, [regardless of whether it was the argument or simply its source with which I took issue] -

and all of this on the one year anniversary of Terror emanating from the heart of Eastern Europe . . .

Is there such a thing as impunity?


Let me assure all and sundry gathered here today:

I simply do not give a fuk, gentlemen. Most of you are Koch whores intent on ensuring OWS does not have an adverse impact on Wall Street's bottom line. You can all kiss my ass.



Read the Rules


[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Trashy was/is an OWS zero. The Occupy Parasite. He caused so much b-s here that it empowered the mods. A complete egomaniac with an imperfect reading of OWS' raison d'etre or of the almost inevitable factionalism that was always going to happen on this OWS forum. jart got his number from the get-go in The Park and though she still cares, she's too distracted to really see what is going on here these days.

Eg. The LoonDog running out of control and frothing at the mouth thinking 'cordoba' and cicero33' are TrashyManque' (they are NOT ... but Trashy will claim them nevertheless) .. and going around calling everyone ''libertarian & repelican'' - whereas it's he who's the ex-Republicon voter and thinks voting for Hitlary Clinton should be an OWS-compatible strategy for The 99% in The U$A !!! He is assisted and encouraged in these paranoid delusions by his crafty handler and enabler, 'snooz' ... who is himself a self-confessed ex-Libertarian - much like Trashy - who always had those very same traits of hounding people & a faux-individualism. The LoonDog is the one acting with ''impunity'' and 'immunity' here, imo.

Trashy was most likely, an agent provocateur in league with or in employ of, a cabal of Montreal based business and banking interests, who were totally against the organisational and inspirational actions of Vancouver based, 'Adbusters' and who were motivated and mobilised by their 1% and 0.01% affiliations.

The agon continues. The 99% struggle continues. Only The 99% matter. OWS is only a stepping stone to wider education, agitation and organisation of The Global 99%. Long Live The 99% Revolution ! Viva !!

per aspera ad astra ...










[-] 2 points by TheRealLamar (2) 10 years ago

Doesn't bother me. At least you make me laugh. Just don't go back to calling people fags again and it's all good





