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Forum Post: *::IMPORTANT::* Potential Solution and Direction for Occupy

Posted 12 years ago on April 6, 2012, 7:24 p.m. EST by danielplanman (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Mandatum Latin, meaning: order, decree, mandate, instruction, commission, charge, entrust, a command or order.

If war is an extension of politics, as Carl von Clausewitz poetically stated, then politics in turn is an extension of economics. The administrative and constructive tool of economics is the Corporation. That being the case it is my belief that reshaping how Corporations function and operate will likewise shape the direction of economics, and following that politics, and state sponsored aggression.
What's ironic is that there’s more than enough food, and resources to go around. It's only a system that's preventing us from achieving our potential. A system that's grown completely out of touch and out of date. Systems are creative entities; the only thing that prevents a perfect system is an imperfect vision. Mandatum is conceptualized to function along the same principles as how a vaccine anti-virus operates; “1. (Medicine) a suspension of dead, attenuated, or otherwise modified microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae) for inoculation to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the production of antibodies”. In this case the virus is an economic system that places value upon scarcity and programmed obsolescence. How the antivirus (Mandatum) operates is through the utilization of the economic delivery system; the corporation. The modern battlefield is a war of ideas. Ideas share many characteristics of living organisms. Ideas can grow, evolve, die, and breed through their host, your mind, and your ability to replicate and transfer them to those around you. If we have any hope of changing or saving our species and its civilization it’s through the embracing and distribution of ideas, whose aim is to challenge the status quo, while working within it to perpetuate a comfortable resonance between our goals, and practical applicability. Mandatum will offer shared legal, benefits, insurance, financial, accounting, marketing, sales, and general as well as executive business management services to eco-friendly large and small scale industrial, transportation, construction, land-reclamation, alternative energy and alternative green resource companies, as well as technologically innovative businesses in order to network, reduce overhead expenses, and provide companies within the framework the opportunity to focus primarily on their project objectives, without the necessity of allocating time towards the areas Mandatum will administer on their behalf. By working under our banner all subsidiaries reduce cost, and increase profit proportionately in relation to the amount of companies we maintain. The more successful a business becomes the smaller the profit percentage Mandatum requires from all of it’s subsidiaries in order to sustain its contributions to each company. Borrowing corporate structure elements from Mondragon collectives, anarcho-syndicalist, and prosperity economic models that disperse profits amongst all workers is proven to encourage worker self-governance through the combination of a standard wage, increased responsibility, and the shared financial successes of each business. Mandatums subsidiaries will offer the public the opportunity to assist in the restoration and ecological symbiosis of our species with the planet. By purchasing from us, rather than our competitors, each dollar is guaranteed to buy the highest quality ecologically friendly products and services at competitive prices customers are already accustomed to that will not only impact their life in a positive fashion, but do so by not compromising their current lifestyle. The customer is as well rewarded by knowing that each dollar of their investment into us is reflected back towards the primary benefit of the workers who produced the good or service they purchased. Currently, over 90% of all scientists who ever lived historically are alive today, 80% of all engineers who ever existed historically are alive today, as well. As technological innovation continues the price of goods and services associated with production requirements diminishes, thus allowing for increased profits and both lowered consumer, and manufacturing costs. The Mandatum brand will be synonymous with ethical enterprise, purchasing from us becomes a moral reward in and of itself. Our competitive advantages within this business framework are limitless.




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[-] 1 points by forbetter (54) 12 years ago

Corporations shouldn't have just shareholders as owners, they should also have "stakeholders" as owners. For example, if a Walmart is located near where I live, the fact that it is occupying land adjacent to me, I should have a share in it because I am forced to buy from it. Similarly, if an oil refinery pollutes the environment, then those breathing its pollution should have a stake in the refinery.

[-] 1 points by danielplanman (6) 12 years ago

Pt. 7

How and What What is an Ethical Corporation? : By remaining egalitarian at every level we insure an ethical standpoint in keeping with the wishes of all employees within the Mandatum umbrella. Combining elements of Participatory Economic theory (http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Participatory_economics ), Anarcho-syndicalism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-syndicalism ), and Mondragon collectives (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondragon_Corporation ) where workers own an equal share of the company and its profits, vote on policies that determine the direction of their companies, elect management internally, as well as hire, and terminate employees is a fair set of ethical standards by which to govern a corporation. Workers will at a base level be offered a minimum living wage determined by the economic standard of living for the region where they are employed (http://www.universallivingwage.org/ulwformula.htm ). Rather than offer wage raises based on experience, universal profit sharing is in turn fair to the company, and a more balanced form of capital increase for the worker; as the company grows successfully, or alternatively falters, so too do the profits accrued by members of the company. In regions where universal health-care is not offered by the government, a comprehensive benefits package covering general liability, dental, optometric, and any incidentals will optionally be offered to all employees, based on vote, paid for through general company revenue. Another option is for a percentage of profits to be withheld in a personal savings to be activated if severance of employment occurs, or as a bonus on top of the company employee retirement pension plan. A fair pension can be determined based on years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of a workers wage, with annuity not to exceed 80% of his or her final wage. Upon retirement, or severance termination owning and voting shares of the company are recycled back into the company, or transferred to the newly hired replacement worker. To insure fair profit distribution and strengthen internal cohesiveness as relates to communication and voting, each subsidiary co-operative will not grow past 500 members. Should success determine the need for growth past that point then the existing company will be split into two co-operatives of 250 and 251 members each, hiring further staff, as needed. Though a nice idea, it’s unfair to assume all jobs between all workers hold the same value. Some tasks demand more responsibility, experience, or education to perform. In the case of jobs that fit into the above category a maximum wage not to exceed three times that of the lowest paid employee could be offered. This would sustain the socio-economic standing of all members on an equal level to better maintain worker communication, solidarity, and demographically based concerns and viewpoints between workers. By having both a maximum wage and a fair minimum living wage determined by a company itself, rather than enforced externally through government, union or other interest, human time, energy, and resources are handled productively and efficiently. That often wage and benefit concerns are handled by external bodies outside of a company is not only a sign of internal injustice and inequality, but wasteful inefficiency, as well.

How is Mandatum different than any other co-operative? : Unlike other co-operatives Mandatum is focused on sustainable economic and ecological symbiosis. As well, Mandatum aims to be a multi-national co-operative holding company. Other co-operatives who’ve attempted to bridge multi-nationally have compromised the inherent strategy and privatized at the executive level. What that means is other co-operatives have chosen to favor a top-down corporate model for the executive governing branch of their subsidiary co-operatives. Alternatively, Mandatum’s executive board will be hired, or terminated, by vote of every worker in all subsidiary co-operatives within the Mandatum family. Over-sight of Mandatum and all subsidiaries will be conducted publicly, with all accounting, minutes of meetings, and financial data open and available at any time for public review.
To reiterate, and elaborate on what was previously touched on earlier in this framework, what Mandatum will do exactly is administer at the executive level all recommendations and directions that effect the subsidiary family as a whole. Secondly, if assigned to, Mandatum will handle any legal, benefits, insurance, financial, accounting, marketing, sales, and general as well as executive business management with the goal of reducing overhead expenses, and providing companies within the framework the opportunity to focus primarily on their project objectives, without the necessity of allocating time towards the areas Mandatum will administer on their behalf. By working under Mandatum all subsidiaries can reduce costs, and increase profit proportionately in relation to the amount of companies Mandatum maintains. The more successful a business becomes the smaller the profit percentage Mandatum requires from all of it’s subsidiaries in order to sustain its contributions to each company.

How the fuck are you going to pay for this? : I thought I’d throw a Kickstarter online, and have it set up that a donation of any amount could be allocated to either Mandatum, or any of its subsidiaries, depending on preference of the investor. After start-up is reached and Mandatum or one of its subsidiaries can begin functioning, a flat 20% interest on initial investment plus a return of initial investment will be offered on a time-scale based on projected expected revenue for each subsidiary individually. Aside from the Kickstarter, after a concrete business plan is in hand venture capitalists, such as Khosla ventures (http://www.khoslaventures.com/ ), will be approached.

Other Movements: I'm hoping to collaborate with Anon, Occupy, TZM, Thrive, telecomix, and FIN. By not uniting in solidarity and organizing towards a common goal our division forces each movement to suffer from the blows that our common grievance seeks to eradicate. That common grievance (the economic system) is both united and monumentally powerful. It’s quite easy to conquer and eliminate individual groups when dispersed, clustered, and sequestered apart from each other, but an organized, strategic partnership focused towards a common aim, and supportive of each other to that end, creates an armor not easily penetrated. By not collaborating we face the problem of not benefitting from shared information, or shared effort, which steals away both time, energy, and the overall effectiveness from our individual progression, as well as creating wasteful overlap. The differences we have between our movements are far smaller than the common aims, values, and goals contained there-in. For those within the Zeitgeist movement, and Venus Project the intent of Mandatum is a bridge towards a more sustainable model, perhaps something akin to the Resource based Economy your movements have presented. I think we can all agree that we want a free and open society with equal opportunity for all human beings, an extension to the human rights act, the elimination of Private Banking, scarcity based economic principles, and a market governed on petroleum. Through Mandatum we can take that first step to move towards our common goals, in partnership, rather than continue to face the threat of individual failures that weaken all of us as a whole, whether unified, or not.

What do I need to build this? : Construction of a concrete business plan, including a set of ethical guidelines for the corporation, and assistance with market research into the viability of the proposed enterprises, followed by a website.

-Daniel Patrick Lanman: dplanman@gmail.com

Telecomix: http://pad.telecomix.org/nanpagov Pastebin: http://www.pastebay.net/311766 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150683298154835 Fin: http://www.freedominfonetwork.org/group/mandatum

[-] 1 points by danielplanman (6) 12 years ago

Pt. 6

Other Ideas Violent Revolution: Why is violent revolution not a good idea? Historically all civilizations that were birthed from blood collapsed and returned to barbarism within a few centuries, and following that perpetuated aggression as a means of domination and control. Alternatively civilizations like the Moor’s (Al-Andulus) in Spain lasted half a thousand years, and would have continued to flourish were it not for the violent barbaric nature of their neighbors. Creative pacifism will always prove more constructive, and longer lasting than violence as a tool. Violence is the tool of the uncreative, and lazy. It's primitive. Winning a battle via violence does not prove that ones viewpoint is the correct or best approach; metaphorically it only shows ones competence at using an eraser upon a pad of paper to edit ideas, not by reasonable counter-argument, but by censorship and elimination. Lastly, violence is cyclical and only serves to foster further violence. Quick and bloody change, though quick, is proven to be unstable. Change has to come from within, and peacefully for it to take root and last. Laws are opinion given authority, what gives birth to tyranny is when the peddlers of authority don't align with the greater opinion. State sponsored aggression at home and abroad is evil, no matter how justified the intention. The bigoted arrogance in assuming that ones viewpoint is correct over another’s is immediately discredited if a show of physical force is necessary to implement it. So long as a majority in a given area hold to a view or opinion, no matter how divergent from ones own, and that opinion does not impede upon other’s ability to co-exist peacefully, the idea is sound, all else is value judgment.

Non-Cooperation and Politics: In theory non-cooperation is a good concept, but it’s not practical, nor will it prove possible to ask for the kind of dedication from the masses necessary to achieve genuine change through it. Non-Cooperation didn't work for the hippies in the 60's, and I don't think it'll work now either. We’re all alone in this together, and by-in-large we’re over-stimulated, under-nourished, and apathetic. In regards to political change, politicians only care about votes, and the largest voting bracket is the Boomer generation. Politicians cater to them and Corporations primarily. Writing to your political representative, or petitioning for change won’t carry any significant power, unless you have the strength in numbers (whether financial, or by vote) to contribute to that representatives function to maintain office by majority or financial consensus. Since greed/avarice is at the heart of the problem, as I see it, building a strategy that uses this as a delivery mechanism will provide a much stronger tactic, and in turn through it, allow us the ability to eventually birth our ideologies into political realities through lobbies, as discussed above.

Lowering consumption: I don’t think we need to modify our expectations, I think we need to look at new ways in which to fuel them. I sincerely doubt we collectively at this point will seek to lower consumption until it’s too late not to, and present economic indicators align with this thought; across the globe consumption has not diminished in the slightest, and in fact has increased, given the desire and push of developing countries to industrialize in identical fashion to already developed countries. To change the system, prior to a catastrophic crash by forcing the market is unfortunately untenable and will not work, we need to work with the market and shape it internally as best we can, as an example, we could switch to Algae Diesel for internal combustion engines, as well as Hemp and Bamboo for petroleum plastics and products. Scarcity is part of natural evolution, but the great thing about creative systems of thought is they in turn can be based upon abundance as an underlying theme, rather than the opposite. Our dependency upon any system is based on how divergent we are from it. Currently our global trade economy is completely divergent, and this is unsustainable due to overspecialization, regardless of how unethically sinister it is, it’s not pragmatic to be begin with. Specialized markets in some areas are to be expected, but when you grossly develop huge segments of land to mass produce a single good or resource you then create a dependency of inter-connectivity that is catastrophic and non-adaptive to change, not to mention environmentally and culturally devastating.
To destroy our environment is to bite the hand that feeds us, not only is it foolish, it’s dangerous. Our present over-specialization on such a broad and massive scale as to encompass almost the entirety of the global market is hedging our bets, putting all of our eggs in a single basket, based on the principle that high production lowers cost of production supported by demand. There needs to be a balance when it comes to necessities such as food, energy, and water. Outsourcing those industries to specialty markets creates a dependency system, and is weak at the knees.
As a caveat, limitations to our appetites and desires need not come directly from nature, nature should supply the guidelines and architecture, but in truth the fundamental mechanics limiting us are only our imaginations and intent.

Artificial Intelligence and Technology as a means of governance: I don’t believe in the use of an AI to govern human systems. That’s just lazy, and won’t function with anything but posit authority, when one inculcates human nature. Any governing tools that are to last have to be in ones own hands, and our own responsibility. I do personally believe that AI, once evolved to pass the Turing test, should be treated and accorded the same rights that we accord to human beings, but I do not think AI should be given special consideration, responsibilities, or privileges.
Technology is one of our greatest assets and a naturally evolved tool. We have pencils and paper to carry our thoughts, and machines to increasingly lessen the demands of survival upon our time, that being the case the only factor limiting us presently from achieving a world where art, education, and innovation are the prized peak of our civilization is in reality the economic model we currently employ. This truly is the only civilization in recorded history where art, education, and innovation weren’t the guiding lights. I don’t blame the tool (machines/technology); I blame the hand that wields them. We’re responsible for the progression of our technological advancement, it’s up to us to direct it, and when I say us precisely what I don’t mean is a system each and every atom of the globe has become enslaved to. When we start re-designing systems to work for us, rather than us for them is when we’ll start making progress.

[-] 1 points by danielplanman (6) 12 years ago

Pt. 5

G.) Government Lobbies: To tear down the economic system in its entirety would be rather foolish when it’s simply a few small problems that need to be edited out in order to correct the mistakes that have lead our civilization to the pitfalls we currently find ourselves in. Switching the body that holds and delegates our capital is an advantageous solution, however proper consideration of tactics towards this end needs to be conducted. In the spring of 2010 I was approached by an Anonymous ally involved in the Occupy movement who asked me my opinion on the best way to fight the current economic problems we face in the West. Reflexively I answered that the best avenue to hamper the institutions preventing change would be to hit them where it hurt, their pocket books, by transferring capital from private banks to credit unions. Unfortunately without further communication a movement towards that end was undertaken, which suggested (much to my horror) that in one day members of the Occupy movement should all transfer their collective wealth from private banking institutions to credit unions.
Though the concept is sound, the tactics would create more damage than the already malevolent economic crisis we find ourselves engrossed. The transfer of that amount of wealth in one sitting would completely collapse the market in what is known as a bank-run, the very same medium that gave birth to the last great depression. I immediately contacted my ally, and blogged against this approach. Patience is a virtue towards this initiative. Transferring wealth systematically over the course of a two month period is a safe solution and one that I suggest we collectively organize. Yet this solution does not solve the problem in its entirety.
Other huge issues we face, which we need to eliminate and push policies through the legal process that directs financial governance are A.) Fractional Reserve Banking, B.) Accounting Liquidity, which I recommend everyone study, yet furthering that we have the problem of valuation in the global economic market being tied to one nation’s currency. When the value of commodities, trade, production etc are dependent on the standing and well-fare of a dollar directly tied to the economic output of one nation, if that nation begins to flounder economically and its dollar dips, or crashes, then the market follows along with it. Having the entire global market valued in Federal Reserve notes (the U.S. dollar) is unsafe. I believe that by promoting a standard global credit currency that’s not dependent on the economic strength of a single nation, but is used solely as a neutral unit of measurement representing value of commodities, production, and resources etc is a safe method of regulating the international market, and international trade.
This dollar should not be constructed in such a way to allow any quality indicating ownership of it by any person, entity, or institution, rather it remain and be used as a system of valuation and measurement, solely, and not a fiat, or form of capital in itself. For national currencies a responsible and easily adopted means of determining value would be a combination of GDP and natural resources (valued by the neutral global currency) that regulate the value of a national fiat dollar. The national fiat dollar would be owned and printed by the government with each citizen of that government owning an equal percentage and share of their national currency. Lastly, removing the benefit of an ability to independently purchase shares of any national currency and eliminating accounting liquidity as well as fractional reserve banking would further cement a fair valuation of national currencies. On a semi-related note, I do disagree with any economic argument for purchasing gold. The American government, for example, pushed that once before and all privately owned gold was later seized by the government. Post that, has Fort Knox or the Fed ever been audited? I’m curious what happened to all the state gold, if it's even still there. I do agree we need a restoration to something akin to executive order 11110 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11110 ), but backed by a single commodity is rather foolish and leads us back into an avarice scarcity system. For those that argue against the concept of ‘money’ in general I’d like to point out that without a standard form of measurement we have no means to determine value, nor any means of encouraging labor. Money in itself is a tool, not an evil. How we regulate that tool determines how it can be a benefit, or transformed into a hazard. Money is the greatest bartering method we’ve developed. Having a unit that is attached to and determines value and amount is necessary no matter what system is favored economically.
It’s much easier to associate a cost for your labor, or good, than it is to simply trade for an abstract dept. A carpenter who wishes to eat, but approaches a farmer who has no need of his services might potentially starve in a bartering system where a neutral unit ‘money’ is not in place to assist in exchanges of labor. With money that carpenter can charge a doctor for a cabinet then use the proceeds to purchase goods from the farmer who then has the ability to pay the doctor at some point should he require medical assistance. Without a neutral unit agreed upon by all the entire situation of bartering becomes convoluted and messy, and regardless, for ease of functionality it would eventually be developed.
Collectivist systems on a Macro scale are problematic when they act as a governing force. What I believe we need is more of an Anarcho-Democratic approach to economics in conjunction with a flexible political system based around natural cultural demographics, and environmental geology, rather than territories set in stone. Ideally incorporating the socio-cultural political formula proposed by Joel Garreau for North America (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nine_Nations_of_North_America ), across the globe, we could then create a proper global government shaped as a funnel rather than a pyramid. For example, municipal governance trumps state/provincial, state/provincial trumps nation/continental, and nation/continental trumps global. Each system inter-connected, but as one progresses further down the chain to a macro perspective it becomes more and more about trade regulation, and distribution over governance.
The vehicle I propose, to enact the above changes in the current system, is the very same vehicle used to perpetuate it, the government lobby. By allocating a portion of the profits accrued by Mandatum’s subsidiaries to purchasing political clout, and supporting politicians whose views and aims are align with our own we stand to benefit by using the tool of our adversaries as our own. Passed economic reform the implementation of extensions to the International Human Rights act to include education, health care, and housing is, given our current technological advances, barbaric to not already have in place. I recommend using Roosevelt’s Second Bill of Rights as a framework to that end (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights ).

[-] 1 points by danielplanman (6) 12 years ago

Pt. 4

D.) The Diamond Building: The Diamond Building is revolutionary in its fusion of Dynamic Architecture and LEED Certified environmental impact. Covering some fifty thousand feet over each of twenty floors, the building itself was intended to be designed by Dr. David Fisher, lead architect of Dynamic Architecture, however given criminal allegations brought against him other architects capable of evaluating and simulating Mr. Fisher’s work will be explored. It would be a shame to eliminate the opportunity for the innovative ideas proposed by Dynamic Architecture due to the content (or lack thereof) of a single mans character, were that to happen one couldn’t help but draw a baby and bathwater analogy. The most likely architectural candidate on the horizon for this project is Joshua Prince-Ramus, given the success of his modular re-creation of the Wyly theatre. Each floor of the Diamond Building will be capable of independent motion, rotating to expose solar-responsive surfaces to the sun, supplemented by internal wind generation systems that allow the building to generate its own electricity. Only natural or recyclable materials that are selected to increase the energy efficiency of the tower are to be utilized in its construction. The glass will be insulated for thermal control, and internal structures will be designed to facilitate air circulation. Eighteen floors, as well as the adjoining five hundred car parkade will primarily be leased to other environmentally responsible companies. Potentially, the most powerful aspect of the project is the ability to change the shape of the building itself. Each floor is capable of independent rotation, oriented to the occupant’s preference. The external effect is hypnotic, with a gently twisting form that is as much pleasing to the eye as it is geared towards efficiency. The rotation of floors can be set to capitalize on maximum solar, or wind exposure. The exposable roof surface of each floor will be coated in photovoltaic ink, to maximize collectable solar energy. Further, each of the eighteen roofs is to be fitted with horizontal wind turbines mounted between floors to generate storable electricity with near-silent operation. LEED Systems http://www.cagbc.org/leed/what/index.php “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” is a third-party endorsement certification program designed to promote the adoption of sustainable, environmentally positive building and development. LEED systems were first detailed in 1994 by the Natural Resources Defense Council. Intended as an upgrade to building construction with an eye towards environmental impact, LEED is a comprehensive series of guidelines that allow a building project to be measured against an environmental standard. LEED certification for a project is granted on a points system, evaluated through construction and performance guidelines in six different areas: sustainable site development, materials selection, water efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and innovation in the design process. Once these areas have been addressed then reviewed by a LEED committee, there are four levels of certification that can be assigned to a building: certified, silver, gold, or platinum. Certification increases qualification for government subsidies and incentives, positive public relations, and demonstrates corporate viability for green models, which in turn all stimulate greater competition for eco-friendly growth. Due to more exacting materials and standards, a common concern with LEED certification requirements are the higher initial design, and construction costs. These higher costs can be easily offset through several means. For example, a geothermal powered structure requires significant engineering research to prove viability, but drastically reduces overhead costs once the building is operational. A refinement in the internal air quality of the building may mean more expensive equipment at the inception of the project, but can decrease the cost of health benefits for employees by improving the work environment.

E.) Energy Companies: A leasing program as a distributor for self-installed flagpole green generators that could be leased at current utility rates, for home, and commercial clients is a utilitarian concept. The flagpole is conceptually designed as a multi-source energy generator, combining a cork-screw vertical wind turbine with solar panels on each blade, an extending sub-surface pipe root geothermal siphoning system, and an LMBC storage battery (http://www.ted.com/talks/donald_sadoway_the_missing_link_to_renewable_energy.html ).

F.) Maglev Trains (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maglev , http://www.gizmag.com/et3-vacuum-maglev-train/21833/ , http://www.gizmag.com/startram-maglev-to-leo/21700/ ): With speeds passed 300 mph, passengers, or cargo could reach from Vancouver to New York in less than half a day. Construction would focus around the least ecologically damaging, and most direct routes to join with LRT's, and other Maglev’s, forming a grid, where applicable. Maintenance and upkeep are minimal, especially when compared to the savings earned by the elimination of fuel costs entirely, and the amount of time saved via ultra fast transportation. The unique idea of my profit plan, with the exception of commercial cargo transportation, lies within the concept of charging our passengers $0. This can hopefully be done, while still earning capital after upkeep, by relying on Advertising revenue, and government subsidy. From the efficiency and speed alone, the amount of traffic per day on these trains would ensure an enormous head count; imagine the count if it were free?

[-] 1 points by danielplanman (6) 12 years ago

Pt. 3

B.) Bioreclamation: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioreclamation#Mycoremediation ) Due to the small initial start-up expenses, and potentially high return profits, the first project I’m looking to undertake is a proposed future partnership with Prof. Paul Stamets (www.fungi.com ) for the Bioreclamation and restoration of desiccated browns-field soils, either through purchasing, cleaning-up, then re-selling of land, or keeping land post purchase and subsequently leasing it out, or offering restoration services to land-owners. Mycelium can restore soil polluted through petroleum production, radioactive, chemical, or biological contamination, as well as general landfill operations, potentially even cleaning damaged oceans, as well as fresh water-ways. Numerous professional studies ( http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/mycology/2000-April/007785.html , http://www.fastcoexist.com/1679201/fungi-discovered-in-the-amazon-will-eat-your-plastic ) have demonstrated the incredible benefits of introducing mycelium spores to damaged soil.
If keeping land post purchase it’s my hope to either create new companies, or couple with and lease some of the land to existing businesses in order to assist in the production of Hemp, and Algae for plastics, pulp, other assorted alternative petroleum product manufacturing, as well as Biofuels. The production of hemp alternatives to petroleum products could prove invaluable. Hemp crops can be produced consistently, and always cheaply. The operation, and costs associated with running a hemp farm, and manufacturing company, versus those of a petroleum mining operation and refinery are almost negligible. Hemp alternatives are biodegradable, 100% recyclable, and depending on production, they as well produce goods of equal to greater quality then petroleum based goods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemp_plastic). Although hemp does not produce good quality paper pulp, hemp pulp for the purpose of toiletries is both practical, and potentially profitable. Hempstock is more absorbent and cheaper, and the production time is significantly less than current traditional pulp production methods. Algae based fuel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algae_fuel ): From Wikipedia article Alternative Fuels “Algae based biofuels have been hyped in the media as a potential panacea to our Crude Oil based Transportation problems. Algae could yield more than 2000 gallons of fuel per acre per year of production. Algae based fuels are being successfully tested by the [United States] navy, Algae based plastics show potential to reduce waste and the cost per pound of algae plastic is expected to be cheaper than traditional plastic prices.” Other commercial benefits include marketing mycelium to agricultural producers as a natural fertilizer partnered with soy crop rotations, or as a devastatingly effective natural pesticide for agricultural and home and garden uses. Future considerations are large-scale transportable (consideration favoring the A.) Semi-Rigid Cargo Blimps 'Atlas Cargo' method outlined below) processing factories for Landfill recycling. An advantage of this method is the triple revenue stream earned through the initial reclamation, followed by the re-sale of nutrient rich soil, and metals, post sorting and processing.

C.) Charities: One of the major problems we face is economic inequality in the third world. In order to produce cheap goods for purchase in the first world we are reliant on the low cost of production and lack of regulation in the third world. With the present economic model if we were to increase the standard of living and quality of life in the third world the catch-22 would mean a lower quality of life and standard of living in the first world. However were we to solve the economic issues in the first world it would in turn resolve many of the problems facing the third world, currently. By removing the incentive of corporations to take advantage of third world resources and cheap production by offering sustainable alternatives in the first world that take advantage of prosperity, rather than scarcity, we correct not only the indentured wage slavery of those in the first world, but in the third world, as well. By purchasing from Mandatum and its subsidiaries, each dollar invested is a dollar that does not go towards the continuation of this underlying system of economic domination and slavery. This is the power of the dollar, and free-choice within a free-market. By implementing sustainable business, and living practices in the first world we deny the advantages of encouraging a third world market.
One of the greatest challenges facing our species currently is overpopulation, which poses a direct threat to the natural environment as well as civilization in its current form, specifically as relates to food and resource depletion. The effect of increasing the standard of living in an area is proven to reduce the population (http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange2/current/lectures/pop_socio/pop_socio.html ), access to general education and educational tools (like computers) and in particular the education of women (http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/2105295.html , http://eserver.org/courses/spring95/76-100g/Meredith.html ) can combat the problems of overpopulation directly, while simultaneously increasing the standard of living in a region. A plan of charitable action within Mandatum that in turn can be used as a tax write-off could be the implementation of sustainable regulatory bureaucratic infrastructure for the third world, which would allow communities who do not have the legal mechanisms in place to challenge ownership of their land and resources an avenue to do so.
Partnering this charity with other charities focused on proven methods of change, such as the donation of computers (http://one.laptop.org/ , which directly assists in general education), and 3D printers (http://www.zcorp.com/en/Products/3D-Printers/spage.aspx , purchased and donated by Mandatum ), education into the construction of affordable sustainable housing (http://earthship.com/ ), development of independent and sustainable energy production (See E. Energy Companies, and B. Bioreclamation – Algae based fuel, above ), as well as agriculture (http://opensourceecology.org.nyud.net/ , and B. Bioreclamation, above ), removes the necessity to work in dehumanizing conditions, increasing the standard of living through education, while offering the ability to legally challenge territorial ownership at an individual level.

[-] 1 points by danielplanman (6) 12 years ago

Pt. 2.

The current economic model is failing at all levels. This is due to:

-A) A combination of mismanagement of our finite resources by a system organized on the premise of continuous growth, while not inculcating the fact that its functioning is within a fixed body that can’t support it indefinitely in the capacity it has been designed.

-B) The popular corporate structure that places a higher value on management, then on the worker, and in turn creates disparity and alienation between both branches, which births external factors, like unions, or direct government involvement that impede business performance at all levels.

-C) The focus for profit all businesses strive for in combination with a lack of appropriate regulation, or deregulation that serves as nothing more than a destructive factor to all involved from consumer, to producer, to environment.

-D) Lowered quality of goods currently produced to remain in keeping with mounting demand, and resource prices, within a materialist philosophy that builds sustained return profits on producing goods meant to function, and be replaced, but not to last.

Given A to D it’s logical to surmise that the dissonance of all dependants within our current system will eventually prove untenable, either by virtue of the eventual diminishing of resources, or the continuously high profits for management and executive branches versus the steady to diminishing returns for the worker.

The Mandatum business model tackles all of these problems in one fell swoop:

-A and D) By focusing on sustainable, and eco-friendly enterprise, such as leasing, then upgrading some of our products when appropriate we decrease waste.

-B and C) Our business model focuses upon equal reward, responsibility, governance, and ownership at all levels. Rather than requiring singularly externalized bodies to restructure the economy, and insure fairness in the workplace, we believe by simply re-prioritizing the corporate body itself many of the previous problems and impediments to performance can be eliminated in their entirety.

To reinvent the wheel would be a waste of time, energy and resources. The current model and its infrastructure are engineered around the use petroleum and production specialization. For example, rather than design and manufacture a new automobile engine, design a better fuel. Instead of continuously propping up obsolete systems and industries with stimulus packages, focus on correcting the problems at their core.
If we were to focus our efforts towards the construction of new, and reshaping of old corporations into co-operatives, rather than privately owned top-down models we in turn have the ability to use avarice to our advantage. Equal ownership, profit sharing, and responsibility divided amongst all workers combined with a democratic approach towards hiring, firing, management and executive selection, as well as a corporate policy that allows for flexibility, mutability, and harmony, is the key.

Some of the projects I hope to venture through Mandatum are as follows:

A.) Semi-Rigid Cargo Blimps 'Atlas Cargo': To deliver supplies in as timely and constant an approach as possible to remote locations, such as mining and isolated communities, Mandatum would like to endeavor and engineer initial construction of six semi-rigid cargo blimps. Based around the design proposed for the Walrus HULA, our ships would be able to transport 500-1000 tons of cargo up to 12,000 nautical miles; the equivalent carrying capacity of 8 to 16 semi trailer trucks. Entire mining communities could be shipped; camp, equipment, and crew in a single flight, at any moment. The time and cost to build necessary roads, fuel for trucks, rail-lines, air or shipping ports and other transport would be canceled out entirely. A combination of solar panels, and wind turbines will generate extra power for our ships, greatly depreciating the necessity for external fuels. A collateral benefit of the blimps is the potential capability to tether them via cable-tow to existing rail and shipping lines in order to increase carrying capacity of goods and passengers to stops and stations along any rail or shipping route.