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Forum Post: If OWS is the 99 Percent of people Shouldn't they be able to ...

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 12:53 p.m. EST by stayclassyows (19)
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Elect a leader to represent them in congress/senate easily ?



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[-] 1 points by Snoggles184 (19) 12 years ago

Or perhaps elect.... RonPaul?

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

Well, the American people, last poll, I checked, seemed to disproportionately support key concerns of the OWS movement, while simultaneously shying away from OWS, itself. While almost half of respondents to a CBS poll thought that OWS represented the views of Americans, in spirit or what not, around two thirds of respondents thought that income should be more equitably distributed. So it seems that the US has a bit of an identity crisis. The USA tends to increasingly favor key issues, favored by thinkers Americans deem as radicals or Socialists, (more likely Anarcho- Communists, in actuality) but Americans are hesitant to align with persons deemed as radicals, Socialists and what not, by the so called mainstream.

Americans are thinking more like Norwegians, by the day, thinking more like Social Democrats, while the American Republican and Democratic political elite, including Obama, are moving far off into Prof. Jeff Sachs Globalist land and the Tea Party is moving into Objectivist, Ayn Rand land; yet, Americans are somewhat in denial about their new identify. This is funny, since the alternative is to support politicians with very radical Globalist ideas, looking to undermine the standard of living of most Americans and to up end the American way of life, to create a new Global order; an order that would actually turn a Communist country, China, into a Super Power. Talk about penny wise and pound foolish. [giggle]

There seem to be an opportunity for a Social Democratic Party, emerging from OWS, with a strong, highly motivated, Anarcho- Communist University Professor promoted and idealist twenty something promoted, pop culure, sub culture, to poke at the Social Democrats, kind of like the radical left wingers, from the Democratic Party, now. The vast majority of Americans will love a Social Democratic Party, focused on standard of living issues and what not and such an S.D.P. would be easier to sell, than an Anarcho-Communist Party. Eventually there could be an Anarcho- Communist wing, once the S.D.P. is running, though.

[-] 1 points by NWO4OWS (2) 12 years ago

That slogan is so idiotic, OWS is not even close to representing the 99%. They are just a mob of angry people, who will probably become increasingly violent when they don't get their way.

[-] 1 points by stayclassyows (19) 12 years ago

so they are more likely the .001 of society right?

[-] 0 points by Disgruntled1 (107) from Kula, HI 12 years ago

Thats what Ive been saying, start with the 2012 elections and write in the candidate if necessary,

[-] 0 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

That's the whole point numnuts! We have a fake democracy. RATpublicans or their junior team the Democraplicans. There are higher powers (i.e., concentrations of economic wealth) that pull their strings (our main focus here is on the CorpoRATS and Wall St. scamsters).

The media is also controlled, the majority of the media is controlled by 6 (I think) major media conglomerates. It only pumps out CorpoRAT/government propaganda. How do you recognize when the media is lying - when the newspersons lips are moving.

On top of that we have an illegitimate electronic voting system. Half the time they don't even allow exit polls or don't publicize them. ONLY PAPER BALLOTS, COUNTED IN PUBLIC. Wake up, it's all a lie.

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 12 years ago

too much logic, Mr. Spock. No intelligence here...keep moving.

[-] 1 points by stayclassyows (19) 12 years ago

Yes, I was afraid if I brought more thought to discussion this might happen uggh...

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

What a smug fat rat.

[-] 1 points by stayclassyows (19) 12 years ago
