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Forum Post: Hey, you guys are a bunch of overgrown teenagers who are too lazy to get a job or go to college.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 4:41 p.m. EST by derpderpington (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If you overgrown teenagers will get a job and do something with your life, you can be part of the 1%.



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[-] 2 points by Howtodoit (1232) 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by tzj (7) 12 years ago

Okay this action is notable! BUT we need specific action to AMEND the Supreme Court's ruling called "CITIZENS UNITED." This bit of work is the actual heart of the new, organized, 1% assault on the political system in the country. This one bit of legislation took our democracy and political system and handed them over lock-stock-and barrel to the ruling wealthy elite. Want a democracy?? AMEND "CITIZENS UNITED." Make it an ELECTION ISSUE. Write your congress man today so they will. FOCUS AND ACT!

[-] 1 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 12 years ago

Thanks for the bait.

Jobs? If you can dig up job opportunities for the tens of millions of Americans who can't find them, then you need to tell us where they are.

If you think that most students can afford an education like their parents and grand parents, then tell us oh wise one, where's the affordable educational opportunities?

If you don't have constructive feedback, keep the old pie hole closed!

[-] 1 points by changeinmotion2 (66) from Portland, ME 12 years ago

For all of these people who come in here and say we are all bums, weed smokin tree huggin hippy wannabees - get off your asses and get a real job - get on with your life and do something for a change.... OK first of all to all of you people in DENIAL and BLINDED by your own unrealistic world you have created: The good ol US OF A is in a FINANCIAL CRISIS - hard working individuals have lost their jobs, homes and are living in shelters or with loving caring family who are trying to help provide a sense of unity back into this home that ran into a HUGE brick wall - THIS IS treating others like you would want to be treated... Corporate america - these companies are US BORN companies who started in this country and grew into HUGE CONGLOMERATES - merged, got eaten up by larger corps (heres an example - Toms of Maine - bought by Colgate) Sure at the beginning there was humility and prob a sense of community because they needed NEEDED their communities to embrace them so their businesses would flourish.. they hired local people, they created a company slogan or company by-line that made them APPEAR they were all good intentioned! HA HA HA - the joke's on us ... They merged, they wanted more, they went public, they wanted more more more - just the top guys mind you... so here comes the GROWTH IN GREED - companies with this kind of behavior sent our jobs overseas - they LAID 100's and 1000's of people off ... they paid politicians to lobby on their behalf... they moved to third world countries where TAX evasion was easy and "legal"... they moved to third world countries to USE and continue to ABUSE the resources. These companies went overseas because they would be paying same CHEAP / ABUSIVE hourly wages that these people worked for already. Did we move over to help these starving poor countries develop and EVOLVE ... HELL NO... and along with labor resource abuse... We have plenty of companies who are abusing our environments - The world is OURS - we are ONE WORLD... ONE FREAKIN WORLD where yes indeed, corporations moved and raped foreign lands of their natural resources, send pollutants - KILLER pollutants into the surround air becasue THOSE COUNTRIES HAVE NOTHING LIKE AN EPA... So Africa my friends... some of our DIRTIEST chemicals being made ALL FOR WHY _ because it puts MORE MONEY into the BIG WIGS pockets - more money to allow for the excess spending on the 3rd and 4th homes ... more money to pay off lobbyists to KEEP these countries from developing any time soon We are acting now - this movement is real and WILL lead to solid changes... BIG BUSINESS you will be made to change and DO NOT ALLOW GRANDFATHERING, DO NOT ALLOW ANY EXTRA time to enact or start any new law... There won't be any "This will go into effect in 2020" - Its BULL that the latest wave in making car manufacturers chagne up their production lines to making ONLY HYBRIDS and GETTING RID OF the 30 MPG's and MOVING COMPLETELY to making AUTOS that get AT LEAST 50 MPG - is now way out there - YEARS AWAY - WHY? WHY? WHY? - MONEY... the car manufacturers like their profits - it buys them real furs and multiple autos and multiple homes. - GET REAL to all you trolls and the real lazy people are all of you happy with the WAY THINGS ARE... CHANGE IS COMING so you will have to get out of YOUR chairs! Turn the channel...

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 12 years ago

This 1994 video may help you out a bit one very small piece of the puzzle


[-] 1 points by missionbird (17) 12 years ago

Leave V alone!!!! Spread the event via real time mask of Vendetta in iphone camera !! Share instantly on facebook! Download V Camera @ apple store FREE and designed to support OCCUPY WALLSTREET


[-] 1 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 12 years ago

@Derp -- Are you shittin' me? The 1% are the 1% because they are a damn small group. Getting into that group that earns over $560k/year isn't as simple as getting a job. If it was easy, they'd be at least the 51%, wouldn't they?

I have a job and I am in the 1%. Assuming this movement is about "getting a job" is short-sighted and ignorant.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

You must have us confused with Paris Hilton. I have an MBA. Once I get my career going, I intend to go for a D.B.A. Where did you get this information, regarding the intentions or education of OWS supporters? You have been misled, I am afraid.

[-] 1 points by derpderpington (1) 12 years ago

Maybe if you got your degree in science or engineering you wouldn't have this problem. A B.S. is more valuable than your M.B.A. because in today's world everyone has an M.B.A. and universities hand out BAs like candy.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

The fall off in demand for M.B.A. graduates is tied to the fact that Companies, in the USA, are focused on harnessing efficiencies and outsourcing labor; growing foreign markets. We have science majors and engineers falling off the rafters in NY and their majors are not generating any interest in bring back primary business activities to the USA or in creating sufficient secondary function White collar careers Nationwide. Remember, NY still has, at least, twice the number of engineering graduates, as we have engineering careers. [grin]

Plus, in today's World, there is a significant demand for M.B.A. graduates, in India and China. Only India and China are out for India and China, they are not interested in cutting their own throats to help the competition; so a bunch of College grads, with a Series 7, can play the Globalist I-Bank pyramid scheme game. I wonder how many people in China write posts, complaining about M.B.A. graduates and other highly educated Chinese, protesting to get their careers going? [shocked] Oh, no, my generation intends to succeed and we are not interested in the concentration of more wealth and income in the hands of Paris Hilton, Hedge Fund Managers and I-Bankers, boo f-ing hoo. I am not interested in your bs anymore and I am not going to respond to you. I don't need Anti- middle class back stabbers complaining about my generation fighting for our standard of living, our careers and our futures. You are a waste of my time.

[-] 1 points by Jonas541 (72) 12 years ago

Yeah I have a phd, unfortunately our level of education has less todo with the complaints from the right. Unfortunately the ignorance of the people doing the criticizing seems to be the force behind their criticisms.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

Yes, ignorance must be a factor. Most of our critics would, in all likelihood, greatly benefit from our employment, in a whole host of ways. Yet, many, particularly on the right, seem determined to make excuses for companies bleeding jobs, through gaining efficiencies and outsourcing. The right seems content to live at a lower standard of living and happy to see the United States end up in the gutter. Ignorance must indeed be a factor, no doubt about it. Best regards, MJ

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

As soon as somebody complains about the "right" or the "left" it's the first sign that they don't know what they're talking about.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

Meh, there are meaningful and substantive differences, outside of Washington, between the right and the left. There is also a difference inside of Washington, though admittedly, the Washington left is in bed with Wall Street and wall to wall Reagan legacy apologists, right now.

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

You're right, there's differences in that they're both opposite arms of statism. As far as political philosophy, or moral ideology, they're in exactly the same spot: They both think we should be dominated by the state.