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Forum Post: Force MSM to cover this movement

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 19, 2011, 12:21 p.m. EST by KImbutgar (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The MSM will not cover you but we can force them to cover us by crashing tea party rallies dressed in black and having people wearing grim reaper costumes carrying coffins saying wall street victims and tea party victims. ThinkProgress had an article Friday detailing how the USA would look under tea party policies. We need to carry coffins saying RIP Social Security- killed by the tea party RIP Medicare - killed by social security. We march silently though the tea party rallies in a procession around the tea party rally that is covered by the MSM. This current rally going on now we also need those grim reapers making an appearance and encourage everyone to wear black to represent the death of America because of Wall Street, and the Teapublican party.



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[-] 1 points by Collective99 (1) from Cincinnati, OH 12 years ago

Here is a letter for the MSM that I channeled from the 99%. I encourage everyone to flood the networks with emails and letters, and demand that our voice be heard by all. Please copy and spread this letter if you agree with its' message.

Dear _( Media personality/executive of your choice),

I am writing to you to express, for myself and many others who feel as I do, the need for you and all who work under and above you to immediately abandon your networks’ current stance on issues local, national, and international, and to begin reforming your daily projections to accommodate the ever evolving collective consciousness of the viewers to whom you should be earnestly  and diligently serving, but more specifically it must become your inherent responsibility to not propagate or inject any economical/political agenda or ill-founded and subliminally expressed motive, but instead to ensure your broadcast is a true and unbiased reflection of a social structure that is, while imperfect, always surviving and rising to meet the challenges of an undeserved, yet endless climate of adversity.

Is it disheartening, I wonder, for you and your fellow accomplices to be producers of day-in-day-out fear mongering, racial bigotry, extremist ultimatums and shameless silence in response to issues of internal corruption; and an all around unfulfillable lifetime of work- Only to have it garner the full attention of strictly the uneducated and apathetic demographic, which, as irony(and lifelong social conditioning) would have it, only leads to an ever increasing demand for more, MORE of the same inhuman and psychologically toxic “news”.  Do you view your bloated stature and influential status as something exclusive and reserved for yourself and for others in positions of prominence and power?  Can you not see that the truly great minds and souls, the children of this new human era, who have embraced their role as universal players, and are sprinkled all throughout our wonderful planet, swear no allegiance to the likes of yourselves nor to the mega conglomerates within which you reside, nor to the self proclaimed ‘enlightened’ architects of society with all their vast wealth who have again come full circle in their path of ‘virtuous’ selfishness, material gluttony and self-centered spirituality .  Just as life spontaneously blinks into existence in the microscopic world, human brilliance can manifest in any fetus, borne of any given strand of DNA.  Castes or classes, whether they are a result of financial wealth, family surname, or even a future global model that graphs all inhabitants by the frequency and  complexity of their very DNA, they are simply man made lines of division to keep the perceived balance of power leaning the way it always has and to keep the powerless in a state of confusion and confliction.  ‘The Fittest Survivors’, as their hero Darwin would think of them will soon find themselves in a new world indeed, just not one that derives order from chaos; or personal value from material wealth.

Whatever I say in this letter or whatever malice or outright hatred I have felt; for the breed of people you employ and display, who excel in the mindless spewing of human degradation or for the faded one dimensional spectrum of invalid and expired viewpoints that are imprinted onto the subconscious minds of your viewers, I must in all fairness admit that I am no more innocent, than the worst of the villains is guilty.  My purpose in writing this letter is to attempt to explore the infinite depths of human consciousness that is ever at our disposal, as a method of honest transmission and divinely-assured clarity of communicative thoughts and sentiments.  I speak in a language that is recognizable only to those whose hearts align with their minds, while eclipsing the over-indulgent ego-self.  No one is better or more evil than another, of that I am in agreement, but if(when) someday I am in a position where my influence compounds my social or societal responsibility, I feel confident in saying that I will proceed in a manner that puts first the needs of those who look to me for guidance and strength.  

In closing I just want to pass along to you my support and my direct conscious intention for both your professional situation and your personal journey.  It is my intention that every person who has the power to do something everyday to improve the world around him or her, would do so with the same pleasure one feels when serving one's own family.  I think the next lesson in the school of life on earth involves accepting the interconnectedness of all living things, especially our brothers and sisters of the human race, no matter the racial leanings.  The voices of dissent and change/growth will have to come from all places along the human experience, high and low, in order for the human race to ascend from the depths of spiritual deprivation.  So I hope something I have expressed in this letter has resonated with you in a positive way and I hope to one day turn on the news and actually see something truly newsworthy and better yet, to see it done in a manner that accurately reflects what it means for a human in our time to seek out, record, and report the state of affairs on a planet in the climax of yet another progression in the ancient and infinitely unfolding cyclical course of universal evolution.  


The 99%

[-] 1 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Sep 19: The Guardian: Wall Street protest: anti-capitalists on the march - in pictures http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2011/sep/19/wall-street-anti-capitalist-protest

Sep 19: Wall Street Journal: Wall Street Protesters Plan to Stay Awhile http://blogs.wsj.com/metropolis/2011/09/19/wall-street-protesters-plan-to-stay-awhile/?mod=google_news_blog

Sep 19: Salon: A real Wall Street takeover threat Written by founder of Salon.com who hasn't published anything for three years!!!!! http://www.salon.com/news/politics/feature/2011/09/18/wallstreet/

Sep 19: Reuters: "Rage" against Wall Street power clogs sidewalks http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/19/us-wall-street-protests-idUSTRE78I51D20110919

Sep 17: Town Hall: Anti-Capitalist "Day of Rage" Protesters Unwittingly Echo the Tea Party Scathingly negative lolitarian bs http://townhall.com/tipsheet/erikajohnsen/2011/09/17/anti-capitalist_day_of_rage_protesters_unwittingly_echo_the_tea_party

Sep 17: AFP: Protesters blocked in bid to 'occupy' Wall Street http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jwB_zy0tcSXCUegKjGvlfkRmt7UA?docId=CNG.77b84336cea698f00a40b5ac55207970.de1

Sep 17: NPR: Anonymous Comes Out In The Open http://www.npr.org/2011/09/16/140539560/anonymous-comes-out-in-the-open?ps=cprs

Sep 17: Deseret News: Protesters blocked from Wall Street http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700180105/Protesters-blocked-from-Wall-Street.html

Sep 17: Business Insider: Anonymous Occupation Of Wall Street - Here Is What You Missed LOTS OF PHOTOS OMG http://www.businessinsider.com/anonymous-occupy-wall-street-2011-9?utm_source=twbutton&utm_medium=social&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=clusterstock

Sep 17: PIX 11: Protesters Slam Wall Street For Main Street Woes http://www.wpix.com/news/wpix-wall-street-protesters-corporate-greed-story,0,608840.story

Sep 17: CBS: Protesters in N.Y.C. blast money in politics Nice anarchist flag! They also quoted Bill http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/09/17/national/main20107772.shtml

Sep 17: Fox NY: 'Day Of Rage' Protest On Wall Street http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/day-of-rage-protest-on-wall-street-20110917-gjw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfjyafm05WM

Sep 17: CNN: Hundreds of Protesters Descend to 'Occupy Wall Street' WTF Change in title? http://money.cnn.com/2011/09/17/technology/occupy_wall_street/index.htm

Sep 16: CNN: Thousands of protesters to 'Occupy Wall Street' on Saturday http://money.cnn.com/2011/09/16/technology/occupy_wall_street/index.htm

Sep 17: Huffington Post: Tahrir on Wall Street http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-schneider/wall-street-protest_b_958868.html?ref=tw

Sep 17: New York Times: Wall Street Protest Begins, With Demonstrators Blocked http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/17/wall-street-protest-begins-with-demonstrators-blocked/ http://storify.com/ajstream/occupywallstreet

Sep 17: AlJazeera: US Protesters rally to #OccupyWallStreet http://stream.aljazeera.com/story/us-protesters-rally-occupywallstreet

Sep 17: NY1: Protesters Begin To "Occupy" Wall Street http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/147351/protesters-begin-to--occupy--wall-street

Sep 17: ABC: Protesters Begin Effort to Occupy Wall Street http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/09/protesters-begin-effort-to-occupy-wall-street/

Sep 17: Press TV: New York Mayor Warns of Riots http://www.presstv.ir/detail/199675.html

Sep 17: RoarMag: A Poem by Lupe Fiasco for OccupyWallStreet: http://roarmag.org/2011/09/a-poem-by-lupe-fiasco-for-occupywallstreet/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+roarmag+%28Reflections+on+a+Revolution%29

Sep 17: Publico http://www.publico.es/espana/396840/indignados-de-todo-el-mundo-apoyan-la-protesta-estadounidense

Sep 17: El Mundo http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/09/17/internacional/1316243700.html

Sep 16: Democracy Now: Headlines for September 16, 2011 (video time: 11:15) http://www.democracynow.org/2011/9/16/headlines/hundreds_expected_for_occupy_wall_st_protest FUCK YOU, AMY GOODMAN http://educate-yourself.org/cn/left_gatekeepers.gif

Sep 16: CNN: Twitter #OCCUPYWALLSTREET movement aims to mimic Iran http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/16/tech/social-media/twitter-occupy-wall-street/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

Sep 6: MarketWatch: Occupy Wall Street will lay siege to U.S. greed http://www.marketwatch.com/story/occupy-wall-street-will-lay-siege-to-us-greed-2011-09-06?pagenumber=1

Sep 5: 'Revolutionaries' Plan Wall St. Occupation http://www.dnainfo.com/20110905/downtown/revolutionaries-plan-wall-st-occupation